Running Brainwashing Classes - A Way to Make Money for the Party in Fujian Province
2004-01-04Although they have the finances in hand, they still force Falun Gong practitioners' workplaces to pay anywhere from one to two thousand yuan [500 yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China]. The surplus funds go into the committee officials' own pockets as "bonuses." Once someone in the brainwashing classes yields, these officials demand that his or her employer hold all kinds of conferences for the purpose of getting credit from higher-level officials.
UN Employee and Her Husband Reveal the Harassment and Brainwashing They Were Subjected to on a Visit to China
2003-12-25"We told them that what they were doing was against international law, yet one of them named Li said rudely, "No need to talk to us about international law." He said this in a manner in absolute disregard for the law. When Mrs. Wu protested against their illegal conduct, Li said, "What is so special about being an employee in a foreign country? We dare to charge even American citizens. You will not be allowed to leave here unless you tell us everything!"
Twenty Practitioners Arrested by the "610 Office" in Shiyan City
2003-12-18In late August 2003, following large-scale efforts by practitioners to expose the persecution, the authorities established a 'Law Education Base' (brainwashing centre) to be headed by the deputy secretary of the City Political and Judiciary Committee and the "610 Office" director, Lu Jinchang. They had the City Criminal Police Branch leader and the assistant director of the "610 Office," Zhu Bangyi, lead policemen to convert hotels and motels into bases for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Police arrested dozens of practitioners, sent them to a labour camp, detained, or forced them to go to a brainwashing centre.
Charles Li Suffered Intensified Brainwashing Just Prior to the Meeting of Wen and Bush
2003-12-15One specialist on China pointed out that forcing someone to give up their faith is the same as asking them to give up their conscience and their human dignity. Brainwashing is an inhuman mental torture, causing the victim worse pain and long-term effects than physical torture. Brainwashing is unacceptable to western democratic governments, legal systems and society. The specialist also noted that the Chinese Communist Party is very focused on spiritual control. The persecution of Falun Dafa by Jiang has reinforced this dark side of Chinese society. In fact, cruel torture is routinely used to effect spiritual control, and it has been used to force Falun Dafa practitioners give up their faith and their freedom to practise the exercises.
Jiang Zemin's Regime Resorts to Brutal Means in Its Attempt to Brainwash Charles Li
2003-12-12Experts on China issues have pointed out that forcing a person to give up his belief is the same as forcing him to give up his conscience and give up the dignity of being human. Forced brainwashing is annihilative, psychological persecution; the pain and aftermath is usually more cruel than physical torture. The Jiang regime likes to use psychological manipulation, while Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong has intensified and magnified this dark aspect. In fact, physical tortures are also used for psychological manipulation, and the goal is to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief and right to practice.
Sentenced to 19-Year Prison Term, Shandong Dafa Practitioner Ms. Luu Guiling's Life Hangs by a Thread
2003-11-30The police transferred Ms. Luu the following day, September 21, to the Jinan provincial female prison where she was subjected to all kinds of torture, including forced brainwashing. At this time, Ms. Luu Guiling had been on a two-month hunger strike. The prison staff tortured her daily through cruel force-feeding. They poured unidentified drugs into the liquid food, which further damaged her health. Ms. Luu was a perfectly healthy person. What is her physical condition now? Ms. Luu's body is now only skin and bones, her muscles are atrophied and her lips are cracked. She has lost her strength and ability to move or speak! Her life is in danger! Even though her circumstances have turned worse, the prison guards frequently harass her family at home. They know no shame and extort money from them, causing them much distress.
Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp Attempts to Force Practitioner to Renounce Dafa in Vain
2003-11-29In the labour camp, the "transformation rate" has a quota to be maintained at a 90% level. To achieve this, 7 or 8 policemen, instructed by their supervisor, tortured her to an extreme. However, their efforts to force her to renounce her belief were all in vain. Then, they took out pre-written "Agreement to Transform" statements for her to sign. She refused, of course. The group of policemen forced her down onto the ground, some grabbed her arms, while some pressed and held her legs. Two of them held her hand and forced her fingerprint onto the agreement.
Dafa Practitioner Becomes Mentally Disabled Due to the Relentless Torture
2003-11-29While in detention, because Han Zhe was very determined in his belief, he was subjected to various forms of torture. Every day he was forced to sit straight on the floor for over 10 hours. Any small movement would invite brutal beatings. At night, he was not allowed to sleep...Currently Han Zhe has been diagnosed as having a mental disorder, which was clearly a result of the torture he was subjected to at the hands of the authorities.
Huludao City Police Round Up Practitioners For Brainwashing
2003-11-25On October 22, 50-year-old Mr. Zhang Dongxue was taken to the Xingcheng Brainwashing Centre by Lianshan Police Station officers. After a day and a night of torture, he was vomiting blood. The "610 Office" was afraid that he might die at the brainwashing centre so they took him home, demanding a deposit of 2,000 Yuan, which the Zhang's family refused to pay. Over a year ago, Mr. Zhang Wenxue was fined over 10,000 Yuan by the police. Ms. Ru Yuehong, from Lianshan District, along with several other practitioners, was taken to Xingcheng Brainwashing Centre. The local police are still furiously rounding up practitioners.
Ruthless Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Banqiao Forced Labour Camp
2003-11-17Mr. Zhang Wensheng was also forcibly held in a brainwashing class for several days. Criminal inmates kept his eyes open with a match so that he was unable to blink. He was continuously beaten in an attempt to force him to swear never to practise again. His body was swollen and he could not walk. He had to be helped to the bathroom. Under such pressure, he was forced to recant his belief. He was beaten again before an official meeting designed to further humiliate and reinforce that the practitioners had recanted their belief. On September 10th, Zhang Wensheng refused to write a summary of serving his terms and was tortured further and deprived of sleeping.
Brutal Brainwashing in Wuhan Women's Prison
2003-11-17Two prisoners pressed her down and another one squatted behind her back, grabbing her hair and pulling it down, in order to take the photo by force. Because she refused to recite the prison rules, she was tortured with the method of "digging the wall" for two days. Since she was detained in the 4th Section of No.1 Division, she was often deprived of sleep and was not allowed to use the toilet, as a punishment for refusing to write statements renouncing and slandering Falun Gong.
"Law Education School" in Shenyang City Cruelly Persecutes the Innocent
2003-11-04I was sent to the "Law Education School" of the Shenyang Zhangshi Labour Camp. A group of former practitioners came up to assault me right away. Their language was venomous and vulgar. They forbade me to sleep and force-fed me. After a few days, the people brought what they wrote and tried to force me to sign it with some arm twisting by a couple of them. I asked what it was. They told me that signing this paper would help to get me back home.
A "Transformed" Practitioner's Words Do Not Represent Her True Heart
2003-10-30She has had few opportunities to contact the outside world. Family members have to strongly insist to be allowed to visit her, and were allowed to talk with her only under the presence of police. Bombarded with propaganda in an isolated environment over a long period of time and forcefully brainwashed constantly, it is difficult to retain one's ability to judge issues with rationality. This is a vivid example of the psychological control and persecution by Jiang's regime against Falun Dafa.
Three Fundamental Limitations and Their Common Issues
2003-10-16Currently, there is a sense that modern science will continue to advance indefinitely and will eventually discover a complete and consistent theory of the universe. However, as much as modern science has been making great advances, it has also been discovering its limitations. As others have also realized, some of the greatest discoveries of modern science are the discoveries of its own limitations.
Photo Evidence of Injuries Sustained in Daqing City Brainwashing Class To Female Dafa Practitioner
2003-10-10The brainwashing class staff and "610 Office" staff were afraid of the fact that she was unable to take care of herself after being persecuted. They did not want to take responsibility for all of this and agreed to having her family take her home. When her family took her home, an official from the "610 Office" with the surname of Wang said, "They will still arrest her as soon as she recovers." Zhao Hongfu also said, "They will arrest her immediately after her health is back to normal."