Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • The Story Behind the Death of Ms. Zhou Xiangmei of Shandong Province

    Ms. Zhou is dead, but the evil force has not withdrawn. When Ms. Zhou's younger brother tried to file a lawsuit, Li Guixiang, the city vice secretary of the Party in charge of political and legal issues, threatened to fire him if he filed the case. The information indicated that the authorities were trying to arrest Li Ning and his aunt. In Jiang's persecution against Falun Gong, many innocent Chinese are implicated. We call on the righteous people and human rights organisations in the international community to follow the situation of Ms. Zhou Xiangmei's relatives, and help free them from further persecution, threat or misfortune.
  • Severely Emaciated, Teeth Pried Out during Force-Feeding, Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Xuewen Dies from Torture

    The prison informed the family member that Zhang Xuewen's condition was the result of his stay in the Hulan county detention centre and this prison only accepted him under the pressure of the higher authorities. Zhang Xuewen had died from a disease that had nothing to do with with them. They requested that the family member cremate his body, and offered to pay the funeral expenses. Zhang Xuewen's body was cremated on August 9th under alert status of several policemen from the Riot Defence Team in the Hulan County Police Station.
  • Additional Information about the Torture Death University Teacher, Mr. Bai Xiaojun, at the Chaoyanggou Labour Camp

    One of Bai Xiaojun's family members, who saw his terrible condition right before his death, was astonished. He was so malnourished that you could identify his every bone; his body was very weak and swollen, and he had been severely tortured and was covered in scars. An X-ray showed that one of his lungs could not be seen. He died before his mother arrived. The family member questioned the labour camp staff: "Why did you inform us so late? He used to be a very healthy person until after what you did to him"!
  • Husband Dies Due to Wife's Repeated Unlawful Arrests for Practising Falun Gong

    During Qi's third detention, her husband suffered a heart attack as a result of the psychological trauma and was sent to the hospital. In extreme psychological pain, he passed away from the complications of his illness. The hard-hearted policemen did not allow Qi Xiulan to attend the funeral or pay her last respects to her husband. At present, she is still being illegally detained.
  • Dafa Practitioner Crushed by 220-Pound Basket of Stones and Alcohol Poured into the Wounds (Photos)

    I was smashed to the floor, they ground the basket against my neck and shoulder, causing my skin to immediately bleed and split open. This happened right in the midst of summer, and because they did not treat my wounds, my wounds became rotten and stank. They used a toothbrush to spread drugs, alcohol, and vinegar into my wounds. It was extremely cruel. It was not until a few months later that my wounds began to slowly heal.
  • Additional Details of the Cruel Death of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yu Lianchun in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp

    One night, practitioner Yu Lianchun was dragged from her cell to the workshop. She laid on her stomach on the floor for almost 2 hours. She tried to get up but was too weak to do so. Her chest had a big purple bruise from the physical abuse. Later, some collaborators told me what happened to her. Ordered by the police, the collaborators pitilessly punched and kicked her, and even beat her with a stool. They hit her so hard that even the stool broke. She died that same night.
  • Torture Suffered by Huinan City Female Dafa Practitioner lead to Her Death

    Many neighbours saw that she was pushed, pulled by her hair, and dragged to the police van by the police. The next day, her family received a notice claiming that she had committed suicide by jumping from the building that night. Her mother did not believe she could have committed suicide, as they saw Xie Guiying being taken away by a group of policemen. With so many policemen closely watching over her, what chance could she have to commit suicide?
  • Falun Gong Practitioners Lose Ability to Live Normal Lives as Result of Torture at Maoming City Brainwashing Centre

    She was on hunger strike for more than 30 days. During this time, she was locked in a room with sealed windows on the highest floor. The temperature outdoors was above 80 degrees, and it was over 98 degrees inside the cell. They did not allow her to drink water. Now practitioner Li Yanmei is bedridden at home, unable to gain clear consciousness. Her younger daughter has to take care of her. Her family is having even greater financial difficulty.
  • Police Mercilessly Beat Six Months Pregnant Dafa Practitioner With a Wooden Rod

    At the time, I was six months pregnant, but the policeman still pushed me to the ground, and beat my back and stomach with a wooden rod before forcing us into a crowded vehicle. I tried to escape but was caught. They jumped on me and again beat me with the stick, while grabbing my hair and punching my face. My face and mouth were covered in bruises and blood, I had loose teeth, and my clothes were bloodstained.
  • Horrific Torture at Pengzhou City Mental Institution Leads to Death of Dafa Practitioner

    One night in May 2002, Tang Xiaocheng went out on his bike to post truth clarification materials. He was illegally arrested and brutally beaten until blood gushed from his mouth and nose. He was then transferred to Pengzhou City's Mental Institution to suffer further horrific persecution, only because he followed the principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance in his life
  • Details of Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Rongxiu's Death

    The Yuhuadonglu Police Sub Station has an undeniable responsibility with respect to Ms. Liu Rongxiu's death. The political instructor of the police sub-station, Jiao Monishing, became an enforcer for Jiang Zemin's regime in its persecution of Falun Dafa. He was promoted to work in the Chang'an branch, Shijiazhuang Police Station for his cruelty in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners.
  • More Information on the Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Xianrong

    Before his death, Mr. Li Xianrong had been detained at the Yinmahe Labour Camp in Jiutai City, Jilin Province for a long time. Even though a medical examination indicated that he had tuberculosis and he should be released on medical parole, with no regard for his life the labour camp still refused to free him.
  • Cold-Hearted Police Brutally Torture Dafa Practitioner in the Daqing Forced Labour Camp

    On March 6 2003, Falun Dafa practitioner Zhuang Gangxiang was spotted by police carrying "Falun Dafa" banners. They surrounded him and beat him severely. The beating left his head cut and bleeding due to numerous wounds caused by blows from hard instruments; his face was bruised and swollen. He could not stand up straight nor walk. He was carried to Daqing Forced Labour Camp on a stretcher and was in a such a bad condition that he could not control his bladder. The following day, labour camp officials began to torture him.
  • Sudden Death of Dafa Practitioner Following Incarceration of Beloved Wife

    In the beginning of October, police officers from Anshun followed them for a thousand Li [Chinese measure of distance, a little less than one kilometre] and took the couple back to Anshun City. In mid October, after learning that his wife was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp, with immense grief and indignation in his heart, Mr. Luo Dazhao abruptly passed away at home. Due to the pressure from Jiang Zemin's regime, his daughter was afraid to reveal the facts about his death.
  • Elderly Female Practitioner and Others Repeatedly Beaten with Club in Pengzhou City Brainwashing Centre

    Despite the fact that Tang has been on a hunger strike and is dying, the "6-10 Office" asked her and her family to write something to testify that she would give up cultivation in order to release her. Because she refused to cooperate with their evil demands, Tang has been illegally detained for life. The cruel "6-10 Office" staff said to her with no shame: "Every day or every other day, we will force-feed you with some water, or rice soaked in water. You won't die, and we won't release you either."