Exposing the Villains in the Brainwashing Centre in Fushun City, Liaoning Province
2007-11-03Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Centre was founded in 2003. It is located in the suburban area of the Dongzhou District, Fushun City, Liaoning Province. Its purpose is to detain and forcefully "transform" Falun Gong practitioners. It is publicly labelled the "Liaoning Provincial Love and Care Centre" or "Fushun City's Love and Care School." According to the staff who worked there, since its founding, the centre has detained over 500 practitioners from Shenyang, Dalian, Fushun, Panjin, Tieling, and Huludao cities in Liaoning Province. For every practitioner detained, the CCP appropriates 2,000 yuan. The centre uses collaborators, or former practitioners who have turned against Falun Gong under brainwashing and torture and now assist in brainwashing and torturing practitioners, to force practitioners to renounce Falun Gong.
Agents of the Communist Regime in Guangan City, Sichuan Province Held Brainwashing Sessions to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-10-19On September 2nd, 2004, practitioner Yang Linxin refused to watch the video that slandered Dafa, so security guard Zheng Ce brutally beat Yang Linxin on the face and asked, "Won't you watch? Won't you watch?" Yang Linxin shouted, "Someone is beating me." Hearing the yelling, guard Cao Shan and other guards rushed into the room and shouted, "Beat him!" They all savagely beat Yang Linxin, and he was knocked down as a result. As they beat him they shouted, "You still dare to shout. We will beat you to death." Yang Linxin was beaten until he was unable to eat or stand up straight. His face was swollen and his chest was covered with bruises.
Three Practitioners Detained in a Brainwashing Centre for over a Year, Another Has Her Retirement Pension Cut Off and Her Son Arrested
2007-10-05On the morning of June 20th, 2006, 610 Office officials arrested Ms. Liang Zhengfeng, Ms. Xiang Shiqing, and Mr. Shi Dengling. The three were taken to Liannigou Brainwashing Centre because they had mailed materials about the persecution of Falun Gong to others. The practitioners refused to accept any form of " forced transformation." The police have tortured them so brutally that they are all now disfigured. Their family members have been making efforts to get them released for over a year, but the police refuse to release them.
Barbaric Brainwashing in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region Women's Prison
2007-10-02The Women's Prison has never stopped its persecution of practitioners since its illegal detention of them from the beginning. It uses long-term brainwashing sessions to continuously force practitioners to "transform". The various torture techniques commonly applied in the prison include confining practitioners in a small cell for a long period of time, electrically shocking them, hanging practitioners up by their handcuffs, force-feeding, instigating convicts to beat practitioners and putting them under a constant 24/7 monitoring schedule by the convicts. The imprisoned practitioners are not allowed to talk or smile. The convicts are instructed to read slanderous materials about Dafa to the practitioners non-stop.
The Brutal Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners by Qian'an Police in Hebei Province
2007-09-29Almost all of the practitioners were beaten or verbally abused in the brainwashing centre. Guards stepped on practitioner Mr. Pang Wendong's head and slapped his face fiercely; Mr. Song Naiwen was tortured until he was unconscious. The practitioners were given only three tenths of a pound of food daily and, as a result, became very skinny. Not only were the practitioners relentlessly tortured, the CCP also pressured their families and told them to participate in beating practitioners. When practitioners held hunger strikes, guards force-fed them; the victims' noses and mouths bled when the guards forcibly inserted feeding tubes into the practitioners' stomachs.
Ms. Yan Xiaoli Tortured in Brainwashing Centre in Hebei Province
2007-09-23Officers from the Zhuolu County 610 Office arrested Ms. Yan Xiaoli, took her to a brainwashing centre because she was caught exposing the truth of the persecution to people, and tortured her for over a month. Ms. Yan refused to cooperate during the brainwashing sessions. In retaliation, the guards forced her to stand still from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. They cut her meals from two to one per day, and each "meal" consisted of only a steamed bun and some pickled vegetables. On two occasions, the guards bound her to an "iron chair" . She was forced to lie still and was unable sleep for the entire night. The next morning, they forced her to resume standing. The guards shouted obscenities at her if she did not stand absolutely still. She was tortured like this for a week, and then was tortured psychologically.
Details of a Recent Brainwashing Session at Jishu Town Reservoir, Shulan City, Jilin Province
2007-09-19Shulan City Politics and Law Committee officials, along with agents from the 610 Office and police department, held a brainwashing session at the Jishu Town Reservoir, for the purpose of forcing Falun Gong practitioners into giving up their beliefs. They used various methods including bullying and terrifying, lies, slander, intimidation and deception. One person was initially in charge of each practitioner. Later there were two, three and more assigned to one practitioner. Sometimes more than a dozen perpetrators attempted to "reform" one practitioner using the above-mentioned abusive methods.
Practitioners Taken Directly to Brainwashing Centres after Completing Their Prison Sentences
2007-09-11Mr. Xie Yonggang from Hubei Province, Ms. Du Xiuju from Jiangsu Province and Ms. Wang Xunlan from Shandong Province had been detained for several years because they persevered in their belief in Falun Gong. On the same days they were released from prison, the perpetrators from the 610 Office and other authorities arrested them and took them to brainwashing centres to forcibly transform them. This kind of incident has occurred all over the country.
Persecution by Brainwashing Is on the Rise in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province
2007-08-29In Changzhou City, brainwashing sessions are one of the elements of the persecution system. Brainwashing sessions can be held anytime and anywhere. In order to achieve the purpose of "transformation," the heads of the 610 Office in charge of all local cities and regions and all street security and neighbourhood committees send people to participate. These professionally-trained people, upon their release from the forced labour camp, are responsible for "transforming" practitioners. All these people work together to form a persecution group. No money is spared, and a large number of people are employed to provide food and accommodations so they can besiege Dafa practitioners around the clock.
Several Dafa Practitioners in Jilin Province Sent to a Brainwashing Centre
2007-07-25On July 4th at 8:00 p.m., Dafa practitioner Li Xiuwen had just arrived home when two cars stopped by her house. The group was led by Gao Wei, the armed forces minister of Chaluhe Town, Guo Laigang, the deputy chief of Chaluhe Town Police Department, and policeman Liu Guojun. About sixty people gathered around as the police surrounded the home and talked with Mr. Li. Li Xiuwen's mother came out and said, "Why do you want to arrest my son? He is good person." More onlookers came to the scene, and Gao Wei realised that the situation was not good and said, "We will let it go for now." The police then left.
A Falun Gong Practitioner's Letter to Her Husband from a Brainwashing Centre
2007-07-21Dear Lei: How are you? Ever since I began practising Falun Gong, I learned the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance which have brought more harmony and joy to our home. However, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute us, it created a lot of unhappiness. Many times, I was arrested, detained, and sentenced to prison terms. What happened to me has brought hardships to you and our family. You and the children and relatives all suffered a great deal, including tremendous financial losses. All that is not supposed to be a burden for us to carry, but has been forced upon us by the Community Party. Someone may say, "If you don't practise Falun Gong, everything will be all right." However, when I turn it around, I ask, "If the Communist Party stops persecuting us, would I need to speak out for justice for Falun Gong?"
Practitioner Ms. Jia Shuzhen Suffers a Mental Collapse due to Persecution at Hebei Province Brainwashing Centre
2007-07-04Ms. Qin Shuling, Ms. Jia Shuzhen, Ms. Gao Lanqing, and Mr. Li Zhenwen went to Yongan Village to post Falun Dafa leaflets exposing the persecution on May 27th, 2007. The patrols spotted them before they could post more than a few. Ms. Qin and Ms. Gao were arrested and Ms. Jia and Mr. Li were followed home. The police ransacked their homes and arrested them that same night. Hebei Province Brainwashing Centre returned Ms. Jia Shuzhen to her home on June 19th. In just ten days, the 610 Office personnel had turned a young, beautiful, and gentle Jia Shuzhen into a lifeless, incoherent, and red-eyed disturbed person.
Ms. Ke Gui'e from Wuxue City, Hubei Province Forced into Brainwashing
2007-06-23On March 13th, 2007, a village official reported Ms. Ke Gui'e after she was explaining to him about the true nature of Falun Gong. Police extorted 1,2000 yuan from her. At the beginning of May 2007, Ms. Ke was taken to a brainwashing centre against her will. After one month, she still firmly kept her belief in Falun Dafa, and she refused to accept the brainwashing. Authorities would not let her return home.
Crimes Perpetrated Against Falun Gong Practitioners at the Brainwashing Centre in Langfang City, Hebei Province
2007-06-22During the past several years, practitioners who were sent there by force had their personal freedoms taken away. The brainwashing centre flooded them with twisted ideology and humiliated them. Other persecution methods included long periods of forced standing and sleep deprivation. Those who persisted in practising Falun Gong were treated more harshly and threatened with being sent to forced labour camps. The practitioners were beaten and verbally abused, and guards flicked the practitioners' eyeballs to keep them from sleeping. They also used toxic oral and intravenous drugs that damaged the nervous system. When practitioners went on hunger strikes to protest the persecution, they were force-fed with a tube inserted into their stomachs. The prison personnel also put drugs into the food and drinking water when they carried out this brutal torture.
Guard Tied Ms. Cui Huanying to a "Death Bed" and Whipped Her Across the Eyes with a Saw Blade at the Brainwashing Centre in Wangdu County, Baoding City, Hebei Province
2007-05-16On January 3rd, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Cui Huanying was taken to the brainwashing centre in Wangdu County. When she did not follow the authorities' orders, she was barbarically force-fed, beaten, and whipped with a saw blade across her eyes. She has lost sight in her left eye. the guards tied up Ms. Cui on a "Death Bed", pulled her arms straight, and tied them to wooden clubs in the shape of a cross. Both of her arms became disabled. She can no longer take care of herself.