Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Death of Hebei Province Dafa Practitioner Mr. Ma Changbin in 2001 and Arrest of His Wife
2004-09-11Mr. Ma Changbin, 57 years old, was a retired worker who lived in Tangshan City, Hebei Province. He was illegally incarcerated in October 2000, and was released in February 2001. During the incarceration he was physically tortured and mentally tormented. Medical intervention failed to cure him and he died in May 2001. In May 2004, people from the "610 Office" arrested Ma Changbin's wife, Xu Ruilan, from home and sent her to the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp without following any legal proceedings.
Ministry of Public Security Plots Large-scale Secret Arrests of Practitioners
2004-09-11It has been learned that since July 20, the Ministry of Public Security has been plotting a new plan to mass-arrest Falun Gong practitioners nationwide. The arrests, however, are intended to be done in secret without publicizing the events as usual. In Anshan City, Liaoning Province, local authorities have been following practitioners, and have conducted secret arrests of anyone who practises Falun Gong. So far, over thirty practitioners have been arrested.
Abducted and Persecuted - The Story of Two Practitioners from Guangzhou
2004-09-02In May 2004, the "610 Office" in Tianhe, a district of Guangzhou City, abducted two Falun Dafa practitioners named Chen Chunli and Gao Dandi. The apartment that they rented in Dongpu Tianhong Garden of the Tianhe district in Guangzhou City was searched. The police confiscated their computer, laptop, cash and other property.
Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured and Killed for Their Belief in China's Universities and Colleges
2004-08-31Chen Zhili, currently member of State Council in charge of education, former Minister of Education used her special relationship with Jiang Zemin to promote the persecution of Falun Gong in the Chinese educational system. A least 61 faculty members at schools and students who were Falun Gong practitioners have died as a result of torture. Numerous professors and students were sentenced to prison and sent to forced labour camps and detention centres. At least 18 at Tsinghua University were sentenced to prison; at least 300 others were illegally detained, fired, expelled from school or directly sent to forced labour camps.
Anti-Falun Gong Hate Camp Established to Poison the Minds of Young People in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
2004-08-27Sources say that a so-called "rejecting cult" programme for young people from elementary and high schools in the Dongshan District, began operations on July 30, 2004. Being the first of its kind, the camp was organized by Guangdong Province authorities to spread propaganda and instill hatred toward Falun Gong among those youngsters. The plan is to indoctrinate close to 70,000 young people in Dongshan District every year by making them attend the camp.
Family Protests "610 Office's" Abduction of Northwest Industry University Professor Ms. Xing Wenzhen
2004-08-13On the morning of April 8, a man from the Public Security Department of Northwest Industry University called Professor Xing Wenzhen to say that someone wanted to talk to her. Xing Wenzhen, therefore, went to the University, bringing with her documents and awards issued by various departments of the national government. She has not been heard from since.
How Jiang and His Accomplices Such as Zhao Zhizhen Use the Media to Brainwash the Chinese People
2004-08-04Compared to the advertising efforts by the two political parties in the United States, the brainwashing of the people by Jiang's regime in Mainland China is at a much higher level. Since July 20, 1999, when Chinas dictator, Jiang Zemin and his followers started to persecute Falun Gong, TV, radio and the press have been constantly attacking Falun Gong. If we were to describe the advertising by the two major political parties in the United States as a gentle shower, then the media attacks on Falun Gong in China could be described as a hurricane.
Pregnant Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Guijin Arrested and Separated from Husband and 4 Year Old Child
2004-07-30At the end of February 2004, perpetrators abducted a whole family of practitioners in Zhoukou City, Henan province. Mr. Song Zhenlin, his wife Ms. Wang Guijin, and their 4-year-old child were all taken away. The wife was released after it was realized she was pregnant. A while later, police detained the pregnant Wang Guijin again, openly violating the nation's law.
Details of At Least 60 Practitioners in the Shijiazhuang Area Arrested Over the Past Six Months
2004-07-29Since the beginning of 2004, persecutors in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei province, have escalated their persecution of Dafa practitioners. The persecutors include the "610 Office" of Shijiazhuang City and surrounding counties and towns, Political and Security Subsections, all police sub-departments within Shijiazhuang City and public security bureaus, procuratorial bureaus and people's courts of the nearby towns and counties. They trail practitioners, appoint people to keep practitioners' homes under surveillance and arrest them. Over 60 Dafa practitioners were arrested, of which 2 were sentenced to jail terms, and several others were sent to forced labour camps.
Police Brutality in Jinan City: Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Guo Piling Suffers Three Severed Tendons in Her Hand While being Arrested
2004-07-20On March 3, 2004, several Falun Dafa practitioners in Shandong Province were reported to the police while distributing truth-clarifying materials and posting Falun Gong posters. About eight policemen came to arrest five female Falun Dafa practitioners. Dafa practitioner Ms. Guo Piling, refused to cooperate during the unlawful arrest. Four policemen seized her arms and legs and forcibly pushed her into the backseat of a police car. When the police slammed the door shut, the door hit and injured Ms. Guo's hand.
Mr. Xie Chengshan and Two of his Family Members are Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labour
2004-07-20In February 2004, the "610 Office" in Chongqing, sent three more Falun Dafa practitioners to a labour camp, because they distributed truth-clarifying Dafa materials These three practitioners are part of one family: Mr Xie Chengshan, his wife and his son. Each were brutally tortured and have received a three year sentence.
Hospital Security Workers Abduct Doctor, Police Beat A Friend Who Comes to Her Aid
2004-07-07Ms. Wang Qihui is a retired doctor from the Chinese Medical Hospital in Yunnan Province. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, the police and work unit have had her under surveillance. On holidays or so-called sensitive days, hospital security workers would take her and detain her in the hospital. In 2002, she was taken to Kunming Mental Hospital and suffered brutal torture physically and mentally during the so-called "treatment."
Practitioner Li Jiangang, Is Abducted Right Before His Wedding
2004-07-05Mr. Li Jiangang of Shandong Province, was abducted a few days before his wedding. On April 24, 2004, while driving, he was suddenly stopped and apprehended by Weifang National Security agents. The next morning police attempted to abduct his fiancee and her mother. Fortunately they escaped. The wedding money that they had saved and put aside was taken when the National Security policemen ransacked the apartment.
International Community's Immediate Attention Needed: Bodily Organs Removed and Sold From Falun Dafa Practitioners Tortured to Death in China
2004-06-26Using violence, deception, and corruption, the Chinese dictatorship covers up many of its horrible crimes. The theft and sale by the government of bodily organs from executed prisoners has been confirmed by witnesses and condemned by the international community. Witnesses say that Falun Dafa practitioners who are tortured to death sometimes have their organs stolen and sold to third parties.
Interview with Zhao Ming in Vienna
2004-06-26Zhao Ming is a former post-graduate student of Computer Science at Trinity College, Dublin. He now resides in Ireland as a refugee. Because he practises Falun Gong he was unlawfully arrested when he went back to China for Christmas in 1999. Zhao Ming was imprisoned for twenty two months and suffered unimaginable torture daily. In March 2002 he was released from prison and he returned to Dublin. Ever since then he has been informing the international community about the unlawful persecution in China.