Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Dalian Forced Labour Camp Officials Intensify Mental and Physical Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners

    During the process, the prison guard first pretended to be friendly and chatted with the practitioners, but gradually spread rumours about them, and then proceeded to harrass them non-stop. Once practitioners saw through the facade and exposed their true natures or resisted them, they would threaten the practitioners with "forcible transformation" and "extended labour camp sentences." Any practitioner who went on a hunger strike would be physically tortured.
  • Calling for Urgent Rescue of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Chengyan in Fushun City

    Ms. Liu passed out from the beating and the hunger strike whilst in detention and was sent to Fushun City Central Hospital for emergency treatment. The detention centre requested money from her family. Her family didn't have enough money, so the police sent Ms. Liu back to the detention centre. Detention centre head Yu Guide said to Ms. Liu's father, "Liu Chengyan may die! You people should pay for her to be treated." But poor Liu Chengyan's father didn't have any money to pay for his daughter's hospital bills and she is now on the verge of death.
  • Twenty-Seven Vile Methods of Torture Used In the Wutongqiao Detention Centre, Leshan City

    Sichuan Province utilize 27 cruel methods to torture Falun Gong practitioners. The group leader of a local "610 Office"* Du once said, "You will be melted even if you are made of steel, and every Falun Gong practitioner will go through this treatment."
  • Shandong Province Female Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death

    On March 4, 2003, police officers drove an ambulance to Xu's home and arrested her. Xu Jiling was very weak at that time. Her sister tried to stop the arrest, but then she was also arrested. Later, Ms. Xu passed out and was sent to a hospital. She was even closely monitored while in the hospital. Under such a situation, her health quickly became worse, and she sadly died in June
  • Qinhuangdao City Female Dafa Practitioner Tragically Falls to Her Death While Escaping Police Arrest

    Such is the nature of this vicious and tragic persecution that an innocent lady, who was only trying to uphold the truth and be kind, should fall to her death whilst escaping arrest from the jaws of a potentially terrifying fate - incarceration without legal trial in detention enduring horrific brainwashing and torture.
  • Further Information Regarding the Untimely Death of Dafa Practitioner Mr Ouyang Ming in Hubei Province

    The police in the detention centre should have provided a prognosis record for Ouyang's conditions, but instead they kept them secret. After practitioners saw Ouyang, he was a completely different person than before. It was too shocking! He was like a walking skeleton and was very sensitive to the cold. He also had an uncontrollable cough. Even though he was in his 40's, he appeared to be like someone in his late 50's. He was extremely fragile and needed two people to hold him when walking.
  • Over Forty Practitioners Hunger Strike in Jiamusi Prison -- Police Respond with Torture and Claim to Have a "Death Quota"

    To suppress the resistance, the wardens instigated the imprisoned inmates to torture the practitioners and some of the wardens themselves also beat practitioners. They heartlessly claimed that: "The superiors have assigned us a death quota, so we can kill a certain number of you without responsibility." The "death quota" is another piece of evidence for the genocide crime of Jiang Zemin and his "610 office."
  • 70 Year Old Female Dafa Practitioner Incarcerated in Liaoning Women's Jail

    It is said that the Liaohe Oil Field's "610 Office" got involved with this case. They cold-heartedly insisted on sending the 70-something Ms. Xie to a forced labour camp. They would not release Ms. Xie, even with bail bonds from the oil field unit.
  • Exposing The Criminal Record of a Public Security Division Head in Weifang City

    On the evening of June 11, he urged his police to break into Dafa practitioners' homes by climbing over the walls, prying the doors open and breaking the locks. Then they abducted three female Dafa practitioners separately, taking them to the Weifang Industrial Officials' School for attempted brainwashing. At these homes the police left four rubber-covered police batons and one steel rod, and these implements became the evidence of their persecution against Dafa practitioners.
  • Cases of Unwarranted Persecution Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Shanxi Province's Female Labour Camp

    In January 2003, Dafa Practitioner Ms. Hou Qiuguo from Changzhi City was sent to the No. 3 Team. The police immediately started to attack her every day, taking turns. She was forced to endure brainwashing and suffered brutal beatings and scolding. Under such evil attacks,poor Hou Qiuguo suffered a mental collapse due to the torture in less than 10 days. She was not able to take care of herself. In March 2003, when she was in such a sorry state, the labour camp finally let her family take her home.
  • Commemorating Fellow Practitioner Ms. Cui Zhengshu

    At the beginning of August 2003, her situation grew worse. She could not move at all. She could no longer hear. She could not swallow anything. Her body was extremely emaciated, to only about 60 lb. Her eyes were sunken in their sockets and her mind was confused. She was a sorry sight. At last, because of severe injuries to multiple parts of her body, she died around 9:00 a.m. on August 12, 2003.
  • Authorities Cruelly Torture Falun Gong Practitioners

    Fifty two year old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Tong'e was arrested and held at the Zhuhelu Police Station of Hanshan District Public Security simply because the police found a Falun Dafa banner at her home. About three or four vicious policemen took turns shocking Li Tong'e using high voltage electric batons. When she cried out in pain, the policemen took off her socks and stuffed them into her mouth and continued.
  • Taiyuan City Police Department Madly Persecutes Dafa Practitioners

    In the past four years, Wanbailin Branch Office and the 16 police stations in its jurisdiction have carried out the policy of "defaming practitioners, bankrupting them financially, and eradicating their physically." They have ransacked practitioners' homes, followed, abducted, detained, brainwashed, tortured, sent practitioners to labour camps, and sentenced them to prisons.
  • In Memory of Practitioners Mr. Huang Ke and Mrs. Zhong Yunxiu of Liaoning Province

    At the end of June 2003, police from Guangming Police Station at Wanghua District in Fushun City abducted him again and detained him in the Fushun First Detention Centre. Mr. Huang went on a hunger strike and suffered force-feeding several times. After ten days of torture, he died under police custody at 6 am on July 3, 2003.
  • Dafa Practitioner Mr. Sui Guangxi Dies of Torture-Induced Health Problems

    Due to the torture, Sui Guang had become very weak and he could not take care of himself after he escaped. His family then sent him to the hospital to get his health problems treated. He died in the hospital on July 4, 2003. The medical expense amounted to over 10,000 Yuan, causing a great financial burden on the family.