Inside the Labour Camps
Zhongba Forced Labour Camp Officials in Guizhou Province Torture Falun Gong Practitioners.
2006-03-03At the "newcomer team" of Zhouba Women's Forced Labour Camp, Falun Gong practitioners were also exposed to forced brainwashing, punishment by being forced to stand for several days and nights, sleep deprivation, forced feeding, forced injections, being forced to write "the three statements," being subjected to solitary confinement, being hung up and beaten, being tied up, electric baton shocks, having their fingers pierced with needles, wearing instruments of torture, and other methods.
Practitioner Ms. Li Xiumin Diagnosed With Tumour; Calling for Her Immediate Release on Medical Parole
2006-03-02Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Xiumin has been detained in Shijiazhuang City Labour Camp for more than 18 months. She has recently been diagnosed with breast hyperplasia and an uterine tumour, a medical condition in all likelihood caused by maltreatment under the persecution. The uterine tumour measures about 1.2 inches in diameter. The doctor urged her to immediately undergo surgery. She also suffers from retinitis. Her family is truly concerned for her. Retinitis can result in loss of eyesight if left untreated. We urgently call for the release of Li Xiumin on medical parole.
Persecution Reports from Yang'ai Forced Labour Camp in Guizhou Province
2006-03-02Practitioner Ms. Wang Shanchun is currently being held in the Yang'ai Forced Labour Camp where she is being tortured. When Ms. Wang was held in Anshun City, she was handcuffed to the torture bed for 33 days. The wound on her back that resulted from repeated beatings started to rot and grow maggots. She was restrained on the torture bed with both handcuffs and shackles, and the guards brutally force-fed her. She was forced to urinate and defecate in her clothes.
Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Guards Laugh While Torturing Practitioners
2006-03-02"In December, 2002, after a few months of being on a hunger strike, guards tied up my waist for a few hours, handcuffed both of my hands on my back, and tied both of my legs in the double lotus position for several hours continuously. As the time period was very long, my bones and muscles became excruciatingly painful - so painful that I screamed out loudly and lost consciousness. Policeman Zhang Chunguang shocked me with an electric baton so severely that my heart was twisting, both of my legs trembled, and I was dizzy. The pain was so bad that it seemed my heart had torn apart, while the police was laughing wholeheartedly."
Practitioner Ms. Su Baoli Recounts 18 Unconstitutional Detentions
2006-03-01On July 20th, 1999, the wicked Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong. That date marked the end of our peaceful life. In the past six years, hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners, including myself, have experienced unprecedented cruel persecution only because we persisted in our belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and being good people. Our families were broken up, and many of us were thrown into prison. I was detained 18 times in violation of the Chinese constitution, and my family was fined 43,500 yuan. I recently broke free from the latest incarceration and cannot put into words the amount of suffering I have gone through.
Exposing the Savage Treatment of Practitioners in the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin
2006-02-26Zhao Shuang, head of the No. 5 Division at this forced labour camp, used extremely cruel methods to persecute practitioners. Besides using high-voltage electric batons, tying practitioners to a metal chair, handcuffing them to a bed, hanging them up, beating and slapping them, he used other methods. This thug also pinched, pushed, and poked practitioners' bodies, pinched practitioners' private parts, and used a plastic bag to cover practitioners' heads.
Practitioner Ms. Yang Lijuan Suffers Persecution in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp
2006-02-21Jilin City Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Lijuan was transferred to the provincial Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp on September 23rd, 2005 after having been arrested one month ago, had a confession extracted by force, and unjustly sentenced. The camp police are applying tortures such as shocks with electric batons and denial of sleep to continuously persecute Ms. Yang. Her family visited her. When asked by family members what was going on, in front of the camp police and instructor, Ms. Yang talked about the tortures she suffered. She talked about how she had been hung up, force-fed mustard water for more than five hours, tied to a metal chair and shocked by electric batons.
Cruel Persecution of Practitioners at Sichuan Province's Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-02-21With encouragement and support of the guards, drug addict criminals thought of many wicked ideas to persecute practitioners. They locked up practitioner Ms. Geng Xiaojun in a dark place and hung her up for one day and night before letting her down. When they saw that she still refused to cooperate, they crossed and folded her legs together, and used a rope to tie her legs in this position for over ten hours. Ms. Geng was only released when she lost consciousness from the torture.
Practitioner Ms Song Ailiang from Dalian Tortured in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-02-20In late March 2005, to further persecute Falun Dafa practitioners, the practitioners were not allowed to come down to the first floor even during meals, and they had no hot water. They could only drink cold water [note: in China, especially in prison, the cold tap water is not sanitary and not suitable for drinking] and take cold baths. The practitioners collectively protested against the persecution. Beginning on April 1st, they all went on a hunger strike. All the guards were mobilised to force-feed practitioners, which is really a method of further persecution. Over ten people forcibly fed one practitioner. The food was corn porridge mixed with unknown substances.
I Twice Endured Inhumane Torture at the Sichuan Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-02-13This report details the torture I endured as a female Falun Dafa practitioner during two separate periods of detention at the Sichuan Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. Zhang Xiaofang, a female guard at the labour camp, handcuffed me, kicked my private parts and ordered the inmates to beat me until I lost consciousness. Then an inmate walked back and forth on my body, kicking my private parts until my lower body was covered with blood. The guard and the inmate then applied an unknown drug to my temples and eyes, causing me to lose my memory for more than six months.
How the Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province Ferociously Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-02-13In the labour camp, the prisoners have to take written exams. To find excuses to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, the camp police intentionally put questions that attacked Falun Gong. If the practitioners refused to take the written exams or did not "pass" the exams, they were sent to the strictly disciplined squadron or got their labour camp terms extended. Guards pierced their faces and necks with iron nails and ballpoint pen tips, forced them to kneel down on chairs, spit on them, slapped their faces, kicked them, and burnt their skin with lit cigarettes. Ironically, the labour camp's walls are covered with slogans stating that no physical punishments are allowed and a "humanitarian" environment is created.
Summary of the Persecution of Falun Gong in the Jinzhou Area --- From July 1999 to December 2005
2006-02-12Between July 1999 and December 2005, twenty-seven Falun Gong practitioners in the Jinzhou area died as a result of the persecution. Half of these practitioners died during illegal arrest, detention and while the persecution was carried out. Two practitioners suffered a mental collapse after being tortured at a labour camp and passed away at home. Another 13 practitioners had money extorted from them, were threatened, arrested repeatedly, or suffered a relapse of their old illnesses, and they passed away due to mental and physical trauma. Statistics show that most of the practitioners who died as a result of torture were women and elderly.
How the Guards From the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp of Changchun City Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-02-08In the past several years, the authorities at the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp have brutally tortured detained Falun Dafa practitioners both physically and spiritually. Those held there are deprived of freedom. They are forced to work from morning to night each day. Every day they have to work for over ten hours. Once, the practitioners were forced to pick beans after dinner. Lan Mingjuan (female), who is the deputy chief of the seventh division, complained that the practitioners did not pick enough beans. She forced the practitioners to work until 1:00 a.m. before they were allowed to go to sleep.
Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp in Shaanxi Province Incites Drug Addicts to Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2006-02-07The Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp prison guards are known for cruelly torturing Dafa practitioners. After the labour camp's persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners was exposed to the public, the guards now incite drug addicts to beat the practitioners in order to cover up their own crimes. This way, if problems arise or when they are questioned by the practitioner's families and the public, they can shirk their responsibilities and blame the drug addict inmates by claiming, "We don't know what is going on among the inmates." They even lie, saying that they will punish the drug addicts who beat practitioners.
The Plight of Several Dafa Practitioners in the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2006-01-30Ms. Han Guixia's lower body was paralysed from torture and she lost bladder control, wetting the bed. The group chief didn't let her eat and locked her out of the dining hall. Wang Xin pinched Ms. Han's lip and made it bleed. Also, Wang verbally abused her in front of everybody and claimed that Ms. Han was pretending to be sick. Ms. Han was tied onto a "Tiger Bench". Policemen forbade her to go to the toilet, forcing her to urinate in her trousers. She was tied to the bench for the whole night.