Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Mr. Hu Yongjian and His Wife Arrested - Their Young Child and Elderly Parents Left Without Care
2006-12-16In February 2006 Ms. Tang Yunli, was arrested by the 610 Office, and in October, her husband, Hu Yongjian was arrested, leaving their 10-year-old child and parents, in their late 70s, at home without care. The officials confiscated about 3,000 yuan. Ms. Tang Yunli was taken to Wangcun Forced Labour Camp. These people had been recognised in the village for their good deeds and kindness to others.
Practitioner Ms. Song Shuhua from Laishui County, Hebei Province Arrested Again
2006-12-14On November 28th, 2006, Ms. Song Shuhua was arrested a few days after returning home. She had been living on the streets to avoid persecution. Policemen from the local station broke into her house and arrested her again. Ms. Song is detained at a detention centre. When Ms. Song's children learned about her arrest the detention centre staff did not allow her children to see her unless the family paid for her living expenses. The children could not afford such a large sum of money, so they went home in tears.
Practitioner Ms. Cui Hongyan from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province Is Arrested
2006-12-14At about 8:00 a.m. on November 1st, 2006, practitioner Ms. Cui Hongyan was arrested by police from Tieren Public Security Sub-bureau and Youyi Community Police Station in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. Recently, more than 30 of Ms. Cui's relatives filed a petition to the appropriate judicial department, challenging the legality of her arrest. They reasoned that her practice of Falun Gong was a right to personal belief guaranteed by the Constitution. They argued that sentencing her to prison was illegal. Tieren Public Safety Sub-Bureau and its officers were therefore illegally arresting good citizens, which is clearly against the law.
Ms. Jing Honghua Is Arrested on Her Way to Her Father's Funeral
2006-12-13In November 2006, practitioner Ms. Jing Honghua, who was forced to leave home and became homeless in order to avoid arrest and persecution, went to Shandong Province to attend the funeral of her father, who had died suddenly. She was arrested by the police officers at the Harbin Airport simply because she brought with her a copy of Zhuan Falun, a Falun Dafa book. She was then detained at the Yilan No. 2 Detention Centre for more than ten days.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Sentenced in Qiaodong Court, Zhangjiakao City, Hebei Province
2006-12-11Since Jiang Zemin's regime started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Chen Yanqing, head of the Qiaodong Court and other offices in Zhangjiakao City, Hebei Province, sentenced and detained many Falun Dafa practitioners. For the past seven years, more than 14 innocent practitioners have suffered torture in prison, had their families torn apart, and have seen their relatives and close friends suffer harassment and mental devastation. The large number of practitioners sent directly to forced labour camp without any judicial procedure is difficult to count.
Third Appeal Letter Requesting Legal Assistance from Ms. Wang Bo's Grandmother
2006-12-07My daughter Liu Shuqin, son-in-law Wang Xinzhong and their daughter Wang Bo were arrested, beaten and taken to forced labour camps many times for refusing to renounce the practice of Falun Gong. Liu Shuqin lost control of her bowels due to torture; Wang Xinzhong could not move his back because of the beating and even young Wang Bo was sentenced to three years of forced labour and finished college under close police supervision. They were arrested again on July 27th, 2006. So far, they have been detained for over four months. To our dismay, it is impossible to find a lawyer who would ask for a non-guilty verdict when representing Falun Gong practitioners.
Practitioner Zhang Guodong Repeatedly Arrested and Tortured, Now Sent to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-12-05On September 28th, 2006, police arrested Zhang Guodong while he was at work. On November 3rd, angry police officers forced him to sit in a torture-chair for 48 consecutive hours. They told Zhang Guodong: "Two people who practise Falun Gong have already died in this torture chair." This was in retaliation for his reporting the abuse and torture he endured during his previous arrest to the Procuratorate.On November 16th, Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Guodong was sent to the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp for an eighteen-month-sentence.
Ms. Zhao Wei, 25, Force-Fed Water Laced With Hot Chilli Pepper in Jilin City Detention Centre in Jilin Province
2006-12-04On November 4th, 2006, Zhao Wei, 25, was arrested by police. They handcuffed Ms. Zhao and ransacked her home. It happened when a neighbour of Ms. Zhao's was passing by her residence and saw that the lights were on. The neighbour wanted to see who was inside. But before the neighbour even knew it, the policemen dragged her inside Zhao Wei's home and started to interrogate her. They took possessions worth over 10,000 yuan. At the detention centre she held a hunger strike to protest against the imprisonment. The guards and the doctors of the centre brutally force-fed her with hot pepper-laced water.
Practitioner Ms. Luo Siying from Shenyang, Liaoning Province Is Arrested Before Daughter's Wedding
2006-12-04On October 24th, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Luo Siying, 56 years old, was arrested from her home by the police from the Heping District National Security Team. She is now imprisoned in the Shenyang Jail. Ms. Luo had a happy family. Her daughter, Linlin got married on 28th of October. When the relatives and friends came to attend the wedding ceremony and found out that Ms. Luo had been arrested just before her daughter was to be married, they were shocked.
Mr. Cao Dong Secretly Taken to Gansu Province After Being Arrested Due to His Meeting with European Parliament Vice-President
2006-12-03Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cao Dong from Beijing was arrested by State Security Agents on May 21st, 2006 immediately after meeting with Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice President of the European Parliament. Mr. McMillan-Scott had come to Beijing to investigate the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. Mr. Cao Dong testified that Falun Dafa practitioners were being cruelly tortured. By the end of September 2006, CCP officials secretly took Mr. Cao Dong to the Gansu Province State Security Division Detention Centre located in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province.
Ms. Wang Yulin from Jilin City Escaped after Being Arrested
2006-12-02At around 7:00 p.m. on November 13th, 2006, five police officers stormed into Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Yulin's home. They dragged her into the police vehicle without letting her put on trousers over her pyjamas. Ms. Wang's husband, Mr. Han Yunyou, and their relative, Ms. Jiang Li, (both practitioners) were also arrested. The officers took the three practitioners to the police station. A heavy-set policeman in his 40s hit Ms. Wang in the face with a book. Ms. Wang managed to escape a little later.
Ms. Liang Yanying Is Sent to Forced Labour for Two Years; Her Daughter Might Have to Leave College
2006-12-01Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liang Yanying, in her 40s, is a teacher. She truthfully answered her students' questions about Falun Gong in class. Her brother's wife, who is also the school's Chinese Communist Party (CCP)CCP Secretary, led Yitong County State Security agents to ransack her home and threatened her until she fainted. On September 18th, 2006, a CCP agent went to the school again, arrested Ms. Liang, sentenced her to two years of forced labour, and took her to the Changchun City Forced Labour Camp. Now that Ms. Liang has been secretly arrested and sent to a forced labour camp, her daughter is faced with not having enough money to go to college.
Ms. Wang Bo and her Family Defend Themselves by Explaining the Facts about Falun Dafa
2006-11-30On November 10th, 2006, the Changan District Court falsely charged Ms. Wang Bo, her father Mr. Wang Xinzhong, and her mother Ms. Liu Shuqin with "Sabotaging Law Enforcement" and conducted a show trial. After enduring physical and mental torture from the police, Ms. Wang and her parents were very frail, especially her father. During the trial, Ms. Liu exposed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) inhuman persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by sharing her family's bitter experiences. She also tried to defend her family members by explaining that Falun Gong practitioners' exposing the persecution activities fall under the category of freedom of belief and speech allowed in the Chinese constitution.
Ms. Fu Rufen from Chongqing City Is Again Arrested, Beaten, and Sentenced to Forced Labour
2006-11-3057-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Fu Rufen persisted in practising Falun Gong and being a good person. She was arrested twice after July 20th, 1999, and was imprisoned for 725 days, including once being imprisoned in a labour camp. On September 22nd, 2006, after being arrested again, she was severely beaten and injured by police officer Luo Yonghong, who told her "I'll beat you to death." She is currently being held in Maojiashan Women's Forced Labour Camp.
Police Assault an Elderly Couple Protesting Their Son's Arrest
2006-11-28On the night of November 11th, 2006, about eight policemen stopped an older couple that were protesting their son's arrest. The police officers took away a banner (with words of protest) from them. They pushed the elderly lady down on the ground and put the older man into the police vehicle, pulling him just by his hair. They drove away quickly. When the older lady went to the police station to appeal for her husband's release she saw a police officer chasing her husband. Her husband stumbled and the larger policeman tackled him.