Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Prison Doctor Brings Shame to Medical Name With His Vicious Force-Feeding Methods

    At the same time, so-called Dr. Zhu Xiaobo also hit Ms. Zhang's head very hard and shouted: "Aren't Liu Jie and others all dead? Have you even seen any of us be punished?" These evil-doers did not care whether a Dafa practitioner lived or died as they pinched Zhang Jingyan's nose, forced her mouth open to breathe, and force-fed her. They also threatened that Zhang would have to undergo forced-feeding twice a day if she did not eat again.
  • Horrific Torture Rendered Female Dafa Practitioner Unable to Walk in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    Fearing Yang's family would see from her appearance that she was being tortured, the guards did not allow them to visit her. They also deceived her family. Presently poor Yang Chunfang still cannot walk by herself, but she never gives in and always remains firm in her belief.
  • Dafa Practitioner Relentlessly Persecuted by Chenzhou City "610 Office," His Wife Tortured to Death

    Two months later, two policemen sent Mrs. Xiao back home. She had been tortured beyond recognition. Upon seeing her family members, she could not stop crying. The police officers claimed, "We didn't beat her." Upon hearing this, she immediately lifted her head with her eyes open wide and said with great force and conviction, "Among all of you, which one hasn't beaten me?"
  • Hunan Province Female Dafa Practitioner Detained for Nine Unbearable Months

    They still threatened me, telling me that they would take off my clothes, send me to the male jail cell and humiliate me, which would be worse than death. My hands had turned black and blue from the handcuffing, I could barely breathe and simply could not endure the pain anymore. At this time, one of the policemen said: "I can tell you that a Falun Gong practitioner's death means nothing to us, and it will be called 'suicide' if we beat you to death. We do not have to bear any responsibility."
  • Two Falun Dafa Practitioners Die from Severe Torture in Changchun City

    It is said that she suffered repeated brutal torture at Changchun's No.3 Detention Centre. Her hands and feet were cuffed together for long periods of time. Each time when being interrogated she was tortured until she was on the verge of death. The detention centre police did nothing to treat her wounds. Moreover, they savagely force-fed her with raw corn meal, hot pepper powder and mustard powder mixed with water. Multiple sources have verified that Li Shuqin was tortured so severely it led to her death.
  • Atrocities in the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp: Victims Ribs Exposed and Festering Open Wounds

    The clinic director Wang Chunshi told Li Qiang, "My wife and I want to travel but are short of money. If you give me 10,000 Yuan, I will make sure you get bailed out for medical care." Li Qiang refused. Wang then said, "Even if you don't give me the money, you won't be able to pay anything less. I'll give you drips costing over 200 Yuan per bottle. I'll do it everyday." He also threatened to force-feed or torture Mr. Li to death.
  • Xinhua Forced Labour Camp Cover Up Death of Dafa Practitioner Caused by Torture

    After Li Xinze was tortured to death, the authorities made up lies to block the news and had psychologist write a false report in order to deceive Li Xinze's family and to vilify Dafa. The Youxian District Test Laboratory also falsified its report to conceal the truth of Li Xinze's persecution in an attempt to escape responsibility.
  • Guangzhou's Tianhe District "Legal System School" is Nothing But a Concentration Camp

    The Jiang Zemin regime spent several million Yuan to build this concentration camp that is specifically designed to illegally detain and torture Falun Gong practitioners. The "Legal System School" is enclosed by several iron gates, and there is no sign or name on the entrance. All security officers enter the building wearing plain clothes and turn in their ID card. No outsiders know that it is a place where Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted.
  • Brutal Force-Feeding Leads to Painful Death of Female Dafa Practitioner in Zhengzhou City

    Chief: Cheng Haitao. When he tortured Dafa practitioners with force-feeding, this individual claimed, "I'll torment you to the end even if I lose my job." When he saw blood on the feeding tube, he said, "Don't even think about getting out, even if you bleed." (From an eye-witness account)
  • Young Girl's Parents Tragically Pass Away As a Result of Persecution in Fushun City

    Huang Ke was continually persecuted over the course of four years, and finally passed away as a result of all the torture he endured. The impact to the couple's child and parents is unimaginable and cruel beyond description. How tragic that a once happy family was torn apart only because the parents followed the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" in their lives.
  • Account of Horrendous Abuse of a 16 Year Old Girl in Handan City

    Her daughter was brutally tortured because she didn't give up practising Dafa, refusing to write any of the so-called "Guarantee Statements." She was handcuffed and fitted with heavy shackles. She was shocked with high voltage electric batons four times, twice all over her body after she was stripped completely naked. This is the kind of persecution the police forced upon a 16-year-old girl!
  • Another Blood Debt - Dafa Practitioner Ms. Hu Yuehui Dies from Torture

    The news source also says Hu Yuehui held a one-and-a-half year hunger strike to protest the persecution. During this time, the guards force-fed her and they intentionally left the feeding tube in her stomach for several days. Later, Hu Yuehui pulled out the tube herself. It was covered with blood. The labour camp didn't release her until she was on the verge of death. Hu Yuehui died soon after she returned home.
  • Dafa Practitioner Dies from Cruel Torture in Suihua Forced Labour Camp

    Local police abducted him from his home in March 2002. He was sent to Suihua Forced Labour Camp and was cruelly tortured because he wouldn't give up practising Falun Gong. On July 18, 2003, he died in Suihua City Hospital. Details are under investigation.
  • Female Dafa Practitioner from Liaoning Province Dies As A Result of Police Harassment

    On July 12, 2003, she just came back from town when the police came again to arrest her. At around 8:00 a.m., a white car suddenly stopped at her home. Seeing the car, her grandson shouted, "The police have come to arrest you!" Sang Shuqing quickly got out of bed and planned to jump out of the window. Unfortunately, her head hit the window frame and she fell to the ground and died.
  • Police Viciously Torment Dafa Practitioner Mr. Ning Jun from Mudanjiang City

    As a result, he was illegally detained in a labour camp for two years. At that time, a person would be sentenced to a labour camp if he admitted that he practised Falun Gong. At the same time, he would be released if he gave up the practise. Ning Jun's harmonious family was consequently torn apart because of his detention.