My Experiences in the Haikou Brainwashing Centre, Hainan Province
2009-02-23On June 25th, 2008, I was abducted by two policemen who forced me into a squad car and then took me to the Haikou Brainwashing Centre. Collaborators, former practitioners who have turned against Falun Gong under brainwashing and torture and assist in brainwashing and torturing practitioners, relentlessly badmouthed Falun Gong, and my practising Falun Gong. To try and force me to give up my cultivation, they yelled in my ear through a megaphone, and they hit my head with Falun Gong books. One person said that I would not be able to get out if I did not give up my belief, and that they would beat me to death and I had no chance of winning the fight.
Crimes Committed by the Deyang City Brainwashing Centre in Sichuan Province
2009-01-18In the centre, two personal monitors are assigned to each practitioner around the clock. They report to the centre authorities every word and action the practitioner says or takes. The centre brainwashes these personal monitors as soon as they enter the centre and teaches them how to maintain a close relationship with the practitioners, and how to find out the sources of Falun Gong materials. They also learn how to determine practitioners' weaknesses so that they can be reported. The personal monitors listen to the practitioners, first observing their behaviour to find out who is more steadfast and knows more. They even claim, "We understand that after practising for so long, it is difficult to stop right away. That's why we allow you to practise a little. However, gradually you will stop practising."
The Relentless Torment I Suffered at the Brainwashing Centre in Beijing's Haidian District
2008-10-06The brainwashing centre usually used two steps to persecute practitioners. The first step was to brainwash the practitioner and the second step was to coerce the practitioner into exposing other practitioners. If the practitioners refused to be "transformed" [give up Falun Gong], the police would then interrogate them. During the first step, the collaborators who had practised Falun Gong before tried to brainwash me and "transform" me. Since they had been practitioners they knew how practitioners talked and thought. They also deliberately misinterpreted and defamed Falun Gong when they felt it necessary. They helped the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to slander Falun Gong and used their experience and evil theories to "transform" the practitioners--just for this very limited salary.
Exposing the Crimes at Taojianling Brainwashing Centre in Hanyang, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
2008-10-06When we were sent to this evil place, the cells were very damp. There was no electricity. We were deprived of sleep and were forced to stand for long periods of time. We ate mildewed rice and rotten cabbage with sand in it. Later, due to the publicity from protesting practitioners, they improved the quality of food a little bit. Each practitioner was confined in a single cell. Sleeping, eating, and relieving themselves all took place in the same cell. Practitioners were never let out. We were not allowed to talk to one another.
Exposing the Brainwashing Centre in Plant 854, Pengzhou City
2008-09-30A brainwashing centre is located inside of Plant 854, an abandoned military logistics plant. The local 610 Office rented over 20 rooms from the plant during the Beijing Olympics and uses them as a brainwashing centre to secretly persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Many practitioners were tortured to death or physically disabled in the previous brainwashing centre. Furthermore, the Pengzhou 610 Office colluded with the mental hospital in Pengzhou to inject drugs to damage practitioners' central nervous systems. Falun Gong practitioners were mentally healthy, but they were so severely tortured with the injections, that they were incoherent and appeared mentally ill after one night.
The "Little White Building" Brainwashing Centre in Baoding City, Where Falun Gong Practitioners Are Brutally Persecuted
2008-09-28Baoding Forced Labour Camp adopted brutal methods to try to forcibly "transform" Falun Gong practitioners. These tortures included forcing practitioners to use both hands to hold their heads and feet while staying in a squatting position for a long time, to lie on a wooden board, to be handcuffed to a bed frame for a long time in an awkward position, unable to stand or sit comfortably; and to endure "stewing the eagle" (long-term sleep deprivation). Political instructors often ordered criminal inmates such as robbers and thieves to beat and torture practitioners Wang Defu and Yu Yongqi with electric batons.
Nineteen Practitioners Held at a Brainwashing Centre in Laishui County, Hebei Province
2008-09-27Police officers from the National Security Team, Police Department and the 610 Office in Laishui County, Hebei Province staged mass arrests of Falun Gong practitioners, ransacked their homes, sentenced them to prison and detained them before the Beijing Olympics. After they were held at the Laishui County Detention Centre, some practitioners were taken to the brainwashing centre at the target practice field which is located in Laishui County. The target practice field was supposed to be a training place for the militia, but it has become an important site where Laishui County Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials torture Falun Gong practitioners.
The Chengdu "Law Education Centre" Violates the Law
2008-09-26The Xinjin Brainwashing Centre has received orders to force practitioners to renounce Falun Gong by any means necessary. The most vicious means is the administration of drugs that damage the central nervous system. First they mix a type of drug with food, which interferes with normal physical functions. After victims take this drug, they experience a variety of physical ailments. Then they would claim to treat the victims' illnesses with drugs that damage the central nervous system, causing excruciating pain and sometimes feelings of paranoia and mental instability. After their release, practitioners who have been persecuted this way often suffer serious after-effects to their brain, heart and stomach. They often experience memory loss, lethargy, panic attacks, heart palpitations, stomach cramps and other symptoms.
Ms. Wang Liqiu Brainwashed in Jilin Women's Prison
2008-09-25On February 13th, 2007, Ms. Wang Liqiu was arrested by police. The arresting officers forced eight bottles of a mustard solution into Ms. Wang's nose, causing her to go into shock. After pouring cold water on her to wake her, they continued torturing her until she was on the verge of death. With no evidence of any wrongdoing, Ms. Wang was still sentenced to three years at the Jilin Province Women's Prison on November 23rd, 2007. The guards put her on a torture device called the "stretching bed." While imprisoned, Ms. Wang and her fellow practitioners were brainwashed every day. They are also forced to study materials slandering Falun Gong.
Hexing Brainwashing Centre in Deyang City, Sichuan Province Exposed
2008-09-14The "Advocating Scientific Education School" in Deyang City, Sichuan Province is actually a deceptive name for a brainwashing centre established by the 610 Office in Deyang City, also known as the Hexing Brainwashing Centre . It is a three-story building, with wired, steel-netted windows, resembling a cage. The arrested practitioners are jailed in this building. In recent years, the Hexing Brainwashing Centre has been identified as a site for the detainment and persecution of large numbers of practitioners from Deyang City, Guanghan City, Shifang City, and other surrounding areas; some practitioners have been tortured to death in this prison.
Covert "Rules and Regulations" Reveal Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Crimes
2008-08-01So-called "reform through education centres" are actually brainwashing centres. They operate outside of the Chinese judicial system. The centres were specifically established to brainwash Falun Gong practitioners. These brainwashing centres, which are controlled by local "610 Offices," have been established throughout China. In almost every city, the CCP established brainwashing centres with names like "Holiday Villa" or "Legal Education Centre" or "Legal Education School." Real life examples of Orwellian doublespeak, these names are carefully crafted to cover up the real purpose of the centres. The staff at the brainwashing centres deprive practitioners of their freedom and torture them physically and mentally.
Ms. Gao Jie Sent Straight to Brainwashing Centre After Five Years of Imprisonment
2008-07-21Ms. Gao Jie, 53, was a teacher at the Shuangzhan Elementary School in Chongqing City. She began to practise Falun Gong in 1993, and benefited from the practice physically and mentally. After July 20th, 1999 when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime launched a campaign to eradicate Falun Gong, she has spent most of her time in prison. In June 20th, 2003, Ms. Gao was given a five-year sentence and served the term in Yongchuan Forced Labour Camp. Now, she has again been sent to a brainwashing centre located because she refuses to renounce her belief in Falun Gong.
Ms. Xu Xiu of Zhouzhi County, Shaanxi Province Tortured in a Brainwashing Centre
2008-06-19On May 8th, 2008, Ms. Xu Xiu was arrested at her home by police. Four days later, we heard that she was taken to a brainwashing centre inside the Shaanxi Province Workers Sanatorium and was tortured there. In the brainwashing centre, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members coerce practitioners to watch videos and read materials which slander Falun Gong, and coerce practitioners to write statements of "transformation." They torture steadfast practitioners using psychological means, by isolating them in small cells, depriving them of sleep by non-stop interrogation, exposing them to bright lights, and poisoning their food to make them lose concentration and become dizzy.
Practitioners Forced to Undergo Brainwashing and Monitoring in Guigang District, Guangxi Province
2008-04-07Practitioners were forced to view videos that slandered Falun Gong. There were over 100 such videos and a book that defamed Falun Gong. The police also searched practitioners' homes for Falun Gong books, materials and their sources, destinations where the materials were sent, those who taught Falun Gong, whom they practised with, and those who still practised Falun Gong. Each practitioner was monitored by two people. Practitioners' places of employment had to provide money and people to watch these practitioners. It is said that the cost of monitoring one person is ten thousand yuan. If the workplace could not provide people, the 610 Office would do it. They recorded every detail of practitioners' daily lives. They went wherever the practitioners went. Practitioners were not allowed to contact anyone outside of this military camp.
Brutal Interrogation and Torture at Xi'an City Brainwashing Centre
2008-04-03In the brainwashing centre, the practitioners were forced to watch videos and read books with content slandering Falun Gong. They were also forced to write the so-called "guarantee statement". Those who refused to cooperate were tortured with many means, such as being locked up in a small cell, being deprived of sleep during long-term brainwashing sessions, having lights shone in their face and being forced to eat food mixed with drugs which caused practitioners to become bewildered, and to feel dizzy and nervous. For the practitioners that supposedly knew some details that the evildoers were interested in, they were fixed onto an "iron chair", had lights shining their face for extended periods of time, and were deprived of sleep during continuous interrogation. Consequently, a 20-year-old male practitioner became unable to walk.