Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Illegal Sentences Follow Arrests at Experience Sharing Conference in Jiaohe City
2003-09-25Three tiers of policemen heavily guarded the courtroom building, and additional undercover police were stationed to prevent Falun Dafa practitioners from entering the courtroom to witness the trial. All members of the courtroom audience were appointed by the prosecutors, and no one else was allowed entry. A local resident living near the courtroom building said, "I have never seen a trial like this. In the past, anyone could enter the courtroom and listen, but this time, no one can even come close to the building..."
Practitioner Sent to Forced Labour Camp After Suining City Police Extortion Scheme Fails
2003-09-24On July 16 2003, while he was out running errands, Falun Dafa practitioner Gong Suliang of Suining City, in Sichuan Province, was rudely interrogated by two local policemen, one of whose names is Han Chengzuo. They discovered a Falun Dafa book in Gong Suliang's possessions and arrested him. Gong Suliang was sent to Lingquansi Detention Centre for one month.
Poem: Infinity
2003-09-23To raise oneself complete fromAll that would quell our spark of origins. Behold such breadth of wonder,Here, the Fa calls every realm to reckoning,Standing unvanquishable, This hour so close to heart!
Ten Falun Dafa Practitioners from Shandong Province are Sent to Labour Camps
2003-09-21Tang did not cooperate with the illegal interrogation, and several police beat her up. Among them, policeman Xian Jinpeng, head of the so-called Security Joint Defense Guards, was the most vicious. Since Tang did not cooperate with the illegal interrogation, Xian slapped her face with books, which caused her face to swell. During the mistreatment, Tang still clarified the truth to him. Xian said, "I know that those who practise Falun Gong are good people, no matter if it's when they are at home or in the society. However, Jiang Zemin gives me the money, so I have to do this."
Den of Evil Xuchang Forced Labour Camp Claim: "No. 1 in Transformation Rate." of Dafa Practitioners
2003-09-20Instead of doing the torturing themselves, the police gradually change their role to be behind the scenes, instigating the prisoners to do the dirty work. Regarding the torture mentioned above, the police would say they didn't know what happened in an attempt to escape responsibility. They would make a charade of investigating the case and send the practitioner to the hospital.
Detained Dafa Practitioners Secretly Transferred to Different Prisons
2003-09-15Because Jiang Zemin, the chief criminal in the persecution of Falun Gong, was recently charged in lawsuits from several countries, and because continues to expose the persecution that the nine practitioners have received, the corrupt officials hurriedly transferred some of the practitioners to different places.
Chengdu City Lady Dafa Practitioner in Her Sixties Arrested Eight Times
2003-09-14At her workplace, Ms. Li not only didn't receive retirement pensions any more, but her pension card, identification card, retirement card, and residency card were all taken away. Her life savings of 9000 Yuan were taken away by Ni Nianchun in March 2003. Also, friends and relatives of hers were not allowed to visit; her basic rights were taken away.
Writer From the Hebei Province Writers' Guild Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison for Practising Falun Gong
2003-09-05On September 9, 2002, he and eight other Dafa practitioners were convicted in a cursory show trial at the Qiaoxi District Court in Shijiazhuang City, making a mockery of the legal institution. Lishan was outrageously sentenced to ten years in prison. Because of his prolonged detention at the Second Detention Centre and the maltreatment he received there, his body was covered with scabies. In July of this year, under pressure and coercion from the "610 Office", Hebei Province First Prison in Baoding City admitted Zhao Lishan despite his poor physical health.
Practitioner Ms. Qiu Lihua On Hunger Strike in Wanbolin Detention Centre, Shanxi Province
2003-08-31We have learned that Qiu Lihua went on a hunger strike shortly after her arrest. Currently, she is extremely weak, yet the Taiyuan Detention Centre continues to imprison her. Dafa practitioners arrested by the Wanbolin Branch of the Bureau of Public Safety last October and November were intermittently sentenced without legal grounds. At that time, Qi Lihua, who was on intravenous infusion, was taken to court. When she used all her remaining physical strength to loudly proclaim: "Falun Dafa is good!" the righteous field shocked the whole court and her trial was hastily ended.
My Daughter is Being Persecuted at the Dabei Jail in Shenyang
2003-08-30In March of this year, I saw my daughter through a friend's help. The moment I saw her I was shocked. My daughter was feeble and she had injures all over her face. Both of her hands were black and blue. She had a gaping wound in a triangular shape, which was most likely cause by a metal object. It was February when I saw her. My daughter cried and I felt very sad. No one should have to suffer like this in order to earn the right to pursue being a good person. I asked the warders why they beat Xiu Xiaoxue. The warders said shamelessly, "She was bumped by a machine."
A Young Falun Gong Practitioner Nobly Resists Persecution during Unlawful Imprisonment
2003-08-22In the detention centre, the fellow practitioners there looked after me carefully. No matter how vicious the persecution was in the jail, I insisted on practising the Falun Gong exercises, and I got out of jail several months later. During my time there, many fellow practitioners were taken out for interrogations that lasted days. Later I was told that the authorities tried to extort "confessions" by torturing them in a hotel room day and night. The practitioners suffered from severe physical abuse and mental humiliation.
Dafa Practitioners Unlawfully Detained and Families Torn Apart in Gansu Province
2003-08-22Ms. Sang Xiaochun, is 33 years old. Because she travelled to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, she was detained over two months. On July 19, 2002, she was arrested again. She remains detained. Her 8-year-old child is being cared for by her mother-in-law who is in her 60's (the child's grandmother. Her husband is also in unlawful detention for practising Falun Gong. So a family is torn apart because they adhere to the principles of Truthfulness -Compassion - Tolerance.
Cruel Tactics Used to Torture Dafa Practitioners in Moganshan Forced Labour Camp
2003-08-21Camp policeman Chen Yunli frequently threatened Dafa practitioners in meetings, "Nobody will walk out of the labour camp if not transformed!" He also ordered the prisoners to monitor Dafa practitioners. He coerced the prisoners with promises of freely moving around and a reduction in their terms, trying to make the prisoners collabourate with them to persecute practitioners. Some prisoners who did not know the truth became accomplices of the camp police in order to seek rewards.
Falun Dafa Practitioners in Longshan Forced Labour Camp treated Viciously
2003-08-15Tang Yubao is a captain at the Longshan Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. He often verbally abuses and tortures Dafa practitioners. Most practitioners under his jurisdiction have been beaten by him on different occasions; even non-practitioner detainees are not spared if they show sympathy for Falun Gong.
A Kind, Innocent Woman Unjustly Detained Many Times
2003-08-14Ms. Gao takes care of her father and mother-in-law, both in their 80s, and she also has a daughter. Her illegal arrest has nearly caused these two senior citizens to suffer a mental breakdown. Their happy family has endured severe hardships because of Jiang Zemin and his regime's brutal persecution.