Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Police Extract Confessions with Piercing Bar Torture Method

    Torture method - Piercing bar: Victim's hands are tightly cuffed and feet are shackled. He is then forced to squat down and both arms embrace his knees. An iron bar is slid in above his arms and underneath the back of his knees. The police then lift the bar on which the victim is hung and put it on two desks. At this point, the victim is hanging upside down, with head facing the ceiling.
  • Stories about 50 Year Old Chongqing Dafa Practitioner Ms. Tang Meijun, Who Was Relentlessly Persecuted to Death in 2003

    On December 28, 2003, the forced labour camp informed Tang Meijun's family that they could come get her from the Army Hospital in Chongqing City. When her family saw her, she had been dead for two days, but she still looked as though she had firm and unshakable resolve in her belief in Falun Dafa. After suffering the cruel persecution and torture by Jiang Zemin's regime for over two years the Chongqing Falun Dafa practitioner was killed. Tang Meijun was just 50 years old.
  • Wang Tongchun, a Falun Dafa Practitioner from Jilin Province, Was Arrested and Persecuted Because He Exposed Torture

    The Police and Security Section said, "Mr. Wang Tongchun was followed and then arrested on the way to Beijing because customs agents found pictures of a simulated torture exhibition made to represent conditions he supposedly suffered in a forced labour camp and which were then mailed to individuals outside of China."
  • The Brutal Means Used by Wanjia Forced Labour Camp to Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners

    Torture method: The two arms are cuffed to the upper portions of two separated bunk beds. Then four people pull the two beds apart. This stretches the body of the person and results in horrible shrieks from pain as his internal organs are stressed. To prevent the victim from shouting out, guards seal the mouth with tape and then repeatedly pull the beds apart.
  • Hebei Province Falun Gong Practitioner Mr Cui Fengqi Dies as a Result of Persecution

    40 year old Mr. Cui Fengqi became fit and healthy after he started practising Falun Gong in 1998. After the unjust suppression of Falun Gong began in July 1999, he continued to promote and clarify the truth about Falun Gong. He was detained at his workplace many times. He was later subjected to abuse by the Tangshan City Detention Centre, where he was seriously injured both physically and mentally. He was fired from his job, harassed and humiliated by police. Due to the physical and mental torture that he suffered, Mr. Cui passed away on October the 15th 2004.
  • Torture and Harassment Led to Death of 49 Year Old Guangdong Province Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yang Mingxia

    Ms. Yang Mingxia, 49 years old, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Guangdong Province. She was arrested and sent to the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province for three years of forced labour. She suffered from severe physical tortures and spiritual abuse in the labour camp. Ms. Yang was released in January 2004 and went home. She continued to be monitored, harassed and threatened. As a result, four months later, in May 2004, Ms. Yang Mingxia passed away.
  • Weak from Torture, Police Apply Pressure on 60 Year Old Ms. Liu Yuying Until Her Death in September 2004

    Ms. Liu Yuying, about 60 years old, was a resident of Henan Province. In December 2000, she travelled to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested and detained in a forced labour cam for eight months. By that time, Ms. Liu had become extremely weak from the persecution, was emaciated and could barely walk. After she returned home, police continued to harass her at home. Under such tremendous mental pressure, Ms. Liu's health condition further deteriorated. She died on September the 17th 2004.
  • Elderly Xi'an Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhou Qingtian Tortured to Death

    Mr. Zhou Qingtian lived in Shaanxi Province and was retired. He was sent to Shaanxi Zaozihe Labour Camp in 2002 to be "reeducated through forced labour" for one year, because he practised Falun Gong. During this period, the police ordered some drug addicts to torture him by piercing his fingers with steel needles. He was again arrested in 2004 and tortured to death by Xi'an police in July 2004.
  • Details of the Relentless Persecution That Caused the Death of 51 Year Old Practitioner Ms Yang Qinghua from Wuhan

    Ms. Yang Qinghua, 51 years old was from Hubei Province. In 2001 she was sent to Hewan Forced Labour Camp for appealing for the restoration of the right to practise Falun Dafa. She was persecuted until "both eyes lost sight, both ears lost hearing, the feet lost the ability to walk, and the mouth lost the ability to talk properly." She was bedridden and on the brink of death. Although released, she was unable to recover from the mental and physical trauma, and the police continued to harass and threaten her until she died on August 25, 2004.
  • Husband Beaten to Death, Children Illegally Jailed in Prisons, Zhou Dongmei Cries for Justice on the Streets

    This is the desperate situation of a family from Hubei Province, all Falun Dafa practitioners. Ms. Zhou and her daughter, went to the streets on October 11, 2004. They held poster boards explaining the injustice that their family is suffering. People on the streets were shocked to find out that Ms. Zhou's husband died from internal injuries caused by brutal beatings by the police. They could not believe that her son was being tortured to the brink of death. When Zhou and her daughter passed in front of the police department several police officers forcibly snatched away and smashed their boards and arrested them.
  • How Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

    Torture method: Violently Beating Practitioners with Stools or Benches: Falun Gong practitioners were forced to squat on the floor with their hands behind their back. Prisoners and policemen then used stools or benches to beat them violently on the head and the back. If the practitioners did not obey them, they would be tortured with even more cruel methods.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Song Wenhua Tortured to Death at Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Song Wenhua, 56, was resident in Jilin Province. In October 2004, Song Wenhua was tortured to death at Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City. Some official from the labour camp bellowed to his family, "We don't take care of the old and sick. We also won't release him as long as he is still alive. If he is dying, we will carry him outside the labour camp's gate at the last minute so he can die outside. Then his death will not be counted as 'tortured to death by the labour camp.'"
  • With Both Legs Broken Due to Cruel Torture, Practitioner Mr Zhang Peiqi is Still Detained in a Detention Centre

    Ever since his arrest in March, practitioner Zhang Peiqi of Jilin City, has endured severe torture, which resulted in two broken legs. While four men carried Mr. Zhang into a prison cell, it was noticed that he had been so brutally tortured that there was no uninjured spot on his body, and both of his legs were completely swollen and bruised - it was a horrific sight. All twenty-plus inmates in the prison cell can testify to this fact. Lawless personnel still refuse to release him.
  • The Difficult Situation of 16-Year Old Han Zhihui, Whose Mother Su Baolan Was Tortured to Death

    In September 2001, Shandong Province Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Su Baolan died from being persecuted. Her son, Han Zhihui, who is 16 years old, is still in high school and survived. In 2003, his father remarried a woman with a 13-year-old daughter. Since then, Han Zhihui has been mistreated and abused by his stepmother. By this time his situation has become even more intolerable.
  • The Mental and Physical Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners by Guards at Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp

    Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp used a technique called "sitting facing the wall" to physically and mentally torture practitioners. "Sitting facing the wall" requires practitioners to sit absolutely straight with their faces towards the wall, their knees against the wall, and their eyes only a few inches away from the wall. They must not move or close their eyes or glance sideways. "Sitting facing the wall" is a physical punishment and mental torment for practitioners. Inmates monitor the practitioners.