Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Daqing Forced Labour Camp Police Deliberately Freeze Falun Dafa Practitioner to Death

    He Huajiang refused to write the so-called "letter of regret," so from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m., the prisoners tortured him by freezing him. They tied him to an iron chair, sealed his mouth and opened the windows. They sometimes took him outside to freeze him. We could hear He Huajiang's moaning and we could hear Wang Qingling's shouting, "Are you going to write it? Do you hear me?" The prisoners Zhao Lizhi and Lu Huashan, as well as practitioner Liu Fubin could hear He Huajiang's terrible moaning when they went to the second floor to brush their teeth. Due to the extensive torturing, around 11 p.m., He Huajiang was frozen to death in the 2nd unit bathroom.
  • Qinghai Province Police Cover Up Crime of Killing Dafa Practitioner

    Where is there justice when a man who had upheld the law, was a man who believed he should do his duty for his country in an honourable way, is given a labour camp sentence of 17 years and is then struck down mercilessly for being steadfast in his faith "to be true, good and endure"?
  • Hohhot Forced Labour Camp Commit Heinous Crimes Against Innocent Dafa Practitioners

    In April, Zhang Xiuxia, a 57-year old lady practitioner, was abducted and sent to a forced labour camp for practising exercises by the side of the road. While she was held in detention at the Yuanbaoshan District Detention Centre in Chifeng, Zhang was cruelly tortured many times for studying the Fa [the teachings of Falun Dafa] and practising the exercises. One time, after getting drunk, the detention centre director whipped her with a plastic hose and placed her head on the floor and ground his leather boots across her head back and forth.
  • Merciless Abuse of Dafa Practitioners by Police in Sichuan Province

    When they broke into her room and abducted her, they forcefully dragged her out and did not even allow her to put her clothes and shoes on. In the police station, the persecutors handcuffed and shackled her to a chair. During her detention, their two children were left home by themselves. Hu' wife spent most of year 2000 under detention. Later on, she escaped from a brainwashing centre. The two children were also watched. The perpetrators also posted a reward of 5,000 Yuan on the local TV and radio for Hu Peizhong. Thus, Hu was forced to flee into homelessness, away from his wife and children.
  • Brutally Tortured to Death: Former Elementary School Principal From Hunan Province

    Mr. Yan was a kindhearted person who was well respected in Hengyang City. On March 6, 2002, he and his wife were working in their family-run store, when a gang of policemen suddenly burst in and took him away. The police also ransacked the store, appropriating all the goods and money. Mr. Yan's store, worth 70,000 Yuan, was thus completely destroyed. Many of his family members and relatives were also affected.
  • Pregnant Practitioner's Baby Tragically Dies While She Is in Detention

    The police in Tianjin forcefully detained her even though she was found to be pregnant at the time. She was sent back home just before she was going to give birth to her baby yet her newly born baby was tragically dead, presumably due to the mistreatment the practitioner received in detention. After she had stayed home for 20 days, the inhumane police still took her back to the detention centre.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Repeatedly Shot by Police: Dead or Alive Unknown

    Police have lost all sense of conscience and decency: shooting at innocent people, who only strive to be good people and live their lives according to Truthfulness-Kindness-Tolerance, in order to gain favour and bonuses from the Jiang regime. Such a tragedy for humankind when the law bacomes lawless and good people fear for their safety!
  • Female Dafa Practitioner is Killed After Exposing the Murder of a Fellow Practitioner in Chongqing City

    Ms. Zhang Nengxiu went to related work units, including the local police station, and clarified the fact that Xu Huijuan was murdered, which shocked and terrified the persecutors. Soon after, the residential community office invited Zhang Nengxiu to participate in travel activities and she agreed. After that, she disappeared. Several days later (around May 15), the neighbours smelled a stench coming from Ms. Zhang's home, and discovered that she was dead.
  • Practitioner Is Tortured to Death in Notorious Dabei Prison

    Zhang Hongwei, a policeman who worked for the Dalian Public Security Bureau illegally arrested Li Zhongmin on Xiaoping Island of Dalian in January 2002. As a result of Zhang's active participation in the persecution of Falun Gong, his boss went against the regulations and promoted him to be head of the Kunming Street Police Station of Zhongshan District, Dalian City, providing him with the responsibility of specialising in the hideous persecution of Falun Gong in that area.
  • Police in Beijing's Daxing Labour Camp Admit to the Murder of Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Dong Cuifang

    However, the truth cannot be hidden. The truth will be exposed sooner or later. It is futile to admit to murdering a person and then "buy off" the victims with huge amounts of money. It is futile to bury the facts after the "purchase," using both hard and soft tactics; on the one hand threatening and on the other tempting with promises of gain. All of this has demonstrated their frustration. No matter what they do, none of them can avoid the impending true trial of justice.
  • Labour Camp Official: "210,000 Falun Gong Practitioners Are in Detention Nationwide"

    I was brutally force-fed. Because the labour camp was damp and dirty, the Falun Gong practitioners all had scabies. My arms and the lower part of my body were all festered, and my feet were festered so badly that I had to wear slippers in the snow in December. My hands could not use chopsticks, and when I urinated, I often lost consciousness due to the severe pain. When I returned home after the prison term expired, I slept on the floor for more than two months. I could not sit or stand still, and I could not lie down.
  • Mr. Wei Laihe, a Falun Gong Practitioner Dies as a Result of Persecution

    Mr. Wei Laihe is yet another Falun Gong practitioner who has died as a result of Jiang Zemin's persecution. In less than four years of persecution, verified report of more than 700 death cases have been received. However, sources close to the Chinese government have put these figures at more than 1,600. It is for this reason that a lawsuit has been brought against Jiang by Falun Gong practitioners. He will be brought to justice for his crimes.
  • More Information About the Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner Li Jian in the Henan Province No. 3 Labour Camp

    After Mr. Li Jian's death, police administered CPR and injected medicine to fabricate evidence to cover their crime. They sent his body to the hospital for "rescue." They said the rescue effort failed and that Li Jian's died due to a "heart attack."
  • Dafa Practitioners Tortured Physically and Mentally in Harbin Women's Drug-Rehabilitation Centre

    In early November, 2002, the Women's Drug-Rehabilitation Center in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province changed from its long-standing strategy of attempting to brainwash Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned there, to physical persecution--torture--for the determined ones. This article describes the most commonly used methods of torture used there.
  • Police Have Doctors Surgically Cut Wang Minli's Trachea to Prevent Their Wicked Crimes from Being Exposed

    But when Wang was asked whether she got the injury from jumping off the building, she shook her head "no." She pointed to the police and signalled that it was caused by the brutal beatings from the police. Also, there was a chance that there might be other serious injuries at the place where her chest was wrapped up. Under these circumstances, her family asked to examine her injury. However, the police refused. Since Wang Minli's trachea was surgically cut, she has not been able to talk or move around. All she can do is lie in bed. She is also unable to eat, and her life is being sustained by infusions.