Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Recent Abduction of Dafa Practitioners in Huludao City
2004-04-17According to sources inside a police department on April 5, 2004, within the following few days there was going to be a five-day period of nation-wide arrests of Falun Gong practitioners. Between the end of March 2004 to early April, it was known throughout Huludao City that about ten Falun Dafa practitioners suddenly disappeared. On the night of March 31, 2004, Dafa practitioners who had left their homes to avoid the persecution had their temporary residences ransacked by the police.
The Crimes of Zhao Zhenguo and the Shulan City Policemen at the Coal Mine Plant
2004-04-15Zhao Zhenguo persecuted Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Pengying cruelly. Wang Pengying's husband had died from an accident at work and she was leading a difficult life, supporting herself and her young son. Zhao Zhenguo knew that she was too poor to extort money from her, so he targeted her elder sister by telling her to deliver him 500 yuan as the condition for releasing Wang Pengying. On payment more money was demanded again and again until Wang Pengying was sent to the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City because she could not afford to pay the so-called fines.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Shot at by Liaoning Province Police
2004-04-06On March 14, 2004, Zhao Qingzhe and other police officers from the Liaohe Oil Field Police Department jumped out of a car, and without warning, chased and shot at Falun Dafa practitioner Zheng Qunpeng while he was on his way to work. Fortunately, officer Zhao missed his target. He shouted, "Let me break his legs!" At the local police station an officer threatened "We could sentence you and send you to a labour camp because you shouted 'Falun Dafa is great'.
Police Wrongfully Accuse Practitioner of Printing Anti-Revolutionary Flyers in Hunan Province
2004-04-06On May 10, 2000, because of distributing truth-clarification flyers, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zen Fanchun was arrested by Chief Officer Zheng Aimin. Zheng Aimin lied to the surrounding people, saying, "Zen Fanchun prints anti-revolutionary flyers." When Mr. Zen's father, sister-in-law and wife came to the police station to bring food to him, some practitioners were about to be sent to the county detention centre, and they protested against this. Zen's father was thrown to the floor and badly beaten.
Mass Arrest of Falun Dafa Practitioners Underway in Huanggang City
2004-04-04On March 11, 2004 about 200 Falun Dafa practitioners from Huanggang City attended the memorial service for Falun Dafa practitioner Zheng Zhong, who died as a result of persecution. On March 13 some practitioners were arrested. The practitioners from Huanggang City consider the arrests part of a new round of persecution. The head of the first division of the Huanggang Police City Bureau, Zhou Yuhua appeared to "persuade" the work units of the practitioners to present a wreath for Zheng Zhong. He also said there would be no arrests this time. But the memorial service was barely over when police began arresting practitioners again. Could the arrests be coincidental?
Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era" by Peter Müller from the International Human Rights Federation
2004-03-31"We normally think of terrorists as a group of individuals who use violent methods to terrorize a state into submitting to their demands. State terrorism is when a whole nation’s resources are harnessed to terrorize its individuals into submitting to the will of the ruling party or leader. This is standard dictatorial and especially Communist practice, not only in China. The description fits exceptionally well the brutal persecution which the former Chinese President Jiang Zemin unleashed against Falun Gong practitioners in China."
Policeman Zhang Liang and His Accomplices Extort Money from Chongqing City Falun Dafa Practitioners
2004-03-28On the third day, they took the sisters to a jail where Zhang Liang interrogated them. In front of another policeman Zhang said to them: "Your living or dying depends on what I say. As long as you are willing to pay, I can let you go with my one word." But how could they have any money? The 4,750 Yuan that Zhang took away was Fu Ruxian's retirement savings. Because they had no money, Zhang detained them for another 36 days.
Six Inner Mongolia Family Members Suffer Harrowing Persecution
2004-03-28All six members of Mr. Tian Fujin's family from Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, cultivate Falun Dafa and have become the main targets of persecution from the local lawless police. All six have been detained and sent to labour camps many times. Tian's wife, Liu Xiurong, filed an appeal against policeman Shao Jun for extorting money and harassment. Recently, Tian Fang, the eldest daughter of Mr. Tian, was arrested again when she went to prison to see her third sister and her father.
Exposing the Crimes of Liu Shijie, Leader of Gaoxin District National Security Brigade in Mianyang City
2004-03-18Liu Shijie, of Gaoxin district police sub-bureau, Mianyang City, is an insidious and cruel person of about 50 years old....As soon as the persecution started, Liu Shijie immediately made arrangements to collect the names of Falun Gong practitioners, and forced them to be fingerprinted and photographed. He...instigated hatred in people who did not know the truth about Falun Gong, fabricated crimes to frame Falun Gong practitioners, and unjustly detained them.
Qinhuangdao City Police Send the Most Falun Gong Practitioners to Forced Labour Camps out of Five Regions in Northern Hebei Province
2004-03-17Practitioners Ms. Zhao Huanzhen of Shanhaiguan and Ms. Yang Yuzhu of Qinhuangdao had to have limbs amputated due to this cruel torture. Many Falun Gong practitioners in Qinlong County have also lost their lives as a result. Among those who have died as a result of this senseless persecution are Mr. Hu Hexiang and Mr. Song Youchun. Practitioners in Shanhaiguan that have also lost their lives include Ms. Pi Jinghui of the Shanhaiguan Bulb Company and 45-year-old Ms. Hou Guimin of the Shanhaiguan dockyard.
Dabei Prison in Shenyang City Provides More Evidence of the Jiang Zemin Group's Crimes
2004-03-14"Medical parole" from Dabei Prison Administration Bureau is, in fact, the excuse that the prison has used to extort money from Falun Gong practitioners' family members when the detained practitioners, during the persecution, lost significant body weight and were on the verge of death. They were threatened that if they did not cooperate, they would recall the Falun Gong practitioners and send the family members to prison.
Right and Wrong Reversed: Sixteen Jilin Province Practitioners Arrested after Shovelling Snow from the Streets and Salvaging a Police Vehicle
2004-03-14In the beginning of February 2004, most public roads were covered by heavy snow in many villages of Qingshan County and travel by vehicle was treacherous. In order to bring convenience to everyone, Falun Gong practitioners in Nianyu Village, Qingshan County overcame the cold weather and shovelled the snow from public roads. After digging out a police vehicle, however, at least 16 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested. The reason was that they were Falun Gong practitioners and they did good deeds in public; therefore their homes were searched and they were arrested.
Running the Campaign of Terror: "610 Office" Head Luo Gan's Role and Crimes in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-03-13In April 2002, Luo Gan issued orders to the political and judiciary departments of Heilongjiang, ordering the arrest of 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners to be carried out within a period of three months. The police were told, "Don't bother with those that committed crimes, such as murder, arson or any other criminal offence." Practitioners released on medical parole, practitioners released after going on hunger strike, practitioners who refused to write pledges or who once went to Beijing to appeal again became the targets of arrest.
Crimes Committed by Liu Guansheng, Deputy Director of the Shanhaiguan Public Security Bureau in Qinhuangdao City
2004-03-11For more than four years now, Liu Guansheng has served Jiang's regime in persecuting kind and innocent Falun Gong practitioners in Shanhaiguan, and he detained many Qinhangdao City practitioners in his Shanhaiguan Detention Centre. According to incomplete statistics only accounting for the Shanhaiguan District, Qinhangdao City, between 170 and 180 practitioners were illegally detained, brutally tortured and interrogated under torture as a result of his direct and indirect instructions.
Dabei Prison Threatens Charge of "Harbouring Fugitives" if Families of Practitioners Released on Medical Bail Fail to Return the Practitioners to Prison
2004-03-08As a matter of fact, "release on bail for medical treatment" is not what it appears. The so-called "release on bail for medical treatment" is in reality extortion from family members of practitioners who have been tortured to near death to pay large sums of money as "medical expenses" in exchange for the practitioners' release. If the family members cannot pay the required sums of money, there is no way for them to see their loved ones.