Inside the Labour Camps

  • Exposing Crimes of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp (Part I)

    "I have been unjustly held at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp since 2001. In May 2001, the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp started a brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. For an entire month, they continuously and viciously tortured about a hundred practitioners who refused to give up their beliefs in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. Falun Dafa practitioners endured unimaginable mental and physical pain. The whole place was engulfed in terror."
  • Persecution Methods Used in Some Prisons and Forced Labour Camps in Shandong Province

    "I have been imprisoned in labour camps and detention centres many times. I was physically and mentally humiliated and viciously beaten. I spent three Chinese New Years in detention centres. I was not able to have a family dinner with my husband and child. My elderly parents and my child have suffered tremendously. In China, many families are being persecuted. The entire country is under the red terror. One of my fellow practitioner's children became an orphan at less than two years old. Many practitioners cannot go back to their homes because of the persecution."
  • A Falun Dafa Practitioner in Liaoning Province Reveals Her Suffering at the Hands of the Chinese Communist Party

    They also entangled my whole body with plastic wrap, put a cotton cap on my head, and wrapped my face with adhesive tape. They punched two nose holes in the tape with chopsticks, then poured in ethyl alcohol, garlic water, highly concentrated salt water, dirty water, and even urine. During this force-feeding, they pushed a steel bowl that was flattened into my mouth. My mouth was full of blood and my lips swelled up. They also put several dozen hard-shelled insects on my body. They scurried about everywhere all over my body. They caught a big live spider and put it into my mouth. They ruthlessly poured dirty water on my body. By then, my whole body was covered with wounds.
  • Ms. Zhang Xiaoli and Her Family Suffer Brutal Persecution in Hebei Province

    Ms Zhang Xiaoli is critically ill and extremely weak due to persecution in Balizhuang Forced Labour Camp. She has been examined in hospital and found to have tumours in her abdomen and uterus. One is as big as a goose egg, and another one is as big as an egg. She also has a cyst in her ovary. She cannot eat; if she does, she will vomit. Ms. Zhang has become so emaciated that she now weighs just 100 pounds. The doctor in the No. 252 Hospital suggested that she be treated outside of the labour camp; however, Baoding City Balizhuang Labour Camp has shown no concern for her life at all and they refuse to let her go.
  • Update on the Atrocities at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    On May 14, 2005, Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Team Leader Shi beat Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhu Yun, who had been on hunger strike for one year. Shi was drunk and hit Ms. Zhu's head and slapped her repeatedly until she lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground. After she came to, Ms. Zhu discovered the guards had covered the mirror in the toilet with paper so she could not see herself. According to witnesses, her eyes were bloodshot and her face was seriously swollen and deformed.
  • The Persecution of Dong Jingzhe, Who Helped Rescue Gao Rongrong, at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dong Jingzhe, who was brutally tortured to the brink of death in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, once said, "Throughout the ages, when people look at their past, they will feel gratified by the memory of their maintaining kindness in life, if they ignored their conscience and chose otherwise, they would regret it. And there are some people who became enemies of the honourable, thus ruining their futures forever. I wish that all mankind would protect goodness and maintain their most precious thing in life - their conscience. Telling people about the goodness of Falun Dafa is not meant to create hatred towards the perpetrators, but instead, is meant to bring people a brighter future."
  • Ms. Xie Xiulan's Personal Testimony of the Persecution She Suffered at Dalian Forced Labour Camp

    "I was arrested at approximately 7:00 p.m. one evening in June 2000. The very next day, I was taken to Dalian Detention Centre where I was held for 42 days. I was then transferred to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp where I was tortured for two years. Later, I was transferred to Dalian Forced Labour Camp where I was sentenced to two years of forced labour. When Dalian Forced Labour Camp was closed down, I was returned to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for further persecution. I believe in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," the principles of Falun Dafa, and I did not do anything wrong, yet I was brutally tortured with small cell internment, brutal beatings, being hung up with handcuffs, the Tiger Bench, and my nose was broken from the torture."
  • Beijing Forced Labour Dispatch Office Conspires with Forced Labour Camp to Exploit Practitioners' Labour for Profit

    Because of long-term torture in a forced labour camp, practitioner Ms Wang Lei became mentally ill. On November 17 2004, almost eight months after she was released, police arrested her again and sent her to the Fangshan Detention Centre. During her hunger strike, the police continuously force-fed her. She was again sentenced, this time to two and a half years of forced labour, and sent to the Daxing Forced Labour Dispatch Office. The office knew that she had mental problems but still admitted her even though, according to the law, forced labour camps cannot accept people with mental problems. She was extremely weak, but the police still forced her to stay in the "sit on a bench" posture, with her hands on her knees, for 17 hours. In order to force her to write a "guarantee statement", the police appointed six criminals with drug-related convictions to beat, abuse, humiliate, and torture her.
  • Ms. Jiang Meilan from Hunan Province Has Been Persecuted to the Brink of Death in Zhuzhou City's Baimacheng Forced Labour Camp

    On March 24, 2005, Ms. Jiang Meilan was abducted by police. She was sentenced to one year of forced labour and was sent to Baimacheng Forced Labour Camp. She has been on a hunger strike ever since she was abducted in March, more than three months. She has received injections and been force-fed in the Baimacheng Forced Labour Camp. She is now very weak and cannot walk by herself. She can only walk with the assistance of two inmates, who have been assigned as monitors. Right now, Ms. Jiang Meilan is on the verge of death.
  • Re-enactment of Torture Methods Used at No. 1 Detention Centre and Xigemu Forced Labour Camp in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province

    This photo shows a reenactment of the police in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province torturing practitioner Ms. Du Jiahua with hanging. She also suffered handcuffing from behind, tying with ropes, and shocking with an electric baton.
  • Ms Cao Yanzhuo and Other Practitioners On Hunger Strike to Protest Persecution at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    Since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, the local police have constantly harassed forty-three year old Ms. Cao Yanzhuo because she refuses to give up her belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." Ms. Cao was forced into a homeless situation, but she kept appealing for Dafa. On July 10, 2002, Cao Yanzhuo was reported to the police when she was exposing the persecution about Dafa. She was arrested and sent to Masanjia Forced Labour Re-education Camp, where she has been detained ever since.
  • Practitioner Ms. Ren Shujie from Liaoning Province is at the Brink of Death from Torture

    Ms. Ren Shujie was detained in forced labours camps for three years for cultivating Falun Dafa. She could not eat normally after returning home due to her mistreatment in the labour camps. She is now so weak that she is dying. She used to weight 80 kilograms (176 lbs.) but now weighs less than 40 (88 lbs.). Her life is ebbing away.
  • Urgent Appeal on Behalf of Ten Practitioners Who Have Been Arrested for Rescuing Ms. Gao Rongrong

    Ms. Ma Lianxiao, a 59-year-old employee of the Liaoning Province Construction Academy of Science, benefited physically and mentally from practising Falun Gong. She was arrested in July 2003 and sentenced to eight years in prison. She was released only when she was close to death due to torture. After being subjected to torture several times, she was severely injured. She often felt lightheaded, her entire body trembled, and she could not walk steadily. In March, she was again arrested and taken to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Shortly afterwards it was discovered that she was no longer in Masanjia. When concerned people made inquiries, Masanjia authorities told them, "She was sent home already." Everyone looked for her everywhere, but no one could not locate her. Ms. Ma Lianxiao's whereabouts remain unknown.
  • Demonstration of Some of the Torture Methods Used at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    Ms. Li had been jailed in Masanjia for 6 months and she was tortured almost every day. After half a year in Masanjia, her weight fell from over 50 Kg to only about 20 plus Kg. Seeing that she was dying, the Labour Camp released her. One of the tortures she endured was called "Kick Face": Guards order criminal inmates to kick the practitioner in her face.
  • Two Hundred Falun Dafa Practitioners Still Illegally Imprisoned in Shandong No. 2 Forced Labour Camp

    Two hundred male Falun Dafa practitioners are still imprisoned in Shandong No. 2 Forced Labour Camp. The torture methods used there are ruthless. Dafa practitioners who dare to say "Falun Dafa is great!" are tortured with electric batons, deprived of sleep, hung up by their handcuffs, beaten with iron and wooden tools, stripped and exposed to the cold, or scratched, imprisoned in solitary confinement, forced to stand for extended periods, denied use of the toilet, given extensions to their prison terms, etc. Young and old, practitioners are ruthlessly persecuted mentally, physically, and financially.