Man or Beast? Revealing the Root of Forced Labour Camp Brainwashing
2006-02-24The police's mentality is split. On the one hand, they have to employ their animal nature to brainwash the practitioners. Yet, on the other, they disguise the evil with a false front of human nature to lead practitioners astray. To sing the Same Song, they present their human nature for others to see. They force themselves to believe that beating up and yelling at people every day is a form of kindness done for the tortured person's own good. They think that by implementing the "law" (though in fact the persecution of Falun Gong is entirely illegal) they can avoid personal responsibility. In reality, however, they are very clear who is in contempt of the law. They cling to the communist heaven-on-earth illusion despite its inherent evil nature.
Wang Bo Recounts How the CCP Deceived, Brainwashed, and Used Her, Part 3
2006-02-21"Later my father witnessed that the torture of practitioners in the brainwashing centre became more and more brutal. One practitioner was deprived of sleep. They were so sleepy that they fell to the floor. Consequently their mouth and teeth were injured. They even wrote sentences slandering Dafa on a practitioner's clothes. There have been many cases like this. My father found himself being deceived. Later, he managed to escape from the brainwashing centre. Fearing that I would escape too, they tightened their monitoring on me."
Officials in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Hold a Brainwashing Session to Persecute Practitioners
2006-02-04Communist regime agents are still persecuting Dafa practitioners. On May 20th, 2005, they held another brainwashing session and arrested nearly 200 practitioners. They physically tortured and mentally tormented them. These corrupt officials forced the practitioners to read articles that slander Dafa and also to watch videos of the same slanderous content. They threatened and intimidated the practitioners that they would only be released if they write guarantee statements to renounce Falun Dafa. If the refused, they would be directly sent to labour camps or prisons.
Beijing Women's Prison Resorts to "Public Bidding" to Brainwash Practitioner Ms. Xu Na
2006-02-02Ms Xu Na, a practitioner from Beijing, has been detained in Beijing Women's Prison for more than 4 years, where she has suffered all kinds of torture. She refused to renounce her belief, despite being brutally beaten, locked in small cells, forced to sit in lotus position with both legs crossed for long periods of time, tied up, deprived of sleep, left in the snow and many other gruesome tortures. Over the past 4 years the authorities at Beijing Women's Prison failed to force Xu Na to renounce Falun Gong.
Brainwashing at the "Legal Education Centre" in the Weiningying Forced Labour Camp
2006-01-15The most critical brainwashing methods of the Centre are used. For example, the practitioners are forced to watch TV news, write "homework," take tests and recite 36 laws and regulations each day. They are also forced to watch a Dafa-slandering TV series and sing propaganda songs. Guards gave "law classes" that mostly slander Dafa. Zheng Tao wrote questions after the lecture for practitioners to take back to their room to discuss among themselves. Each practitioner is forced to give his standpoint, which is recorded by the completely brainwashed group head. The answers must conform to the brainwashing standards the Centre considers to be correct.
The Inside Story of What Happened at the Jiamusi City Xigemu Women's Forced Labour Camp in 2002
2005-12-26The practitioners had to sit on little stools, with four spiral nail poles protruding above the surface, to watch propaganda that defamed Falun Dafa, from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The practitioners were forced to sit with their backs straight, two hands flat on their kneecaps and legs bent at a 90-degree angle. Several guards rotated, patrolling day and night with rubber and wooden clubs. As soon as they saw that someone's posture was not correct, they beat them with the club. As a result of sitting on the little stool for an extended period, some practitioners' buttocks were severely bruised and torn by the protruding spiral nail poles.
Extreme Brutality at the Zhaoyuan Brainwashing Centre
2005-12-20Ms. Liu Yaohua, in her 40s, was arrested and brought to the brainwashing centre. They put handcuffs and leg shackles on her and an iron chain that was fixed to an iron chair around her neck. Ms. Liu could not move. Though she was tortured for the next several days, she refused to renounce Falun Dafa. The guards used shoes and books to slap her face until it was swollen and her mouth was bleeding. They wouldn't stop until they got tired of beating her. Director Xu used a hard object to smash Ms. Liu's head and blood streamed out and covered her face. Xu used his fingers to poke her eyes. He then stomped down heavily on her toes with the heel of his shoe and ground them into the floor. Ms. Liu fainted due to the excruciating pain.
The Hebei Province Brainwashing Centre Continues to Inflict Harm
2005-12-10Practitioner Ms. Wang Ruo'e was taken from her home and brought to the brainwashing centre on September 6th, 2005. Although she is elderly and already in her seventies, the authorities did not allow her to get a proper amount of sleep and forced her to write the "three statements". Against her will, she signed them, when she could no longer bear the physical torture. The next day she became very depressed about what she had done and tore up the document, declaring that she refused to be brainwashed. Ms. Wang Ruo'e has still not been released.
Authorities from the "Legal System School" in Zhangjiakou City Cruelly Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-12-05Dafa practitioner Mr. Liu Jianjun was twice at the brink of death, and Ms. Zhao Xiaolu was tortured until she sustained brain damage. She lost the vision in her left eye and her leg muscles atrophied. She has not recovered. To this day, she still stumbles whenever she walks. In May 2002, four officers arrested Ms. Li Hong at her home. They took her to a brainwashing centre, where she was completely deprived of personal freedom for 32 months and was violently tortured. She could not meet with or take care of her family. Wang Runcheng, the head of the brainwashing centre threatened practitioner Wang Zhong saying, "If you try to escape, I'll shoot to kill!"
Crimes Committed During Hubei Province's Fourth Brainwashing Session of 2005
2005-11-25This year, the fourth wave of brainwashing activities in Hubei Province was conducted by the "Hubei Provincial Legal Education Centre." The officials and staff there resorted to all sorts of cruel and brutal methods to mentally torture the Falun Gong practitioners, in an attempt to force them to give up their belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. What the staff of the brainwashing centre feared most, including Communist Party members and the so-called "experts and professors," were the phone calls made by overseas Falun Gong practitioners.
Details of the Activities of a Brainwashing Centre in Sichuan Province (Photo)
2005-11-17In June 2005, officials from the 610 Office in Guang'an City, Sichuan Province set up another brainwashing centre. On two separate occasions, practitioner Ms. Wang Shiying has been beaten, forced to stand alone in the corner near the door, and punished with food deprivation. In an attempt to force Ms. Wang to abandon Falun Gong, eight men beat her, kicked her in the abdomen and private parts, and viciously whipped her head and back with a leather belt until the belt broke. After they tortured her in this way, they sent Ms. Wang to the Guang'an Mental Hospital for further persecution.
Exposing the Inhumanity of the Luotai Villa Provincial Brainwashing Centre in Fushun City (Photo)
2005-10-23The Liaoning Provincial government gave the Luotai Villa Provincial Brainwashing Centre in Fushun City 1.4 million yuan ($171,000). It is used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. To deceive the public, this brainwashing centre is called the "Liaoning Provincial Caring and Loving Centre" or the "Fushun Municipal Legal Education Centre." It has been expanded in scale several times after the first session was launched in March 2003.
Torture at the Cangzhou City Brainwashing Centre in Hebei Province
2005-10-07The Changzhou City Brainwashing Centre, known as the Cangzhou City Legal Education Centre has subjected 235 Falun Gong practitioners to brainwashing and torture since 2001. Practitioners on the first floor are forced to watch or listen to video programmes that slander Falun Dafa. These brainwashing sessions try to make practitioners lose their reason and their human nature, so they will renounce Falun Dafa. The iron gate on the first floor is kept locked all day. Two guards take turns guarding the gate and no one is allowed to enter except the staff.
Sixteen-year-old High School Student Sun Yanpei Held by Shandong Province "610 Office" for Over Two Weeks
2005-09-0916-year-old Ms. Sun Yanpei, a student from the No. 1 High School of Zhaoyuan City has been held by the "610 Office" for more than two weeks. She is currently being detained in an isolated building of the Nanling Southern Gold Mine in Taishang Village, Linglong Town. In order to conceal their illegal activities, the authorities have labelled the building as the "Legal Education and Training Centre," but it is actually a brainwashing centre where Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted.
Misguided Parents Help Brainwashing Centre Persecute Their Daughter Mi Xiaozheng
2005-07-26When Mi Xiaozheng started a hunger strike against her imprisonment, the guards in the brainwashing centre force-fed her several times without a physician's supervision, ignoring the risk of severe injury. Mi Xiaozheng' parents, misguided by the Communist Party's propaganda, did not stand up for their own daughter; instead, they blamed everything on their daughter's refusal to be "transformed." Her mother begged the so-called "teaching assistants" to transform her daughter by all means. With the support of her parents, the brainwashing centre persecuted Mi Xiaozheng even more severely.