Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Receipts Issued by Police Serve as Undeniable Evidence of Property They Stole from Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhong Hongxi (Photo)

    "On December 26, Zhong Hongxi was sent to Fushun Forced Labour Camp (Wujiabao). Police confiscated everything from Mr. Zhong's convenience store, to satisfy their ugly greed. They also confiscated everything from the home of his sister-in-law. They took all the money, even pocket change. They sealed the doors and left a twelve-year-old behind, alone."
  • Handan City Police Beat Defenceless Female Dafa Practitioner to Death in a Frenzy

    Wang Haizhen is reported as having extreme hatred towards Falun Dafa and practitioners. He often leads his morally corrupt cohorts to practitioners' hometowns or home villages to search out innocent practitioners. He often confiscates practitioners' personal property, money, valuables, computers and automobiles. The practitioners are forced to pay a lot of money to get their own personal items returned to them. Wang Haizhen often extorted money, consumer products, gifts, and petrol coupons, with value ranging from one hundred to ten thousand Yuan from detained practitioners' families.
  • Practitioner from Nanyang City Dies an Agonising Death from Being Hung Up

    They used a cruel torture method called "steelyard hanging" on those practitioners who had been on hunger strike for ten days. "Steelyard hanging" is to hang a person up by cuffing one of their hands, and at the same time tie the other hand with a belt and forcefully pull the hand far to the side, thus the person's body forms the shape of a hanging steelyard scale. This is an extremely cruel torture, and almost everyone hung up in this manner would lose consciousness.
  • Chinese Painting Master Qi Baishi's Granddaughter Tortured in the Beijing Xin'an Forced Labour Camp

    Ms Qi Bingshu, 60 years old, the granddaughter of the famous painter Qi Baishi, was detained in a mental hospital in Beijing and tortured solely because she practises Falun Gong. One year later, she was sent to Section Three of the Beijing Xin'an Forced Labour Camp, where she has been tortured continuously. She has become very weak. We hope that the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong can help.
  • After Suffering One Year of Unendurable Torture in Changchun City, Retired Dafa Practitioner Passes Away

    In 2002, he was kidnapped by police from the Songjiang Police Station and sent to the Jiangyuan County Detention Centre, where he was beaten so badly that his legs were broken. Later he was sent to Team Five of the Chaoyanggou Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province. After suffering various tortures at the labour camp for one year, in April 2003, he was carried back home by his son.
  • Dafa Practitioner Beaten to Death By Shantou City Police

    He passed out three times from the vicious beating and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. On June 5, realising that he was dying, the police hurriedly asked his family to take him home. On June 9, Chen Duo passed away due to the severe injuries. Learning of his death, the police forcibly took away the body. The police have videotaped the body to use as propaganda to claim that he died because he practised Falun Gong.
  • More Facts about Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Xianyou's Death in the Fenjin Forced Labour Camp

    On January 5, 2001, Wang Xianyou and other practitioners staged a hunger strike to protest prolonged detention at the camp and denial of visits by Dafa practitioners' families. That same day, the labour camp authorities began to force-feed the practitioners. At 8:00 P.M., Wang Xianyou died while being force-fed a toxic saline solution.
  • Injuries Are Testimony to Brutal Death of Female Practitioner in Shibalihe Female Labour Camp

    This lady was tortured to death solely for appealing for the right to peacefully practise her beliefs and to live her life according the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. She endured unimaginable pain and suffering and her body was injured to the point that there can be no doubt that the Shibalihe Female Labour Camp is responsible for this heinous crime.
  • Police Attempt to Coerce Family Members to Make a False Statement Following the Murder of Dafa Practitioner Wang Baoxian

    Dafa practitioner Wang Baoxian was beaten to death in the autumn of 2002 at the Fuyu Forced Labour Camp. Afterwards, police from the Tongdong Road Police Station in that area coerced his family members to write a statement saying that he died of a liver disease and not from brutal beating. If his family refused to write such a statement, Wang's child would be forbidden to attend school. Wang's family members resolutely refused. Eventually, someone from his work unit wrote the false statement.
  • Dafa Practitioner Wrongfully Dies at Hands of Police in Jin City (phone numbers included)

    On December 16, 2000 he went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and to clarify the truth. In order to do so, he printed 50,000 truth clarification flyers. After being arrested, he was sentenced to eight years in prison. On January 6, 2003, he was tortured to death in the Heshan Jail. His youngest daughter Xiang Yanzhen was illegally sentenced to three years in prison, and his wife was illegally detained for eight months.
  • Brutally Force-Fed with Mustard Solution Kills Female Dafa Practitioner

    The police brutally beat her and forcibly inserted a beer bottle in her mouth; then they force-fed her with a mustard solution. Some of this went into her lungs and she choked and coughed for a long time. She wasn't given any medical treatment and died from torture on April 12, 2003. The detention centre kept her death a secret and lied to the outside, claiming, "Yang Hailing died from a stroke."
  • Trauma Beyond Description for Falun Gong Practitioners at Beijing Forced Labour Education Personnel Dispatch Centre

    After a little more than 30 days detention in the camp, I was tortured to the point where I only weighed 90 some-odd pounds. What I just stated is only a small part of our suffering and the mental trauma is beyond words. Human language is unable to describe it.
  • Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp Responsible for the Cruel Death of Dafa Practitioner

    Several days ago, in broad daylight, the police broke into Li Xianrong's home. Li's 80-year-old mother asked, "Why do you arrest my son? What kind of crime has he committed? He just wants to be a good person and to have a healthy body. How does that make him guilty? You had to send more than ten people to arrest my son!" Without replying to her questions, the police knocked her to the ground and she lost consciousness. Upon waking up, she found out that her son was gone and that he had been detained in the Huadian City Detention Centre. She herself suffered a broken foot, which is severely swollen, and she can no longer walk.
  • Female Dafa Practitioner Dies of Barbaric Force-Feeding at the Baoding Forced Labour Camp

    Dafa practitioner Ms. Ma Zhanmei was from Laiyuan, Hebei Province. She had been subjected to all kinds of torture at the labour camp; however, she never gave up her belief in "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance." She went on hunger strikes many times to protest the illegal detention and persecution. In early May 2003, the police force-fed her barbarously, which led to Ms. Ma's painful death.
  • Two Lady Dafa Practitioners from Zhangjiakou City Are Tragic Casualties of Senseless Persecution

    In the meantime, her leg turned black and she could not walk, but no one took care of her. She still had to be present for roll call and be counted. Only when her leg developed black and purple dots and she had blood in her urine was she released. She was carried to Zhangjiakou No.1 Subsidiary Hospital. The doctors had to tragically amputate one of her legs due to the delay in treatment. She became disabled. The "610 Office" of Zhangjiakou City and Xuanhua Detention Centre cannot shirk their responsibility for disabling Zhang.