Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Attorney Gao Zhicheng's Open Letter to the National People's Congress
2005-01-19On the 31st of December, Beijing attorney Gao Zhicheng of Beijing's Chengzhi Law Office published a copy of the letter he sent to the National People's Congress. Mr. Gao addressed such questions as: Are Falun Gong practitioners treated as Chinese citizens? Should they be granted protection under the Chinese Constitution? Are they granted the rights of a Chinese citizen?
Shanghai Promotes Police Who Capture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-01-06As people in the Community Office and the Association of Local Citizens in Baoshan (Shanghai) disclosed, "The 'higher authorities, in order to spur people to catch Falun Gong practitioners, declared that anyone can get a promotion to one salary-grade higher and get a reward of five thousand to twenty thousand yuan if he captures a Falun Gong practitioner. As far as we know, Shanghai police once offered a reward of only fifty thousand yuan for the capture of a serious killer." In a subdivision of Yangpu District, a large sign was even erected saying "let Falun Gong have no place to stand."
Police Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners on Tiananmen Square for Displaying Banners and a Westerner Is Assaulted for Taking Photos
2005-01-03A woman who came from Jilin to appeal said, "In the past, nobody dared to mention Falun Gong but now everyone is talking about it. They say that Falun Gong is not like the government claims." She said she had witnessed police officers pulling practitioners' hair and beating them; however, the practitioners said nothing and showed what "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance" was all about.
The Orphaned Children of Practitioners Ouyang Wei and Zhao Xudong
2004-12-29Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ouyang Wei, 32 years old, lived in Lanzhou, Gansu province. On October the 16th 2002, three people from Aning Police Station, State Security Team tricked him into opening his door by telling him that they were his colleagues and that they wanted to take him to the police station to investigate something. At noon, the three policemen took Ouyang Wei back home and said to his family that they would take him to "study" for a few days. They sent Ouyang Wei to Gansu No. 1 Labour Camp for one year of forced labour.
Shanghai Apartment Buildings Turned into Virtual Prisons in Order to Block the Distribution of Falun Dafa Informational Materials
2004-12-25As part of their effort to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners, officials in Shanghai are turning residential apartment buildings into "prisons" in order to block the distribution of materials that clarify truth about Falun Dafa. Following the policy of suppressing Dafa practitioners even more deviously while trying to hide the facts of the persecution to the outside world, these officials make accomplices out of innocent people such as gatekeepers, retired communist party members, lift operators, janitors and maintenance staff.
Information About Wang Jing, the Surviving Son of Falun Gong Practitioner Duan Shiqiong, Who Was Tortured to Death in 2003
2004-12-05Wang Jing was born in November 1998. His father Wang Zhihai is a Falun Gong practitioner, as was his mother Duan Shiqiong. He was seven months old when Jiang's faction started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th 1999. The local police and "610 Office" personnel arrested, detained and tortured his parents, who consequently were unable to take care of him, so Wang Jing lived with his grandparents most of the time.
Hong Kong Practitioner: Shanghai Police Abducted My Mother For Telling People the Truth about the Persecution
2004-12-05I am a practitioner from Hong Kong. My mother Zhu Wenxian is also a Falun Gong practitioner. On November 9, 2004, my mother was talking to people about the true situation of Falun Gong in a market in Shanghai when the Shanghai police abducted her. This is not the first time the police have abducted her. She is still being detained.
When Can Five-Year-Old Zhan Xuanhong Be Reunited with His Imprisoned Father, Mother and Grandmother?
2004-11-30A boy named Zhan Xuanhong was born in November 1999. He lives in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. He has been separated from family members since he was a toddler due to the persecution of Falun Gong, and has suffered tremendously. When he was only two years old, he was deprived of his father's care. Later, he was deprived of his mother's as well.
Information about Shao Linyao, Son of Deceased Falun Gong Practitioner Shao Hui from Huadian City
2004-11-29Shao Linyao had a healthy and happy childhood in a loving family environment. His happiness, however, did not last long because Jiang's faction arrested his parents time and time again. Since turning three years old, he has been deprived of his parents and subjected to loneliness, helplessness and terror.
Distraught Teen-Aged Daughter Attempts Suicide After the Murder of her Innocent Mother
2004-11-26Ms. Li Qingqing, 13 years old, is a student in the Jiangjin Heping Middle School. She lives in the Ninth Section of Zhouwu Village, Luohuang Town, Jiangjin City in Chongqing. Qingqing became an orphan when she was only nine years old. Her father died of illness in 2000, and her mother died as the result of persecution in 2001 for practising Falun Gong. Li Qingqing lost not only the love of her mother but the warmth of her family. She has had to live in her uncle's home and often cries for her mother.
Propagandists in China under Investigation; Chinese Social Science Academy at the Top of the List
2004-11-26According to human rights organisations, it is confirmed through investigation that the Chinese Social Science Academy and its branches have established organisations and institutions specialised in studying the ideology to be used in the anti-Falun Gong movement. Those organisations have used their power under the guise of academic research to slander Falun Gong, instigate hatred towards it, and implement tactics to persecute it. They are also suspected of having influenced other authorities to use mental hospitals to torture Falun Gong practitioners with nerve-damaging drugs.
Current Situation of Wang Yuexing, Orphaned Son of Practitioner Wang Kemin from Daqing City
2004-11-21Falun Gong practitioner Wang Kemin, from Daqing City in Heilongjiang Province, was persecuted many times. He died on May the 8th 2003, shortly after police pounded on his door, attempting to break in to arrest him. His son was left orphaned after his father died. He is one of many children whose parents have been killed in the five years of persecution against Falun Gong.
Six-Year Old Twins Sun Ri And Sun Yue in Shuangcheng City Lost Their Mother in March 2004 - Ms. Xiao Yali Dies From the Brutalities of Force Feeding
2004-11-20On March the 6th 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xiao Yali from Dongfa Village of Zhoujia Township in Shuangcheng City of Heilongjiang Province died during force-feeding in Shuangcheng City No. 2 Detention Centre. The following is some information about Ms. Xiao's twin children, Sun Ri and Sun Yue.
Orphan of a Practitioner who Lost his Life in the Persecution Is Missing
2004-11-20Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Miao Qisheng from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province passed away on May the 14th 2002 as a result of the persecution by Xianggong Police Station officers in the Huanggu District of Shenyang City. His son Miao Yumeng, around 13 years old, suffers from heart disease and his whereabouts is unknown.
Pinochet Faces Trial so Why Wait to Bring Jiang and His Accomplices to Justice?
2004-11-20According to Jiang Zemin and his regime's confidential orders he stated with regards to those who practise Falun Gong, "Beating them to death is counted as suicide, there is no need for their families to identify the bodies, and cremate them directly," a state of affairs even more startling then that enacted by Pinochet has existed in China for over five years. This ongoing persecution has resulted in over 1,100 confirmed deaths. According to internal statistics generated by Chinese officials, the death toll at the end of 2001 had actually reached 1600.