Kidnapping, Extortion, Persecution Throughout Society
Beijing Public Security Bureau Detention Center Secretly Detains Many Practitioners
2002-01-26According to many sources, Beijing Public Security Bureau Detention Center detains many Falun Dafa practitioners there in secrecy at present. These practitioners were all arrested secretly and are being detained without a set term.
Four Practitioners Suffer Brutal Persecution in the Chendu Detention Center
2002-01-26For example, the police cuffed their feet and hands together with a "Dragon Cape"[a torture instrument]. They wore this for over thirty days. They were also beaten cruelly, and one of them suffered from concussion. She lost consciousness for four to five days.
A Sixteen-Year-Old Girl From Hunan Province Has Been Illegally Detained for Over Six Months
2002-01-26As of today, a sixteen-year-old girl has been illegally detained for more than six months by the Qidong County Police Department in Hunan Province. All kindhearted and righteous people: please help this kind young girl
The Consequences of Lying
2002-01-26During recent years, the Jiang regime has spent a huge amount of money to develop special computer software to block the exchange of information over the Internet. All these methods have fundamentally deprived the Chinese people of one of their basic human rights.
Police Beat, Torture and Rob Everything from Falun Dafa Practitioner.
2002-01-25[Officials] removed every single thing from Liu Shengzhi's home on January 6. Liu's two pigs were sold to villagers for only 240 Yuan RMB (the market price for two pigs was about 800 Yuan RMB). All of his crops including wheat, corn and peanuts were snatched up. His cooking wares, working tools and even his door were taken away...
An Evil Place - The Second Detention Centre of Qiqihar
2002-01-24In a cell with an area less than 30 square metres [approx. 300 sq.ft.] 48 people are imprisoned. In the summer, it is common to suffer from heatstroke and it is very difficult to breathe. In order to cope with such a torturous environment, people have to take turns sleeping in three shifts. Because it is so crowded, they have to crouch up in tight sitting positions and sleep sitting up, being forced to sit everywhere, the floor, the latrine, etc.
Practitioner Arrested While Delivering Clothes and Other Necessities to Other Practitioners in Prison
2002-01-21 -
Police Demand Practitioners Pay a beating fee
2002-01-20A female police officer spun around each practitioner after they were hung up in the air, and she kicked them and banged their heads against the wall by grabbing their hair, shouting, "I've been beating people for two, three years"!"
Police Ransack Homes and Abduct Practitioners
2002-01-20Policemen from Yilan County Police Department broke into the homes of practitioners without any legal procedure. They broke the windows or locks to gain entry and ransacked the houses. They also arrested ten practitioners and detained them at Yilan County No.2 Detention Centre.
3 Cases of Persecution
2002-01-20 -
Higher Authorities Order people to declare their Opinion of Falun Gong
2002-01-20 -
Detention Centre Warden Instigates Criminals to Beat Practitioner
2002-01-19The handcuffs and shackles were chained together so closely that she could neither stand up nor lie down, but could only crouch down. Even death penalty criminals seldom have this kind of torture applied.
The Crimes of Honguang Farm Police Station
2002-01-17The director of the Police Station in Honguang relentlessly persecuted practitioners by brutally beating practitioners, ransacking their homes, conducting body searches, looting their properties, imposing unjustifiable fines, confiscating land, forced labour camp sentences and restricting personal freedom.
Eight People from One Family Sent to a Labour Camp
2002-01-15 -
True Facts Regarding Unlawful Arrests, Labour Camp Sentences and Extortion By Authorities in NanDu County, Sichuan Province