Inside the Labour Camps

  • Retaliatory Persecution in Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp

    For years, in order to "transform" them, the forced labour camp have continued persecuting practitioners who simply believe in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." They have used many brutal methods of torture, such as: tying a victim to the bed; sleep deprivation; sitting on a metal chair for a long time; hanging, electric shock; being hung up with the hands shackled behind the back; handcuffing in a one position for a long time; sitting in a lotus position on wooden sticks; hitting the ankles and joints with a clothes hanger; burning fingers, toes, or feet with cigarettes; hearing loud noises through headphones; knocking the helmet with a stick; gagging with a dirty mop; and wiping the mouth with dirty toilet paper.
  • Exposing the Persecution at Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp

    I was "illegally arrested" on April 4th, 2003 and detained at Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp for nearly 300 days. I experienced and witnessed many evil acts in this living hell. Mental torment included verbal abuse, brainwashing attempts, other insults, bans on family visits, threats and inducing fear, and isolation to the point of despair. Through these torments, the perpetrators hoped that practitioners would give up Falun Gong. Physical tortures included beatings, electric shocks, long-term seating on a small chair, meagre food rations to the point of starvation, not allowing normal sleep, not allowing toilet breaks and all kinds of other corporal punishment
  • Partial Account of Illegal Persecution at the Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shanxi Province

    The work in this camp included producing cigarette lighters. The Chinese Communist Party's police certainly enjoyed the profits. The practitioners, old or young had to get up as early as 5:00 a.m. and finally were permitted to sleep at midnight. Each day had a quota to be met, which the guards assigned at will and inevitably increased. If an inmate did not finish, the perpetrators would subtract points, extend her term, or even subject her to excruciating pain. After a while, many of their finger joints became swollen, distorted and curved. The most seriously hurt became disabled.
  • Peeling Off the Hypocritical Mask of the Hebei Province Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp

    The Hebei Province Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp is advertised as a civilised place, but actually, it is an evil den where Falun Gong practitioners are brutally persecuted. Besides brainwashing practitioners, the labour camp also uses them as cheap labour. Practitioners are forced to work every day to make money for the labour camp. In the middle of June 2005, Zhang Chunlan was sent to a carpet factory to work despite feeling ill. She was poisoned by rubber fumes and became very ill. Guard Wei Hongli dragged her downstairs to force her to work. She was released only after she fainted and fell to the floor.
  • Tianjin Women's Labour Camp Forces Detainees to Make Shirts for Export to Japan

    All shirts produced in the Tianjin Women's Labour Camp are for one manufacturer in Japan. Most of the products are exported to Japan. Making shirts is high-volume and intensive work, all of which is done by hand. A higher price is paid for faster processing of the shirts, so detainees are required to work extra hours as soon as the order comes in. Detainees felt dizzy and suffered sore lower and upper backs after even the first day's work. Most of the older detainees could not endure such hard labour.
  • Torture in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Causes Ms. Lin Li'na to Become Mentally Unstable

    "I got acquainted with a fellow practitioner. Her name was Ms. Lin Li'na and she was about 35 years old. The guards there initially showered her with false compassion and later tortured her by forcing her legs into a crossed position and tying up her hands and legs with rope. She could not withstand the brutality of their torture for very long and was "transformed" against her will. She experienced feelings of guilt inside in addition to the physical and mental torture from outside. The sudden collapse of her mental state made her unstable, resulting in her release from the camp. Thereafter, her husband divorced her and he secured custody of their children."
  • Persecution Endured by Dafa Practitioner Ms Wang Yuhua of Beijing

    Ms. Wang Yuhua was arrested and imprisoned in the Beijing Women's Labour Camp in 2002. The police tried to coerce Wang Yuhua into renouncing Dafa, but were met with strong resistance from her. She was made to stand upright without rest for ten days and nine nights, until she fell onto the floor from the torture on the tenth day. Her hipbone was dislocated and she was unable to move. Externally, the labour camp announced that Wang Yuhua suffered the injury from a fall while she was bathing, and the Beijing Television Station recorded Wang Yuhua in the hospital before using it as propaganda to tell its viewers how the labour camp cares for Falun Gong practitioners.
  • The Cruel Nature of the Chinese Communist Party in Dealing with Falun Gong Practitioners

    In October 1999, Ms. Sun, 21, went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. She wanted to explain how she benefited from the practice. When Ms. Sun arrived in Beijing, the police officers arrested her. After learning of her intention, they insulted and brutally beat her. Then several police officers ripped off Ms. Sun's top and said, "We will report your opinion to the higher authorities, but you must tell us you name and address." At the same time, they started taking off her trousers. They slapped Mr. Sun's face so hard that it became swollen.
  • Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison Treats Falun Gong Practitioners as Slave Labourers

    Prison guards treat Falun Gong practitioners and prisoners like working machines. They start working from 6 a.m. until 9-10 p.m. When the workload is heavy, they are to work overtime until midnight or even into the early hours of the morning. Every day they are required to sign the work sheet. If they don't finish their quotas, their living expenses are deduced or frozen (money from family members is deposited with brigade captains). They'll be beaten if they don't have any money.
  • Persecution at the Changchun Forced Labour Camp

    If a practitioner refuses to write the "guarantee statements" or writes something that the prison guards do not like, the practitioner is tortured. If the practitioner is "lucky," she is not allowed to sleep before midnight or for a whole night and must stand all day and night, causing her legs to swelling. She is also cursed at daily. If the practitioner is "unlucky," however, she is beaten and shocked with electric batons. Even detainees younger than 20 years old or elderly people in their 60s or 70s are not spared.
  • Witness to the Persecution at Judong Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province

    In May 2002, I was sent to Judong Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province. I witnessed many vicious and brutal persecution methods inflicted on Falun Gong practitioners. At that time, almost all Falun Gong practitioners who were sent to the labour camp had been beaten by electronic batons. Some of them instantly lost the control of their bladders. A guard once inserted a baton into a female practitioner's private parts, which caused great damage.
  • Ms. Dong Jingya on Hunger Strike for Over Six Months

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dong Jingya from Shenyang City has been on hunger strike in the 1st division of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for more than 6 months. She once had such symptoms as a "reverse-flow" stomach, vomiting, blurry vision, kidney failure, shortage of blood in her cardiac muscle, and so on. The Police Chief from the 1st division, said on the telephone on October 13th, "Nobody is allowed to see her. They also claimed that Ms. Dong had been regularly force-fed.
  • Tears and Blood of Dalian: The Persecution of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sun Yan (Photos) (Part 3)

    After enduring inhumane physical tortures and mental torment, Sun Yan still persisted in her Falun Gong practice. She was held in the Longshan Forced Labour Camp. On March 22nd, 2004, a Dafa-slandering meeting was held. One female practitioner, Gao Rongrong, refused to attend and was brutally tortured. Sun Yan tried to stop the beating. A guard immediately punched Sun Yan near the eyes. Her eyes became red and swollen and later turned black and blue. Sun Yan and Gao Rongrong were held in the same cell at the Longshan Labour Camp. Gao Rongrong's face was left disfigured when guards shocked her with electric batons. Sun Yan's face was also shocked with electric batons.
  • Mr. Li Wenjun Sent to a Forced Labour Camp and Tortured, All Appeals Denied

    In April 2004, police officers fabricated evidence against Li Wenjun and sentenced him to three years in the Jiutai City Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp. While incarcerated, Li repeatedly went on hunger strike to protest the persecution. His health was severely damaged as a result. Although his elderly family has approached the justice department to request freedom for Li Wenjun, the justice department and the government organisations keep shirking their responsibility and endlessly shift the responsibility to each other.
  • Products Made With Slave Labour - Colourful Lanterns at the Zhongba Forced Labour Camp in Guizhou Province

    There are seven brigades at the Zhongba Forced Labour Camp, each of which makes slave labour products. "Slave labour" here refers to the fact that the guards in the labour camp use brutality to force the prisoners to manufacture products under adverse conditions. At present, the slave labour products made in the Zhongba Forced Labour Camp include polished man-made crystal gems, various kinds of colourful lanterns, and electronic products. Prisoners must work about 16 hours every day. Those not completing their production tasks receive various kinds of corporal punishments, are subjected to barbaric torture, or have their terms in the labour camp extended.