Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Seventy-Year-Old Woman Mistaken as Falun Gong Practitioner, Beaten to Death
2004-10-2970-year-old Ms Wang Lianying had taken up Falun Gong before July 20, 1999 for health reasons. However, she stopped practising after the persecution of Falun Gong began. On September 18, 2004, she was arrested while sleeping, taken to the police station, and beaten to death on the same day. Upon hearing the news, Wang's family was furious. On the morning of September 19, as a protest, they strung a banner across the street that read, "Give Back Our 70-Year-Old Mother." With hundreds of spectators and bystanders, the traffic was in complete chaos. Later, they hung a banner across the hospital saying, "Knowing the law yet breaking the law, the police treat human lives like straw."
Fourteen-Year-Old Girl Sun Yubo Is Orphaned After Her Parents are Killed As a Result of the Persecution
2004-10-29Mr. Sun Jihong was 40 years old and worked in the Huanan Forestry Company's Xianfeng site in Heilongjiang Province. In 1994, he learned to practise Falun Dafa. On September 25th of the same year, he was again illegally arrested and detained in Beijing at the Yuquanying area in Fengtai District. Four days later, on September 29th, he was subjected to a round of excruciating torture and died. On October 2, his body was cremated.
Letter from WOIPFG to All Levels of Chinese Officials Regarding Jiang's Stepping Down: Stop the Persecution and Bring the Murderers to Justice
2004-10-29In China, the persecution of 100 million innocent Falun Gong practitioners has lasted for more than five years. Now that Jiang has stepped down, this national catastrophe should be immediately stopped. The persecution of Falun Gong has caused the deaths of more than 1000 innocent people from beatings and torture, has utilized vast resources and affected almost all of the people in China. All the murderers who initiated and participated in the persecution should also be punished.
Mother Tortured, Police Send Homeless Child to Orphanage
2004-10-28Yu Yuejin is a 48-year-old mother from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. She was arrested by police because she practised Falun Gong and sent to Wanjia Labour Camp in Harbin City. Ms. Yu's husband is serving time in prison for an unknown reason. As a result, the police sent her four-year-old daughter to Nangang District Children's Welfare Centre (actually an orphanage) in Harbin City.
"I Have Lost My Mummy, I Cannot Lose My Daddy"
2004-10-28Little Yuanming went to Wuxi Prison hospital with her maternal grandmother to see her dad, who has become now virtually unrecognisable due to the torture. Seeing her father, little Yuanming became so bewildered that she could only stare at him wide-eyed. Even though Yuanming is young, she can still understand, "I have already lost my mummy, I cannot lose my daddy."
12-Year-Old Child's Mother Dies in the Persecution, Father Sentenced to Four Years in Prison
2004-10-27Zhu Meijuan was 38 years old when she died as a result of the persecution. She was a worker in the Boiler Metal Configuration Factory of Qingdao City and started to practise Falun Gong in spring 1996 at Erlihe, Jiaozhou City. She was fired from her job for practising Falun Gong. In October 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal and validate Dafa. In December 2001, her husband Zhou Zhaohua was arrested.
Some Facts about Rongrong, Daughter of Falun Dafa Practitioner Zou Songtao and His Wife Zhang Yunhe
2004-10-27Rongrong was born on November 15, 1999 and is the daughter of practitioner Zou Songtao and his wife Zhang Yunhe. On November 3, 2000, Zou Songtao was tortured to death in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in Zibo City, Shandong Province. He was only 28 at the time.
Practitioner Ms Liang Qizhen from Liaoning Province Abducted and Taken to Masanjia - Father Passes Away in Anguish
2004-10-18Ms Liang Qizhen, 48, was sentenced to three years of imprisonment in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp due to explaining the facts about Falun Gong. On the ninth day after she was arrested, Liang Qizhen's father could not endure the blow caused by the news of his daughter's imprisonment, and he passed away in despair. Liang Qizhen's sister is heartbroken. Her elder sister is unlawfully imprisoned, her father is dead, her young nephew still needs nurturing, and her elderly mother needs to be looked after.
Mother Tortured, Police Send Homeless Child to Orphanage
2004-10-18Yu Yaojin is a 48-year-old mother from Heilongjiang Province. She was arrested by police because she practised Falun Gong and sent to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. As a result, the police sent her four-year-old daughter to an orphanage. During her detention Yu underwent severe torture and ended up with heart problems; yet she pined to see her daughter. Because of her determination, the labour camp allowed her to visit the orphanage. Sadly, the little girl had been so traumatized by her mother's sudden arrest and suffered such separation anxiety that she was no longer able to recognize her mother.
17-Year-Old Ms. Zhang Tongtong Detained for Brainwashing -- Authorities Extort Huge Sum From Her Family to Secure Her Release
2004-10-08Ms. Zhang Tongtong, 17 years old, is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province. On July 20, 2003, she went to Beijing to appeal to the government on behalf of Falun Gong and was arrested and sent to a brainwashing centre. The police told her father to bring fifteen thousand yuan in exchange for her release; otherwise, Zhang Tongtong would be sent to Jinan Forced Labour Camp for two years. Her father managed to borrow the money and her family is now deeply in debt.
A Former Female Prison Guard's Story (Part 2)
2004-10-06While being knocked down, the young man struggled to take off his jacket to reveal the yellow T-shirt he wore inside. On the back of the T-shirt were the three large words "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." I rushed toward the perpetrators, saying, "Do not hit him. He is a good man." Then a plainclothes policeman yelled at me, "We are on duty plainclothes officers. Stay away!" I said, "I'm also an officer. An officer is supposed to stop criminals and protect the innocent. It is wrong to hit innocent people like this."
A Practitioner and Her Family Endure Five Years of Persecution
2004-09-29Two police claiming to be responsible for the security in my area also came to visit. One of them kept telling me: Why are you practising Falun Gong? Why not practise something else? While he was talking, he kept searching my household. I realized I would be arrested when I saw that the road we were taking wasn't the way to my office. They took me to the Third Affiliated Hospital (a mental hospital) of Beijing Medical School. I tried to escape, but they guarded all the car doors. Four men (two police, my colleague and my husband) each took hold of my limbs and carried me into the hospital hallway. I struggled to try to free myself. I cried out: "I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I am not a mental patient."
Senior Citizen Dies from Stress Caused by the Relentless Persecution of His Family
2004-09-27After Jiang Zemin began his persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Mr. Wang's daughter, daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter-in-law were all sentenced to three years of forced labour because of their belief in Falun Gong. His daughter and daughter-in-law were allowed parole to get medical help after they had been severely tortured. On March 13, 2003, a group of officials went to Mr. Wang's house to arrest his daughter again. Since she was not there, the officials began to harass Mr. Wang. As a result, he died on March 14, after he was taken to Jiangnan 465 Air Force Hospital for emergency rescue.
Police Arrest and Persecute 60 Year Old Woman
2004-09-24"The local head of the "610" office dispatched over 20 policemen to surround and break into my house. When they tried to take me away my four-year-old grandson became afraid and started to cry. My husband pulled my grandson out of the way, while 5 or 6 policemen were dragging me, an elderly woman, like a lifeless body into their car. They took me to the local station and kept my persecution a secret."
Jiang Zemin Needs to Explain the Incongruities of the "Tiananmen Self-immolation" at the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Chinese Ruling Party Committee
2004-09-13When approaching him that his whole body appeared charred and I could also see that some new skin had just grown in some places. His two hands were limp and hung, in an immobile position close to his body. I asked anxiously, "What's happened?" He said, "Some gasoline set on fire burning me." I asked him, "Why aren't you covered with bandages? You saw that those people who were burned in the Tiananmen self-immolation incident were wrapped with bandages." He smiled and did not answer.