Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Five-year-old Girl Tricked into Helping Police Persecute Her Parents in Chengdu, Sichuan Province
2009-03-20The Longquanyi District Police Department had been looking for an excuse to arrest and persecute Mr. Li Changli. In December 2008, Mr. Li and his wife, Ms. Liu Lifen, were arrested and were sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour was detained in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp and Ms. Liu was held in the Shimaping Women's Forced Labour Camp. On January 13th, 2009 police went to Mr. Li's home and asked his 5-year-old daughter a lot of personal, probing questions. The police later used the child's fingerprint "evidence" and her "testimonial" to sentence Mr. Li and his wife to forced labour without going to trial.
Mr. Tian Haicheng and Ms. Cui Yajing from Haicheng City, Liaoning Province, Arrested
2009-03-17On February 24th, 2009, officers from the Niuzhuang Town Police Station in Haicheng City, Liaoning Province, took Mr. Tian Baocheng and Ms. Cui Yajing away from their homes. The excuse was that they had attended a gathering held by a Falun Gong practitioner. Mr. Tian Baocheng's younger brother, Mr. Tian Baodong, has been detained in forced labour camps twice because he practises Falun Gong. As a result of torture, he cannot walk or take care of himself. Previously, Ms. Cui Yajing had been sentenced to three years in prison because she distributed flyers about Falun Gong.
Ms. Zheng Huixiang Homeless for Eight Years, Police Repeatedly Arrest Her Family Members and Ransack Her House
2009-03-17On March 4th, 2009, police went to the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zheng Huixiang and searched her house. In 2001 Ms. Zheng left her home to avoid persecution and was forced to move from place to place. It has been eight years since she became homeless. Police then took her husband Cai Peijun and her son Cai Yiming to the Xiguan Police Station. In the afternoon of March 5th, Cai Peijun was released but Cai Yiming was sent to a detention centre and was severely mistreated there.
Lawyers' Right to Defend Clients Denied by Huanggu District Court in Shenyang City
2009-03-16On February 6th, 2009, Huanggu District Court in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province commenced a trial for six Falun Gong practitioners. The court obstructed entry to the courtroom by the ten defence lawyers by requesting a "security check." The lawyers refused to cooperate and left the courthouse. The trial went on without the lawyers and adjourned after only two hours. Wang Yajun from Beijing, one of the ten lawyers, explained the interference they encountered. "When we arrived at the courthouse, deputy court administrator Zhang and the presiding judge summoned us to the conference room, reiterating certain requirements. They told us higher echelons had directed that the accusations against any Falun Gong cases cannot be changed. We replied that we would do what was right according to the law."
Retired Teacher Ms. Wang Xiulan from Dalian City Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
2009-03-16Ms. Wang Xiulan from Jinzhou District, Dalian City was sentenced to seven years in prison by the Ganjingzi District Court in Dalian City. On the morning of April 5th, 2008, Ms. Wang was arrested by police officers for telling people the truth about Falun Gong. She was later taken to the Yaojia Detention Centre in Dalian City. While Ms. Wang was at the centre, police officers ransacked her home and confiscated some of her personal property, including a copy of the Falun Gong book, Zhuan Falun. The police did not inform Ms. Wang's family that they had arrested her, nor did they tell the family about her upcoming court trial. Everything that the officers did was carried out in secret.
Disabled Woman Sent to Jiangxi Province Forced Labour Camp
2009-03-14Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhu Ruixia can't walk properly because half the sole of her right foot was cut off. After she had been detained for a month, it was even harder for her to walk, yet she was still sentenced to two years in a labour camp by the Balihu Public Security Sub-bureau. She is currently detained at Jiangxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. On November 7th, 2008, forcefully dragged practitioner Zhu Ruixia to a police van. Because so much force was used, Zhu Ruixia's thigh was injured when being caught at the door.
Three Practitioners Arrested in Kunming City, Yunnan Province
2009-03-14On January 1st, 2009, Mr. Zhang Liang was arrested for distributing Falun Gong fliers in the Ma Street Building Supplies Market in Kunming City. He was taken to the police station and handcuffed behind his back to a metal door until 11:00 a.m. on the second day. Mr. Zhang's hands and wrists swelled up badly when the officer released the handcuffs after repeated requests from Mr. Zhang's family. On January 3rd, Mr. Zhang was taken to the Xishan District Detention Centre. He was sentenced to two years of forced labour and transferred to the Yunnan Province Secondary Forced Labour Camp on February 4th.
Mr. He Fuxing Arrested and Beaten While Walking Along a Road
2009-03-13At 9:00 p.m. on February 11th, 2009, Mr. He Fuxing, a resident of Nongfeng Town, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province, was walking along a road with his motorcycle when a police vehicle suddenly stopped within a few yards of him. Police officers jumped out of the vehicle; ran towards Mr. He, and immediately started beating him without any explanation. After punching and kicking him for a while, they accused him of stealing the motorcycle he had in his possession. After the officers handcuffed Mr. He, they searched his saddlebag and found some Falun Gong fliers. An officer said, "He is a Falun Gong practitioner. If he is beaten to death, no one will be punished. Beat him!"
Mother Falls Seriously Ill after Her Son is Arrested and Tortured
2009-03-12Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Zhenxin, 27, was arrested and sent to a forced labour camp in August 2008. Currently, he is being persecuted in Balizhuang Forced Labour Camp in Baoding City. Because of his firm faith in Falun Gong's principles, Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance, Li Zhenxin was tortured in October 2008. The torture methods included being shocked with 4 electric batons on the head, chest, and genitals. The severe treatment made his chest turn purple. In the Mancheng County Detention Centre, Mr. Li Zhenxin was brutally beaten by policemen. He was seriously injured all over his body and suffered a broken leg.
Ms. Lu Xueqin and Twelve Other Practitioners Arrested and Tortured by Police and 610 Office Personnel in Shandong Province
2009-03-11From January 25th, 2009, to the end of February 2009, the 610 Office in Qingdao City arrested thirteen practitioners. All thirteen have had confessions extorted from them by means of torture and sleep deprivation for periods of two weeks or even longer. Among them, Ms. Lu Xueqin was tortured so badly that she became disabled, and many times she was in critical condition. The families of these practitioners, with the help of nine lawyers, sued them for this.
High School Teacher Ms. Sun Guifang Sentenced to Two Years
2009-03-11On the night of January 24th, 2008, 55-year-old Ms. Sun Guifang, Falun Gong practitioner and teacher was taken from her home by police of Yuquan Town Public Security Bureau. She was given a two year sentence and taken to the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison in Harbin City. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, CCP personnel of Acheng District have persecuted Ms. Sun many times for her belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." This persecution has caused tremendous pain to her and her family, both physically and mentally.
A Good Daughter-in-law Arrested, Her Sick Mother-in-law and Blind Father-in-law Left Unattended
2009-03-10On February 17th, 2009, police officers arrested Ms. Jin Daxia at her work. They also took away her son, threatened him, confiscated the family's property, and confiscated the computer that he uses for school. Those who are familiar with Ms. Jin Daxia were shocked upon hearing the news of her arrest. Since her husband died in an accident she has been looking after her elderly, sick mother-in-law and her completely blind father-in-law. Now they are left at home alone.
Large-Scale Arrest of Practitioners in Tangshan City's Fengnan District, Hebei Province
2009-03-10Tangshan City, Hebei Province recently saw a large-scale arrest of Falun Gong practitioners. The police also ransacked the practitioners' homes. Thirteen practitioners were arrested; nine are at the Fengnan Detention Centre, and the fate of the other four remains unknown. On February 20th, 2009, police arrested practitioners Mr. Dong Jinbo and Ms. Li Yanzhi. The police also confiscated some personal belongings. Dong Jinbo and Li Yanzhi are now held at the Fengnan Detention Centre.
Update on Recently-Arrested Practitioners in Jiamusi City
2009-03-10Under the direct command of the Heilongjiang Province Public Security Bureau, the Jiamusi City Public Security Bureau and Security Bureau arrested fifteen Falun Gong practitioners and their family members in the week following February 8th, 2009. To date they have arrested another nine practitioners and their family members. Amongst them are practitioners who are over sixty or seventy years old, as well as family members of practitioners who are not Falun Gong practitioners. Moreover, friends of practitioners have also been arrested.
Ms. Li Xiulan from Tumen City, Jilin Province is Arrested and Her Child is Detained
2009-03-08On February 11th, police broke into Ms. Li Xiulan's home. When he found a calendar with the phrases "Falun Gong is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!," he immediately called for back up. Three police cars arrived with seven to eight officers. The police ransacked her home without a warrant. They took the calendar, Falun Gong books, materials, two computers and forced Ms. Li, her college age son, and a visitor into the police car. They were taken to the Yuegong Police Station. Her son and his guest were released that night, but Ms. Li's whereabouts remain unknown.