Inside the Labour Camps
Intensified Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Jinzhou City Forced Labour Camp
2005-10-11A relative recently went to visit Qi Mingli, but was not allowed to see him. This relative tried to tell the truth of Falun Gong to the police at the labour camp. Li Fenglin, who is in charge of persecuting Falun Gong, said, "If you keep talking, I will put you in the labour camp too." After asking the police on several occasions to see Mingli, his family members were finally able to see him. They saw that Qi Mingli's legs were paralysed, as he walked only with heavy support from others. This is the real reason why the forced labour camp doesn't want people to visit him. They are afraid of their crimes being exposed.
Daqing Prison Prohibits Falun Dafa Practitioners from Leaving the Prison Building
2005-10-10In Daqing Prison, practitioners are deprived of their basic freedom. Prisoners monitor them around the clock. The Daqing Prison prohibits Falun Dafa practitioners from leaving the prison building to get fresh air outside. Practitioners Mr. Zhang Zidong, Mr. Li Huifeng, and Mr. Wang Yudong left the prison building, resulting in the prison guards beating them severely. Mr. Zhang was tortured into partial paralysis, his lower back was injured. As a result, he can no longer stand and take care of himself. Mr. Zhang has been in the hospital since August 31st.
Exposing the Dark Side of the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2005-10-09We are the family of Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Guifu. We are writing this appeal letter in a state of grave concern because we cannot accept that she is at this moment being tormented in a Chinese government facility because of her firm belief in Falun Gong and her unwillingness to be "transformed" and thereby manipulated to deceive other people. When we saw her, Liu was as thin as a stick, and we could hardly recognise her. She used to weight around 154 pounds and now she looked less than 110 pounds. Her hair had turned grey.
Facts about the Recent Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2005-10-08Falun Gong practitioners' work units start work at 6 a.m. and work for more than ten hours a day in the forced labour camp. Practitioner Liu Jilian, though very weak, was forced to collect scrap, but was not allowed to rest. He was forced to perform the work one-handed, because the other hand was disabled. The guards treat practitioners as the main production force and get bonuses if production is high. As practitioners are released, the number of people working is reduced, but the work quota is not reduced. If the quotas are not met, the deputy captain puts pressure on the guards.
Tortured Beyond Recognition in Forced Labour Camps and Mental Hospitals
2005-10-07"On March 30, 2001, I was injected with hormone-like drugs at a mental hospital. These drugs made me dizzy and I had convulsions. I was unable to stand and my entire body became swollen. With great effort I shouted my husband's name. Hearing my voice, he walked back and forth in front of me, searching for me. I told him that I was Gao Yan. He was shocked. He could not believe that I was tortured so badly that he no longer could recognise me within a just few days. He cried."
Ms. Niu Yuhuan Is Emaciated and Her Life Is in Danger As a Result of Severe Torture at the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2005-10-0553-year-old Ms. Niu Yuhuan, a Dafa practitioner who is detained in the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp, has been tortured to the point that she is emaciated and cannot walk. Her heart stopped beating several times and her life has been in danger, however the authorities still refuse to release her on medical grounds. Niu Yuhuan has suffered from such severe torture that she looks over sixty years old.
A Forced Labour Camp Inmate: The Horrific Tortures Used on Falun Gong Practitioners in a Beijing Forced Labour Camp for Women
2005-10-04"I was sent to a forced labour camp because I was addicted to drugs. I was designated as one of the "clampdown personnel," who were prison inmates assigned to oversee the activities of Falun Gong practitioners. Through the performance of my duties, I became acquainted with various reprehensible and deceitful methods employed to isolate and monitor people. Sometimes, in order to gain the approval of the division leader and obtain leniency and privileges for ourselves, we were driven to extremes, finding excuses to beat and insult the innocent practitioners. The prison supervisor favoured inmates who frequently beat and scolded the practitioners."
"Destroy Them Physically:" The Jiamusi Labour Camp Follows the CCP's Genocidal Policy
2005-10-03On April 30th 2005, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wu Chunlong was sent home from Jiamusi Labour Camp when he was unconscious and dying. After returning home, he was continually monitored by the police. He died on August 20th 2005 after enduring another four months of misery and pain at the young age of 29. Jiamusi Labour Camp is guilty of following the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) genocidal policy toward Falun Dafa practitioners: "destroy them physically." The labour camp releases Falun Dafa practitioners only when they were dying, either to die at home or else suffer major disability.
Women's Labour Camp of Fujian Province Made Huge Profits Selling Practitioners' Blood
2005-10-03Every now and then, the guards in the Women's Labour Camp of Fujian Province would draw a large volume of blood from the Falun Dafa practitioners, who had already become very frail from the brutal tortures. The loss of blood further sabotaged the practitioners' health, and meanwhile, the labour camp would make huge profits selling their blood. For the practitioners who did not cooperate, inmates would forcefully draw blood from them. One time, Ms. Cuan Saizhu's mouth and nose were sealed with sealing tape by brigade leaders. The skin on her cheek came off with the tape when the sealing tape was pulled off. It was too brutal to watch.
Thirteen Types of Torture Used on Falun Gong Practitioners at Gaoyang Labour Camp
2005-10-02One of the thirteen types of torture at Gaoyang Labour Camp is called "Hanging legs": A deep hole is dug into the ground. The practitioner is then made to sit on the edge of the hole with both legs hanging down. Next, a big stone is tied to a rope, and the other end is tied to the practitioner's legs. The big stone is then thrown into the pit. The pain of this torture can hardly be imagined.
Schoolteacher Ms. Dong Xiuqin Suffers Mental Collapse From Torture at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-10-01Ms. Dong Xiuqin once taught at a primary school in Liaoning Province. She was subjected to inhuman torture at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp and has suffered a mental breakdown. When she was told that she would be arrested again if she did not "transform," she once again broke down. She stopped drinking and eating, did not feel hot and cold, sometimes ran about naked and spoke incoherently, and screamed and yelled uncontrollably. Because of persecution by the Chinese Communist Party, Ms. Dong has become a mental patient.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Bi Daihong Died From Torture at Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2005-09-29Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Bi Daihong was sentenced to two years of forced labour after being arrested for telling the facts of Falun Dafa to people who had been misled by the government propaganda. She was brutally tortured at the labour camp and developed symptoms of late-stage ovarian cancer. Eight inmates beat her until she was covered with wounds and bruises and the labour camp extorted 4,000 Yuan from her parents. She passed away soon after she was released from the labour camp, on September 1st 2005.
The Torture I Experienced in the Huludao Labour Camp in Liaoning Province (Re-Enactment Photos)
2005-09-28"In December 2000, the Huludao Labour Camp in Liaoning Province violently brainwashed and persecuted Dafa practitioners in order to force us to "reform"1. Seven or eight policemen shocked all the parts of my body with 6 or 7 electric batons at the same time and asked me if I still insisted on practising Falun Gong. Some of them even stood on my stomach, jumping up and down. They seemed to be enjoying themselves."
The Heizuizi Women's Labour Camp Forces Practitioners to Produce Artificial Butterflies for Export (Photos)
2005-09-27The Heizuizi Women's Labour Camp not only tortures Falun Dafa practitioners using cruel means but has also forced them to do hard labour for 16 to 18 hours a day, fabricating artificial butterflies and birds for export and making large profits of foreign currency for the labour camp. The white feathers used to make the butterflies are dyed different colours. Sometimes, the workload cannot be completed in time because the foul smell from the stored feathers causes nausea and headaches. The noxious feathers also cause rashes, itching, and swelling of the face, hands, and body.
Dafa Practitioner Ms Jiang Lanying from Jiangxi Province Persecuted to the Brink of Death
2005-09-23On June 1st 2005, more than ten police officers took the parents of Ms Jiang Lanying to the labour camp hospital. Jiang was bound to a bed and was forced to take injections. The officers said, "We will not set her free until she dies." At that time police officer Wang Wei viciously claimed, "I don't care whether you sue me. I just want to let her die." On August 16th, her family received notice that she was in extreme life threatening condition, but were not allowed to visit the hospital to see her.