Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Dafa Practitioner Died as a Result of Persecution at Mudanjiang City Prison

    Still a young man in his prime, Yu Jixing suffered in prison because he believed that to be true, good and endure were noble principles to live his life by, even at the cost of his life. It is tragic that he should have had to endure such an unjust persecution and that he lost his life because of it
  • Belated News: Dafa Practitioner from Jiangxi Province Tortured to Death

    After he returned to Nanchang, he was then sent to the Nanchang County Detention Centre, where he was subjected to further brutal persecution. Only after 15 days that he was released from the detention centre, he sadly passed away. Due to the fact that the evil authorities use all possible means to hide the horrific truth of their crimes, it is only now, years later, that the knowledge of his death has come to light.
  • Guanghan City Mother and Baby Suffer Unwarranted Persecution

    Dafa practitioner Ms. Luo Meng brought her baby of only 8 months to take part in a group exercise. An inhuman policeman of Guanghan attempted to strike her with his palm, but instead he missed and hit the baby's face. The poor baby was hit so hard that he was not able to cry out until quite a while later.
  • Severe Torture Leads to Mental Collapse of Female Dafa Practitioner in Hunan Province

    She was knocked down hard and suffered a severe head injury. She could not eat for several days and also had to be carried to the toilet. Later, Ms. Liu was transferred to the Baimalong Labour Camp in Zhuzhou City where she suffered further inhuman torture. She gave in to the evildoers under high-pressure brainwashing. Soon after that, her health rapidly deteriorated. She often tried to alleviate her terrible headache by tightly holding onto her head. Gradually she collapsed under duress and became mentally unstable. On her way home, escorted by the police, she ran away and was never seen again.
  • Shocking Death of Female Falun Dafa Practitioner in the Jixi City No. 2 Detention Centre (Photos)

    The guards tried to block them, telling the family that no photos were allowed. Ms. Zhao's family finally managed to take several photos. After that, the forensic doctor examined the body once, but lied under police pressure saying that her body might have been wounded due to self-inflicted punches, or because she was sick, or that perhaps she had been beaten to death by prisoners.
  • 6th Shaanxi Province Dafa Practitioner Killed at Hands of Police

    In the last four years there are 787 documented deaths by torture at the hands of the police and the death toll is increasing at an alarming rate. Sadly here is the 6th Dafa practitioner to die in Shaanxi Province, after suffering untold pain. Although the evil authorities attempt to hide the evidence of their crimes, the shocking facts of their deeds are revealed one by one to the world. They can be no justification for killing people who live by the standard of "To be True, Good and Endure".
  • Zhangshu City Brainwashing Centre Torture to Death Seventy-one-year-old Lady Practitioner

    In November 1999, Ms. Tang had appealed for Falun Gong in Beijing. For that, she was detained at Zhangshu City Detention Centre for over seven months. The policeman interrogating her said to her, "If you give up practising Falun Gong, we will release you." Ms. Tang told him that she would keep practising. The police threatened her, saying that she would die in jail.
  • 7 Hellish Days in Straitjacketed Torture Chamber for Dafa Practitioner

    For seven days from March 13 to 20, 2002, Dafa practitioner Mr. Xiong Jinze had been imprisoned in a guard chamber by Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp, Changsha City, Hunan Province. The guard chamber is approximately two meters long, one meter wide, and two meters high, with double iron gates. It has a cement bench, a toilet, and a water tap. One has to eat, live, and relieve oneself inside this hellish chamber.
  • Some Cases of Persecution of Sichuan Province Falun Dafa Practitioners

    Zuo Shengwen, who is over 60 years old, was illegally detained and beaten up because of his appealing to the Taiping Town government on July 20, 1999. In 2000, due to his steadfastness in practising Falun Dafa, he was abducted and sent to Zouma Primary School and forced to perform hard labour, such as carrying bricks and rocks from one place to another place, and repairing the school's wall.
  • Guizhou Province Dafa Practitioner Viciously Beaten to Death in Police Custody

    On October 5, 2000, Mr. Long was imprisoned at the Tianzhu County Detention Centre for fifteen days. While there, he was subjected to brutal beatings and he was in an extremely precarious condition. Eight days after he was released, he died from the serious injuries he received from the beatings in the detention centre.
  • Dafa Practitioners Stripped of All Human Rights in Daqing City Brainwashing Centre

    A list of rules was set up to govern the conduct of helpers, those who are assigned to keep an eye on Dafa practitioners. Helpers are not allowed to disclose anything of what is happening in the brainwashing centre, including phone numbers, school addresses, details of practitioners' statuses, nor are they allowed to provide Dafa practitioners with any communication or transportation assistance
  • Severely Injured Female Dafa Practitioner Detained in Baimalong Female Forced Labour Camp

    During this time, she was force-fed through the insertion of a plastic tube to the stomach through a nostril and was also tortured by electric needles. She almost died from this torture. The police tried to cover their evil acts by injecting some unknown nerve-damaging drugs into the top of her head. According to Zhou Ling's recollection, "After the injection, my brain went blank." The unknown drug also caused blurred vision. Today, she still cannot clearly see things.
  • Gansu Province Police Lie to Cover Crime of Torturing to Death Female Dafa Practitioner

    Ms He Xuehua was tortured to death in mid June of 2002 at the Dashaping Prison. The police lied, saying that she jumped to her death from the sixth floor....After He Xuehua's death, two children are left behind, with no one to take care of them. We call upon the international community to pay attention to the situation and help bring to justice those who persecute Dafa practitioners.
  • Horrific Photographic Evidence of Hunan Province Female Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death (Photos)

    Ms. Chen was shocked with electric batons while in detention, just because she firmly believed in living her life according to principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance. As a result, she had blisters all over her body. Even after two months, there were still scars on her body. The torture left a big hole in her buttocks.
  • Dafa Practitioners Suffer Brutal Torture at the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp

    Since July 1999, in order to make the situation faced by Dafa practitioners in the Heizuizi Labour Camp appear different than it truly is, Jiang Zemin's regime built several new high-rise buildings, repaired the yard, paved the roads, and even constructed a workout room. From the outside it looks very magnificent, but none of these features could cover up the deeds of their persecution of Dafa practitioners.