Practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiumei is Violently Brainwashed at the Lanzhou Women's Prison in Gansu Province
2006-12-22Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiumei was sentenced to four years in prison in 2001 for persisting in her belief. She is still held at the Jiuzhou Development Zone Prison in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province. The guards coerced her to write a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Dafa and frequently brainwashed her, shocked her with electric batons, and beat her.
Non-Practitioner Witnessing Six Days of Brainwashing Sessions
2006-12-22Two years ago, I heard from a friend, a policeman involved in the persecution of Falun Gong, about how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes Falun Gong practitioners. Before that, I had only heard about Falun Gong and the crackdown from the CCP-controlled television media, but I did not know any details. After listening to my friend, however, I understood how brutally the persecution was conducted and how the CCP and its followers had done such a thing to destroy people's humanity.
Brainwashing Centre in Suining County, Jiangsu Province Tramples Justice by Persecuting Good People
2006-12-08So-called "attending class" at the brainwashing centre is to force practitioners to listen to, watch and read propaganda against Dafa and to sing Chinese Communist Party songs. So-called "doing exercises" is to get the practitioners out of the cell at 6:00 a.m. and have them run two laps in the yard first. Then they are forced to walk military style, with their legs extending straight out and lifted at a 45 degree angle. If one cannot do it well, he is whipped from behind. If practitioners refuse to comply, the punishment can range from being beaten to being dragged into the "repentance room" where one would be handcuffed for up for 48 hours. The brainwashing centre forces practitioners to do hard labour planting vegetables.
Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Guangzhou City Brainwashing Centre
2006-11-29Policemen Lai Jianfeng and Yang Yongcheng directed guards to subject practitioners to various forms of abuse. At first, practitioners were only allowed to sleep for two or three hours a day. They were tied up with their feet crossed, and a rope looped around the neck tied to the rope binding their legs together. Soon the practitioners would feel terrible pain in their lower back, neck, legs, and feet. Screams of pain were frequently heard in the middle of the night.
Dafa Practitioners Persecuted at the Brainwashing Centre in the Dalian Huanbao Guest House of Liaoning Province
2006-11-07The brainwashing centre forces practitioners to watch videos and recordings slandering Dafa, and uses former practitioners that have turned against Dafa. One such former practitioner is Miao Chunyan, who has come up with all kinds of phony theories to try to confuse and drag down true practitioners. Every morning, two of the people from each room report their progress to the leaders. As long as practitioners do not write the "four statements", they are not released. If over time the practitioners still do not give in, they are physically abused, sent to prison, or sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Sometimes the practitioners are sent back to the brainwashing centre to be further tortured.
Further Exposing the Crimes in Guizhou Province Lannigou Brainwashing Centre
2006-11-04Since July 20th, 1999, encouraged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Guizhou Province Lannigou Brainwashing Centre has held several dozen brainwashing sessions. Personnel closely monitor Falun Dafa practitioners: there are three monitors for each practitioner. Of the three monitors, two watch the practitioners 24 hours a day, and the third one is in charge of the brainwashing materials. The CCP officials use all sorts of inhuman means to reach their brainwashing goals. They have even deceived practitioners into taking drugs that damage the nerves.
Mr. Zheng Rongchang from Hebei Province Forced into Xiaobailou Brainwashing Centre
2006-10-21Early in the morning on August 11th, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zheng Rongchang was forced from his home and taken to the 610 Office brainwashing centre. He is followed no matter if he is eating, sleeping, and even using the toilet. As soon as he wants to do the exercises, someone will stop him immediately. He is forced to watch videos that slander Falun Gong, or listen to fabricated nonsense in order to force him to write the "four statements" to renounce Falun Dafa. The 610 Office Head said to him, "You were raised by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and you are against the CCP. You must be mentally ill, and I want to lock you up in the mental hospital."
Exposing the Brainwashing Methods Used by Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-09-28I just came out of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. The camp had tried all means to persecute me and make me give up Falun Dafa. When I was initially sent to the labour camp, the guards and the collaborators were very "nice" to me. They showed their particular "care" in their attitude of talking and how they treated me in daily life. Never be deceived by them. After a while, their true intentions were revealed. Each air particle in Masanjia is soaked with evil, and it makes people feel suffocated.
Exposing the Jiangbei Brainwashing Centre in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2006-08-30This brainwashing centre was built with the hard-earned money collected from the general population by the Chinese Communist Party. It is used to persecute practitioners who follow the principles of "Truth, Compassion, Tolerance." On June 12th, 2006, Luo Gan, Zeng Qinghong, and other perpetrators came to Harbin. Since that time, the 610 Office in Harbin has escalated the torture against practitioners and held many brainwashing sessions. They take turns holding the brainwashing in different regions of the city. Each region assigns the task of arresting practitioners to street committees, which in turn assigns the task to local communities. They first deceive the practitioner, saying that he needs to come for a meeting. If he refuses, they will drag him to the Jiangbei brainwashing centre.
Calling for the Rescue of My Father, He Sanpu, Held at a Brainwashing Centre in Henan Province
2006-08-12In July 2000, we asked many people before finding out that my father had been sentenced to two years of forced labour. My mother and I immediately went to the labour camp with some clothes for him. I then saw him for the first time since his disappearance. The detainees were doing heavy manual labour and turning over sand for casting iron. Then a man walked up to me. I looked at him carefully and finally recognised my father. He used to be strong and healthy, but at that point he was skin and bones. His hands were deeply bruised by the coarse sand. I lost control and cried loudly.
Shengli Oil Field Brainwashing Centre: Darker than a Prison
2006-07-26During the seven years of persecution where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, the brainwashing centres have been the most deceptive, even as they persecute the largest number of practitioners. The brainwashing centres are called "Legal and Discipline Education Centres" in public, and the people are misled by their deceitful methods. The public is led to believe that these classes are to educate Falun Gong practitioners. They are in fact brainwashing centres that the Chinese Communist Party uses to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.
Seventy-Four-Year-Old Practitioner from Sichuan Province Sent to Brainwashing Three Times
2006-07-03I am a 74-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. Since the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, the local police have arrested and detained me any time they wanted and brutally abused and persecuted me while I was held in detention. While I was held at the Mapingba Brainwashing Centre two officers grabbed my hair and started to beat and kick me. My arms turned black and blue and swelled from the beating. They subsequently handcuffed me to the monkey bar. I was forced to stay under the scorching sun for several hours. They beat me every few days and "baked" me, as well as verbally insulted me. I almost lost consciousness from dehydration. The police were vicious and completely devoid of human nature.
Exposing Crimes Committed By Staff at the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre in Sichuan Province
2006-06-19The "instructors" take food to practitioners' bedrooms. Practitioners are not allowed to get their own food. The purpose of this rule is so they can drug the food. The different kinds of drugs come either in liquid or powder form. They use different kinds of drugs for different practitioners. Generally they put drugs in water and regular meals, but sometimes they inject brainwashing drugs into particular foods or even fruits. The drugs will take effect in about half an hour. The main symptoms are headaches, dizziness, protruding eyes, sleepiness (some practitioners feel sleepy after over 10 hours of sleep per day and are still lethargic) shortness of breath, chest pain and irritability.
Exposing the Brainwashing Sessions in Hunan Provincial Women's Prison
2006-06-06In order to force Falun Gong practitioners to "transform," (give up practising Falun Dafa) the Hunan Provincial Women's Prison conducted brainwashing sessions many times inside the prison. The brainwashing sessions were designed to break down the steadfast practitioners, and thus the suffering of practitioners was intensified, both mentally and physically. They ordered practitioners to recite the prison regulations, and tried to brainwash practitioners with all sorts of deceit. Whoever refused to obey them, they punished at will by forcing her to stand, putting handcuffs on her, forcing her to "carry a sword in back" (a cruel form of handcuffing which causes severe bodily injury), putting her into solitary confinement and so on.
Exposing the Brainwashing Centre in Shenzhen
2006-04-05If the practitioner is very firm, the collaborators start their plan of attack. They take the Falun Dafa texts and quote out of context, carelessly twisting and misinterpreting the teachings in order to confuse the practitioners. If the practitioners remained unmoved, they start a "weary war." During the day they besiege the practitioners, instilling them with their distorted principles non-stop, around the clock. This continue until late at night, and sometimes deprive the victims from any sleep until the next morning. They use physical torture such as extensive and prolonged standing and freezing the victims in the cold until physically worn out. The victims are then compelled to sign the "three statements".