Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • In Depth Account of Horrific Torture That Lead to Death of Practitioner Ms. Guan Ge in Shibalihe Female Forced Labour Camp

    There is no personal freedom at all in the labour camp. Surveillance cameras are everywhere. The police assigned three to four people to monitor determined practitioners around the clock. The vicious police often beat up practitioners late at night. Starting on April 22 this year, policemen Jia Meili, Jiang Yanling and Zhou Xiaohong had been vowing to "transform" all the determined practitioners in two months. In the time that followed, their ferocious escalation of the persecution led to the deaths of six practitioners.
  • Urgent Rescue: Three Year Term of Incarceration In the Jinzhou Labour Camp Prolonged for Emaciated Mr Wang Yuquan

    We urgently call for people of conscience from all walks of life to express their concern about the persecution of Mr. Wang by the Jinzhou Labour Camp. The Labour Camp employs extremely inhumane means to persecute Dafa practitioners who do not give up their peaceful beliefs. Mr Shi Zhongyan, who was detained together with Mr. Wang, has already died from the extreme persecution. Another practitioner, Mr Zhu Feng, has been incarcerated in this camp beyond his two-year sentence by 10 months.
  • Death of a Female Dafa Practitioner at Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp

    Due to the lengthy period of intense torment to her spirit, and devastation of her body by Jiang's political scoundrels, on May 5, 2003 Ms. Guo Yaling, who had suffered injustice at the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp, departed this world at the age of forty-nine. Details of the persecution that led to her death will be investigated. Yet another person who had no quarrel with the world, but only wanted to be a better person, was persecuted to death, bringing great sorrow amongst her family members, and the husband who lost a dear wife.
  • Murder and Torture of Innocent Falun Gong Practitioners Commonplace at Banqiao Female Forced Labour Camp

    One such time, after the force feeding, looking at the blood-dripping tube, policewoman Kou Na even rediculed Bai Hong. Kou Na is a policewoman of the 2nd Division of the female labour camp. She frequently beats Dafa practitioners brutally, and often threatens them by saying - "The leaders have said that it would not even matter to beat Falun Gong practitioners to death. If you don't repent, we will torment you to death! After you die, we will just say it was caused by a sudden heart attack. The coroner is one of our people."
  • Newly-Wed Practitioner Doctor Tortured to Death in Xindian Forced Labour Camp

    Fifty days after he got married, thugs from Yuangquan City Police Department and the city "610 Office" tricked him to a brainwashing class to persecute him. Li Huiwen refused to give up Dafa practise and was brutally tortured. He was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labour. On February 26, 2003, he was cruelly tortured to death at the Xindian Labour Camp in Taiyuan City.
  • Panjin City Labour Camp Responsible for Torturing Dafa Practitioner to Death

    In early July, Dafa practitioner Liu Dejun from the Liaohe Oil Field was tortured to death at Panjin City Labour Camp in Liaoning Province. In order to shirk responsibilities, the guards at the labour camp handled the body and carried it out of the camp as if it were a live person. They then transferred him from labour re-education to formal arrest, and took his body to a detention centre. To the outside they falsely claimed Liu was still alive whilst in the labour camp.
  • Barbaric Force-Feeding Kills Two 50 Year Old Female Practitioners

    Dr. Du, a family man and doctor on the staff at the labour camp's hospital, invented this torturous force-feeding method. During this force-feeding, when Du saw that a practitioner was struggling and almost out of breath, guessing that the practitioner's heart was just about to stop, he would press down hard over the practitioner's heart, then release his hand, allowing the food to go down. The entire procedure was then repeated six or seven times per force-feeding session.
  • Revealing The Facts about So-Called "Civilised Reform" at the Guoyang Forced Labour Camp

    In order to achieve a high "reform rate," the prison guards brutally and inhumanly torture Falun Gong practitioners. For example, they force fed a Falun Gong practitioner with excrement who had been on a hunger strike for more than twenty days and was very weak. This gave the practitioner a stomach infection, a high fever of 102.2 to 104 o F (39 to 40 o C), blood pressure of 50-70, and caused her to be on the verge of death.
  • Exposing the Lies in CCTV's Programme About Woman Practitioner in Renqiu City

    About a year later, and after the persecution against Falun Gong had begun, an unscrupulous reporter disregarded journalistic ethics, distorted the facts, fabricated and changed the previous interview clips. CCTV reported "Ms. Yuan Yuge went insane due to practising Falun Gong and jumped into the Baima River together with her child." The local residents all know that the CCTV is broadcasting another fake story yet again.
  • Changchun City's Chaoyanggou Labour Camp Torture Dafa Practitioner to Death

    Mr. Sun Futao shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" Under Gao Zhilu's orders, inmates Xu Hui and others brutally beat him. One side of Mr. Sun's neck swelled up badly as a result of the beating. This swelling never went away and was still visible at the time of Sun's death. During the 2003 Chinese New Year, Sun Futao was tortured to death at this Chaoyanggou Labour Camp.
  • Hefei Industry University Undergraduate Student Subjected to Inhuman Treatment in Anhui Province

    Sometime after 4:00 p.m. on October 30, 2002, I was arrested at the door of the university by two plainclothes policemen, who did not show any legal documents. I asked them: "Who are you? Why are you treating me like this?" The two policemen said nothing but continued to beat me. I was beaten so badly that my vision was blurred and distorted. I was forcibly taken to the Hongxing Hotel. Later that day I learned that several other practitioners were illegally apprehended as well.
  • Heart-Rendering Accounts of Vile Abuse Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Hunan Province

    "Several police officers held me down on a bed, tied my four limbs with thick bandages, and gave me intravenous fluid with a neurotoxic drug. For more than 40 days, I was tied to the bed without eating or drinking. My body was soaked in faeces and urine. I was in alternating states of coma and consciousness and finally totally lost consciousness. The police kept giving me the toxins the whole time.
  • Practitioner Liu Dejun Arrested, Shot at, Imprisoned and Persecuted to Death for Meditating

    The police never notified his family, who subsequently learned of his arrest and three-year labour term through a non-official channel. After asking around, Mr. Liu's wife was able to locate and briefly meet with her husband twice in a hospital. Following those two visits, however, she was unable to determine his whereabouts. She asked the forced labour camp about his whereabouts. Although they said that he was not there, they would not say where he was. She went to police stations and similar units to ask for information about her husband, but without any results.
  • 26-Year-Old Man from Anhui Province Killed For Refusing to Give Up His Belief in Falun Dafa

    Yesterday a policeman from the Interrogation Section of the valve factory verified the death of Zhu Zhiyong. He said, "Zhu Zhiyong was arrested and detained because he practised Falun Gong. The camp had once carried out brainwashing on him. Because he resumed the practice of Dafa after he was released, he was arrested again and sentenced to 4 years of forced labour education."
  • Fanjiatai Labour Camp Commit Atrocities Against Dafa Practitioner

    In the brickyard kiln of Fanjiatai Labour Camp, it is 80 degrees celsius, and the burning bricks are red-hot. One day the police pushed Liao Yuanhua onto a pile of burning bricks. With smoke coming from his burnt body, in agony, Liao Yuanhua fainted instantly. The police watched and laughed at his suffering.