Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Agonising Death from "Restriction Jackets" at Shibalihe Female Forced Labour Camp
2003-06-25Then they pull their arms up over their shoulders to the front of their chest, tie up the practitioners' legs and hang them up in the air from the windows. At the same time, they gag practitioners' mouths with a cloth, put earphones in their ears and continuously play messages that slander Dafa. According to an eyewitness account, people who suffer this torture quickly sustain broken arms, tendons, shoulders, wrists and elbows. Those who endure this torture for a long time have completely broken spines, and they die in agonising pain.
Innumerable Atrocities Committed Against Dafa Practitioners in Hunan Province
2003-06-25On March 14, 2001, to protest the cruel persecution, the illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners went on a hunger strike together. Police officers bound their arms and then dragged them out of the jail to be force-fed. Police officers fed Dafa practitioners with chili powder, chili pepper water, or heavily salted water. The event shocked the Hengyang City government. Afraid of taking responsibilities for causing the deaths of Dafa practitioners, evil police officers promised not to torture Dafa practitioners any more, but they later continued their cruel behaviour as usual.
Chongqing Female Dafa Practitioner Murdered in Brainwashing Class
2003-06-24Ms Xu Yunfeng, was a 50 year old Dafa practitioner, who was imprisoned in Chongqing Shapingba District's Jingkou Brainwashing Class for nearly two years and murdered on May 1, 2003. This is yet another blood debt for which Jiang Zemin and the "610" organisation will have to pay. These evil people are extremely fearful of having their crimes exposed and have strictly blocked this news in an attempt to cover up the crime.
Belated Report: Sichuan Province Woman Dafa Practitioner Tragically Fell to Her Death To Escape Her Tormentors in July 2000
2003-06-24I miss my company and every one of my colleagues, but I cannot sit here in safety and ignore such tremendous slander and attacks against Falun Dafa. I must step forward. I really don't want to leave my company. I am developing my career and achieving self-satisfaction here, but I also know that my trips to Beijing will make many troubles for the company, so I hastily chose to resign in order not to affect my company's future and development. My resignation will cause some losses to our company, but I hope you can understand. I obey my company's decision on my causing inconvenience to the company, and I have no complaints.
Court Forces a Divorce, Tearing Apart a Falun Dafa Practitioner's Family
2003-06-24Some officials then tried to pressure him to divorce me. I did not consent, but the judge said, "I'll rule in favour of a divorce if you continue to practise Falun Gong!" I responded that nowhere in the constitution does it say that practising Falun Gong is grounds for a divorce. The court refused my appeal and said they were informed that they must rule in favour of divorce if someone practises Falun Gong. Because of the unjust persecution of Falun Gong our happy family was torn apart and my son and I suffered a great deal.
Three Days of Agonising Pain After Release from Detention, Chengdu City Woman Dafa Practitioner Passes Away
2003-06-23After her term expired in the afternoon of April 22, "610 Office" personnel sent her to the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre, where she was brutally beaten and tortured. When seeing that Liu was on verge of death, the greedy thugs extorted 1,000 Yuan from her family before they released her. On May 23, the wife of a local Party secretary and two other people picked her up. She was barefoot, her whole body ached and her head was swollen. Her chest was black and blue, and her stomach was swollen. She was a pitiful sight.
Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp Responsible for the Death of Lady Practitioner
2003-06-23This female practitioner risked her life to tell people the facts about Falun Gong and the unjust persecution. She felt it was her moral duty to expose the lies and propaganda that the wicked Jiang regime has disseminated to the unsuspecting Chinese public, corrupting them against Falun Gong. Sadly, she lost her life as a result of this courageous act.
Vile Acts against Guangdong Province Female Practitioner Doctor
2003-06-23After learning of her tragedy, her sister, who lives in the United States, came to China to see her. At first, the labour camp did not allow her sister to see her. Later they changed their mind and allowed the visit. After her sister returned to the U.S., she wrote to the labour camp, warning them that she would expose their crimes to the international community if they continued persecuting her sister. Afterwards, the labour camp lessened their persecution a little bit, but Su Mei's current situation is not clear.
Sudden Death of Three Falun Gong Practitioners in the Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City (Photo)
2003-06-22Her family members saw the shocking bruises on her body and the big bump on her head from severe beating and demanded that the department concerned and the labour camp provide explanations for her death, but all their requests were stalled with vague answers. Consequently, Guan Ge's body was hastily cremated without any proper procedure.
Exposing the Murder of Dafa Practitioner Wang Kemin by Daqing City Police (photos)
2003-06-21The police used all sorts of torture on him for six nights and days. Wang Kemin's body was severely injured, but through his righteous belief in Master and Dafa, he recovered. The deputy chief of Sa District Security Team said, "If Wang Kemin goes on a hunger strike this time, we will kill him. If he runs away, we will shoot to kill." In the end, through the help of other practitioners and his righteous belief and righteous thoughts, Wang Kemin again successfully escaped.
The Notorious First Division of Changchun City Police Department
2003-06-21Zhang Yuping was illegally arrested while she was taking her child to play outside. The police heartlessly ignored the three year old child on the street, and sent Zhang Yuping directly to the First Division of Changchun City Police Department. They tortured her for over 30 hours with methods such as whipping and using the "tiger bench," which led to her lower body becoming paralysed.
Lawless Officials Suppress Photographic Evidence after Falun Gong Practitioner is Brutally Beaten by the Police in Suining City
2003-06-20The journalists, doctors, and the nurses were all very angry at what had happened after witnessing this persecution. Who could be so cruel to a person who would not retaliate when hit and cursed? The journalists took over ten photos of his body with ugly cuts and bruises all over, intending to publish them in the newspaper. However, the municipal government, the police department, the court, and "610 Office" all stepped in and did not allow the publication of the photos.
Ferocious Beating of Innocent 18-Year Old Young Girl Shows Depth of Evil Police in Shuangyashan City Have Stooped To
2003-06-20The homeless girl Sun had to live in an apartment rented by a fellow practitioner. However, in mid-April, police came and kidnapped her. Police from the "610 Office" beat practitioners very hard. Zhang Hongbo, who was also kidnapped together with Sun, was bruised all over her body due to the inhuman beating, and her stomach was severely damaged. Such sadistic behaviour towards a poor defenceless 18 year old young girl!
Tortured Until Physically Disabled: Female Practitioners Incarcerated in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-06-19Ms. Pan Jing from Dandong City is currently been detained in the 4th Group of the 3rd Brigade of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. In December 2002, she was tortured until she completely lost the use of her feet causing her to become disabled. She is now being detained in a small cell to be subjected to further persecution.
Phone Numbers of Parties Responsible for the Deaths of Three Dafa Practitioners from Mishan City
2003-06-19Three Dafa practitioners from Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province have tragically died as a result of persecution. Yu Tianyong died in January of 2003, Liu Guiying died sometime between October and November 2002 from being unable to breathe after she was hideously force-fed five times by Zhao Shuguang, head of Mishan City Hospital. Yang Hailing died from persecution on April 12, 2003. Details of her death are being investigated.