Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Handan City Labour Camp Uses Torture Against Falun Dafa Practitioners to Meet "Transformation" Quota
2002-01-30The monitor of one of the reform classes said, "Has anyone ever seen a Falun Gong practitioner curse another person, get into a fight, or avoid his duties? No. Their behaviour is testimony that Falun Gong practitioners are good people. The fact that they have become such good people merely by living their lives according to the teachings of Falun Gong indicates that Falun Gong is a good cultivation system. Why do you beat them? You want me to torture them? I will not do it. Whoever beats these good people will be committing a tremendous sin."
Falun Dafa Practitioner Huang Zhiyi from Gansu Province is Tortured to Death
2002-01-29He unbuttoned his shirt and showed them the foot long scar on his chest to prove his point. He said that the government made a mistake in persecuting Falun Dafa. The police were moved. They said, "Sir, we also know that Falun Dafa is good. But someone in the Central government has ulterior motives. He really wants to persecute people through this movement."
The Tragedy of My Wife and Unborn Daughter's Deaths
2002-01-28 -
Authorities Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners in Gantun Village
2002-01-28 -
Telephone Numbers of Those Who Murdered Falun Dafa Practitioner Yan Xiuzhong
2002-01-27 -
Muleng City Police Persecute Female Practitioners
2002-01-27Three to four of them forcefully dragged Shen into the police vehicle. Her neighbours were indignant, condemning the criminal acts of these lawless policemen. Because Shen loudly yelled for help, the police officers beat her violently inside the vehicle. Shen's mother, an elderly lady in her sixties or seventies, in an attempt to save her daughter, desperately rushed towards the police vehicle and grabbed the rear view mirror.
Practitioner Dies from Severe Injuries as a Result of Police Torture
2002-01-27Seeing that he was on the verge of death due to the torture, the police released him. By the time of his release, GU had lost the capability to move around and function normally by himself. His face was burned. His back and legs were covered with numerous wounds and bruises. His left leg was broken. His foot was burned by hot pitch and was swollen.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Dies from Torture and Abuse in a Hubei Detention Centre
2002-01-27 -
Female Falun Dafa Practitioner from Fujian Province Tortured to Death
2002-01-26 -
Falun Gong Practitioner Is Killed By Public Security Bureau Policemen
2002-01-26Fu Chunsheng, an ordinary Chinese citizen, was beaten to death simply for refusing to give up his faith in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. Jiang's regime has claimed that they would "ruin Falun Gong's reputation, drain Falun Gong practitioners' financially, and destroy Falun Gong practitioners' bodies." They stated, "[There will be] No punishment for those who beat Falun Gong practitioners to death. If any Falun Gong practitioner is beaten to death, it is to be counted as a suicide."
Daxing County in Beijing Very Viciously Uses Prisoners to Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-01-26 -
Evil Deeds of the Villians in Urumqi Xinjiang
2002-01-26Liu and Meng extracted confessions from practitioners by inhumanly torturing them before locking them up in the detention centers, labor camps and jails. They also illegally ransacked the practitioners' homes and confiscated their valuables. They reported only a very small portion of the property such as cash, deposits and debit cards and kept the remainder of the confiscated belongings for themselves.
An Account of Some of the Inhuman Tortures That Occur in Hulu Island "Re-education" Centre
2002-01-26Practitioner Li Guanghai was shocked by seven or eight electric batons for over half an hour. His face was seriously deformed, and he could not be recognized after he came back. He could not eat solid food, and could only consume liquids through a straw. He was not able to stand but had to lie on a bed for over 20 days, and was not able to defecate for 18 days.
Practitioner Tortured to Death by Police
2002-01-25 -
Who is Really Responsible for Wang Guoxin's Death?