Inside the Labour Camps

  • The Brutal Persecution of Practitioners in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp

    Most of the detained practitioners are forced to prepare toothpicks and small sticks for food products. The young people are ordered to finish 25 boxes. Every box weighs 2.76 to 3.3 pounds. Elderly people are ordered to finish 15 to 20 boxes. They are supposed to work from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., but usually are forced to work until 10 or 11 p.m., sometimes even midnight. If anyone doesn't finish the work, he has to bring the unfinished work back in the cell. As punishment, the person has to do more work in addition to his unfinished work. Some people have to work until 3:30 a.m.
  • How the Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp Persecute Elderly Ms. Wang Guoying

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Guoying is in her 60s. Since being imprisoned in the Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp in October 2005, she has been constantly suffering brutal persecution and is locked up as a so-called "strictly monitored target" on the 3rd floor of the labour camp. Her current condition is very urgent.
  • Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Second Women's Section of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    The guards in the Second Women's Section force-fed those Falun Gong practitioners who protested by going on a hunger strike. For example, Ms. Zhu Yun was force-fed for thirteen months and finally, she could not control her bowels after the force feedings. Ms. Wang Manli's eyesight was blurry because of being force fed for six months through inserted tubes. But the guards did not lighten their persecution. Ms. Dong Jingya was force-fed three times per day and infused with five bottles of IV solution, which caused her face to swell up. The guards also tied some Falun Gong practitioners onto beds and force-fed them. They had to lie on the beds and get help from others when they relieved themselves.
  • Women's Prison in Liaoning Province Continues to Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners

    Practitioner Ms. Wang Lanzhi, is about 49 years old. Her name is well known to all the prison guards and the few hundred inmates inside the prison; everyone knows her story. At present, Ms. Wang is in an extremely dangerous condition. Ms. Wang was sworn at or beaten every day since she arrived at the prison. The tortures have caused serious damage to her brain; she reacts very slowly and the expression in her eyes is dull. One time she jumped from a building after a day's work and nearly died from the injuries.
  • The Persecution Methods Used at a Forced Labour Camp in Jiangxi Province

    Officials at Majialong use inhuman torture methods to force practitioners to renounce Falun Dafa, such as "Stick to the Wall," in which the arms and legs of a practitioner are forced apart as much as possible, then the practitioner is forced to face a wall with his or her whole body pressed to it, until the practitioner chokes and falls. Another torture method is called "Bent at the Waist With Head Touching the Wall," in which a practitioner is forced to stand about half a metre from a wall and bend 90 degrees at the waist. The cap of an ink bottle is placed between the practitioner's head and the wall. Those in charge closely monitor the practitioner and prohibit any movement.
  • Torturing Practitioners at Nanmusi Women's Forced Labour Camp

    In order to "transform" practitioners, guard Li Qi poisoned them using strong drugs to put them in a deathtrap. Prisoner Cao Jiemei was ordered to force-feed practitioner Ms. Liu a bowl of liquid that contained a nerve-damaging drug and a strong poison (provided by Li Qi) in front of another prisoner. Within minutes Ms. Liu Jingli felt intense pains in her abdomen and then vomited blood. Two hours later, she started hallucinating. The next morning, when she wiped her teeth with some tissue, the poison turned the paper green.
  • Practitioner Ms. Zhao Shuying is Extremely Weak Due to Torture in the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Shuying has been suffering from the brutality of slave labour in the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp and also from severe torture by guards. Her physical body is extremely weak and she suffers from urinary incontinence, is frequently dizzy and often loses consciousness. The guard Wei Hongling is still constantly threatening Ms. Zhao, "If we cannot find the cause of your illness, we will not let you go."
  • The Plight of Several Dafa Practitioners in the Jiamusi Labour Camp in Heilongjiang

    Ms. Cui Wenxia, 45, is from Baoquanling, Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province. She was arrested in April 2005 and jailed in a local detention centre. In May 2005, she was sent to the Seventh Team of the Fifth Division in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp. In July and August, she and a 64-year-old practitioner, Ms. Sun Shuzhi, were forced by policemen to carry practitioner Ms. Niu Yuhuan. This practitioner had been so severely tortured that she could not walk by herself.
  • Heinous Crimes against Women Falun Gong Practitioners at the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp

    I am a Falun Gong practitioner sentenced to forced labour. When I was sent to Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp I saw the words, "Rescue, Educate and Influence [through love and care]," the slogan the labour camp brandishes. While being held at Division 3, however, I experienced various tortures in this hell on earth! The guards use base and cruel methods to "reform" Falun Gong practitioners. The administrators of the labour camp don't hold back on their barbarism.
  • The Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at Tieling Forced Labour Camp

    A 610 Office member and several local police officers arrested Dafa practitioner Cui Shimin. Four policemen carried him away from his home in a police car and injured his back. Later on, he was sent to Tieling Forced Labour Camp. On November 5th, 2005, because Cui Shimin didn't report when his number was called, and Falun Gong practitioner Liu Zhenguo stepped forward and urged the chief warden not to beat people, corrections officers beat them both. Officer Wang Guijun beat Liu Zhenguo, whose mouth was left bleeding. Mr. Liu's eyes were blackened, and his chest hurt badly.
  • The Brutal Persecution of Practitioners in the 7th Ward at the Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province During the Summer of 2005

    The guards of the 7th ward in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison cruelly persecute Falun Gong practitioners using all kinds of tactics. The criminal inmates, encouraged by the guards, also torture practitioners at will. Criminal inmate Yu Chunling at one time used a cotton-padded jacket to virtually suffocate practitioner Ms. Fu Guichun until she lost consciousness. The prison guard present did not say anything. Falun Gong practitioners in the prison had no guarantee for their personal safety. The following are the crimes against practitioners committed by the guards of the 7th ward in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison in the summer of 2005.
  • Torture Methods Used at Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp Part 4 (Re-enactment Photos)

    This photo shows the re-enactment of a vicious torture method whereby the Falun Gong practitioner is injected with unknown drugs. Guards and prison doctors use very thick needles to inject the drugs. After 10-20 minutes, the practitioner will vomit and suffer severe diarrhoea, extreme thirst, and loss of consciousness.
  • Ten Falun Dafa Practitioners at the Brink of Death in the Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp

    On December 2nd, Dafa practitioner Miao Jianguo was tortured to the brink of death at the Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp. The Jinzhou City Hospital and the Jinzhou City Affiliated Hospital refused to treat him. The labour camp authorities sent him to the Guta District Hospital and left him with his family and the hospital staff. The next day, fearing their deeds would be exposed, they dispatched six police officers. They broke into the home of Miao Jianguo's parents and took Miao Jianguo from his parents' home, although he was near death at the time. They continued to detain him in Jinzhou City Forced Labour Camp.
  • Torture Methods Used at Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp Part 3 (Re-enactment Photos)

    This re-enactment photo shows the cruel method of force-feeding. The guards insert a tube about as wide as a finger through the practitioner's nose into the stomach. As a form of torture, they insert and pull out the tube repeatedly until the practitioner suffers excruciating pain and his whole body convulses.
  • Middle School Teacher and Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Fei Chongrun Beaten to Death; Police Do Not Conduct an Investigation

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Fei Chongrun, formerly named Fei Weidong, 41 years old, was nearly six feet tall and very healthy. At noon on October 18th 2005, he talked about the human rights abuses against Falun Gong while buying a motorcycle at the Yongfeng Vehicle Shop at No. 335 West Lushan Road in Jiujiang County. The shop owner turned him in to the police. The police arrived and quickly closed the shutters before beating Fei Chongrun to death. Fei Chongrun is survived by his 80-year-old father, his three-month-old daughter, and his unemployed wife. Right now, the police are refusing to conduct an investigation.