Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Stories of Dafa Practitioner Ms Zhang Yali Before Being Tortured and Killed in a Strait Jacket

    Because she insisted on practising Falun Dafa, the police department of the Oil Extraction Plant sentenced her to forced labour. In the Zhengzhou City's Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp she was tragically killed while being subjected to the strait jacket torture. She is one of three Dafa practitioners to have been killed in this way on June 4, 2003 at the Zhengzhou Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp.
  • Hebei Province's Evil "610 Office" Tortures Younger Sister to Paralysis, Older Sister to Disability

    The "610 Oficee" sent people to threaten Huiqi's husband, numerous times, even though he does not practise Falun Gong. In the end, the family was forced to separate. Huiqi's medical expenses and care primarily come from her eldest sister, Li Huimin, who is already experiencing financial hardship. Moreover, on many occasions the "610 Office" attempted to illegally shut down the family's small shop, which is their only source of income for the entire family.
  • Heilongjiang Province Dafa Practitioner Dies from Force-Feeding and Torture

    Outrageously, the doctor and guards there force-fed him with boiling water. Following these agonising force-feedings, he had blood in his stool for several days. In early August 2003, Zhang Xuewen was transferred to the Hulan Prison in Harbin City. Mr. Zhang died in this prison on the morning of August 8, 2003.
  • Details About Dafa Practitioner Wang Xin's Death in a Labour Camp in Nanchang City

    Yuan, the head of section one, heartlessly said when someone reported that practitioner Wang Xin was about to die, "More than ten days of hunger strike should not be a problem. Wait a few more days and see what happens." I believe that those people must be held accountable for the death of Wang Xin.
  • Three-Hundred Female Falun Gong Practitioners Suffering in Harbin Women's Jail

    When her mother visited her, she even received high-pressure treatment that almost endangered her life. Guard Zheng Jie also tried to force her mother to sign the Death Statement, which indicated that her mother promised not to make the jail take responsibility if her daughter died. This practitioner's mother got so angry that she fainted on the spot. Zheng Jie still would not let it go and tried to force this practitioner's 16-year-old daughter to sign the statement. Eventually, Zheng Jie didn't allow any more family visits.
  • The Torture and Slavery Behind the Façade of "Civilized Management" at the Baoding Labour Camp

    Practitioners were forced to do hard labour for more than 11-12 hours daily. Prison guards were paying lip service by saying that practitioners should rest on Sundays, but in fact they were assigned lots of work that could not be finished even after working for the whole day on Sunday. Sometimes they would even work until midnight or 1:00 a.m.
  • Dafa Practitioners from Qianjiang City Oil Field Tortured During Interrogation

    After enforcers from the Jianghan Oil Field Police Division had persecuted these Dafa practitioners, the police there killed one thief during torture and extortion of a confession. Because of this incident, three guards suffered heavy penalties and were sentenced to jail, the police chief was also forced to resign.
  • Innocent Elderly Female Dafa Practitioner Beaten by Police in Detention Centre

    In fact, she didn't recover her hearing until more than one month later. After the brutal beating, brutal officer Yu Deming put practitioner Wang Ping in handcuffs and heavy shackles that are usually used for criminals on death row. He strutted through the divisions and claimed, "I'll cuff Wang Ping for a week. If she doesn't obey me, "I'll put another one on her until she's dead."
  • Hebei Province Police Viciously Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners to Disability

    The policemen would not allow the practitioners to use the toilet or to eat. They told the practitioners, "No matter whose name you call out for help, it's not going to work." As a result of this severe torture, Ms. Zhang Fengzhi's lower limbs were paralysed. Whenever there was an inspection, the policemen dared not keep the disabled practitioners in this detention centre, so they secretly transferred them to another detention centre.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Died as a Result of Police Persecution in Shanxi Province

    The last time he was detained, the judge said that he would sentence Wang Zhiming to five years imprisonment during the illegal trial. Wang Zhiming kept silent in the court and firmly resisted the evil people. In the end, the court hastily wound up the matter. By that time, Wang Zhiming had been on a hunger strike continuously for more than 60 days, as his only recourse to protest against the unjust incarceration and he was extremely weak. The police were afraid of undertaking the responsibility and sent him to a hospital. According to the doctor, due to delay in treatment, Wang Zhiming's brain had already withered.
  • Violent Beatings Leads to Tragic Death of Dafa Practitioner in Changchun City

    About three days later, guard Gao Zhilu, the person most notorious for persecuting Falun Gong at this camp, inspected the practitioners in Group Four. Mr. Sun Futao shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" Under Gao Zhilu's orders, inmates Xu Hui and others brutally beat Sun Futao. One side of Mr. Sun's neck swelled up badly as a result of the beating. This swelling never went away and was still visible at the time of Sun's death. During the 2003 Chinese New Year, Sun Futao was tortured to death at this Chaoyanggou Labour Camp.
  • Female Practitioner Passes Away after Suffering Excruciating Torture in Women's Prison

    She suffered various tortures and cruel treatment in the prison. On July 18, 2003, she lost consciousness and was near death. At 9:30 p.m., her family members took her to the No. 2 Hospital of East Metal Chemical Company in Jilin City. On July 19 at 1:00 p.m., she passed away. In total, Deng Shiying had been brutally persecuted for 10 months and 4 days.
  • The Torture and Murder of Falun Gong Practitioners at Zhengding County Police Department

    On the evening of May 5, Zhao suddenly disppeared from the work unit. On May 11, his body was dug out from the roadbed underlying the railroad connecting Beijing and Guangzhou. Upon inspection, his body was determined to have been buried for two days. His head was hardly recognisable, and his back, shoulder, and abdomen had severe swelling. His work unit and local police station strictly blocked the news and forced his family into cremating the body quickly.
  • Doctor Dong Cuifang Tortured to Death; Her Fiancée and Pilot Shen Wenjie Is Illegally Incarcerated

    Dong Cuifang and Shen Wenjie had been engaged for a long time, and due to the persecution since July 20 1999, they were unable to get married. They had been in love for almost 10 years, and hundreds of letters were exchanged between them. Dong Cuifang has now been tortured to death, Shen Wenjie has been unjustly jailed, and the couple in this photo are now separated by life and death. As far as we know, her fiancée does not know of this tragic news.
  • Handicapped Falun Gong Practitioner Cruelly Shocked by Electric Batons in Water in Dabei Prison

    Wang's elderly mother went to Shenyang to see him. After she returned home, she was distraught by her son's situation. However, she dares not let Wang Guozhi's 90-year-old grandmother know about it, fearing that she could not endure the news. Whenever Wang Guozhi's wife talks about him, she breaks down crying. She has two young daughters to care for without their father.