Inside the Labour Camps

  • Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Permeates Every Aspect of Life in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp

    The Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp provides a good example of the how the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners permeates every aspect of life in China's labour camps. The labour camp provided only two meals a day. Generally, nobody got enough to eat. Meals were made using coarse grain, which is actually animal fodder. For six months, one of the daily meals would be porridge made from the coarse grain. For another six months, both of the daily meals were steamed bread made from the coarse grain, along with frozen Chinese cabbage and salty rutabaga soup (which is served year-round).
  • Cruel Treatment of Practitioners at Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province

    Because she persisted in practising Falun Gong, Ms Jia Quanmei was locked up in a solitary confinement cell over 40 days in early 2004. She was forced to stand and deprived of sleep. She was handcuffed extremely tight until her bones were nearly exposed. After she was released from the solitary confinement cell, Jia Quanmei became very weak. She was then locked separately in a room with two criminal prisoners, monitoring her. Under the instigation of a guard, a criminal pressed Jia Quanmei's head into a commode and forced her to drink urine.
  • Dalian City Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province -- Deceptive, Wicked and Violent

    The new regulations for the officials that were formulated in the Dalian City Forced Labour Camp in July, 2003 state that, "No one is allowed to beat, swear, physically punish, or insult at will the people who are being reeducated through forced labour in the camp." However, the opposite is in fact enforced. The guards regard the practitioners' lives as worthless while they pursue their bonuses, reputations, and benefits.
  • The Guards of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp are Losing Hope and the Evil Persecution is Coming to an End

    Practitioners who have just been released from Masanjia Forced Labour Camp brought us the latest news about the camp situation. Within the short time between December of 2004 and the beginning of 2005, more than two hundred practitioners wrote a "solemn declaration" and announced that the "transformation" forced upon them through brainwashing was invalid, and began to practise Falun Gong again. These huge changes in Masanjia demonstrate a new trend in the persecution.
  • The Brutality of Wangcun Forced Labour Camp

    From September to October 2000, Jiang Zemin's regime sent many Falun Gong practitioners from Shandong Province to Wangcun Forced Labour Camp for persecution. In a meeting with practitioners, a police leader said openly, "It is our job to persecute you. You are the subjects of our dictatorship." There is a room in the camp is a room for electric shock torture, equipped with many electric batons. When nine practitioners were brought there for torture, the police stripped off their clothes. Then they handcuffed them to a steel pole that was fixed to the floor. More than a dozen policemen took turns to shock them.
  • Some Torture Methods Used in the Jinzhou Forced Labour Institute in Liaoning Province

    Jinzhou Forced Labour Institute rewards criminal inmates for beating practitioners, so as to force the practitioners torenounce their belief. This drawing shows the "kick heart" torture.
  • Practitioner Ms Zou Qianzhu Died as a Result of Torture at Guizhou Women's Forced Labour Camp

    44 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms Zou Qianzhu was incarcerated in Guizhou Women's Forced Labour Camp, because she was resolute in her faith in Falun Dafa. When her family visited her in August 2004, Deputy Long of the Education Department threatened Zou in front of her family, "If you do not listen to the Communist Party and write a 'Repentance Statement,' you will never leave here alive." She died in the camp on October 22, 2004 and was cremated before her family could arrive and view her body.
  • Persecution Suffered by Mr Liu Qingwei, A Student at Harbin Normal University Music School

    Mr. Liu Qingwei was a student at Harbin Normal University Music School. but since he is a Falun Dafa practitioner he was unjustly sentenced to 12 years in prison. In a living hell, he has been forced to become a slave labourer, and his pure heart and righteous belief are also under brutal torture.
  • Young Woman Zhang Ziru from Inner Mongolia Suffers Mental Collapse from Persecution

    Ms. Zhang Ziru, about 29 years old, lives in Inner Mongolia. For appealing to the government on behalf of Falun Gong, she suffered cruel persecution at the hands of police officers and during her detention at the Hohhot Women's Forced Labour Camp. As a result, she suffered a mental collapse. The forced labour camp even blamed Ms. Zhang's mental breakdown on the practice of Falun Gong. In actuality, beginning in August 1999 and for almost one year of being persecuted, Ms. Zhang had not been able to practise the Falun Gong exercises at all.
  • Torture Methods Used on Falun Gong Practitioners at the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp (Re-enactment Photos)

    "At noon on May 11, 2002, 610 Office staff and police burst into my home and forcefully took me away. I was imprisoned in a forced labour camp, where a policeman slapped me in the face. Two of my front teeth were knocked out as a result. Then, he put me in an extra small cell and handcuffed me to a ring on floor and beat me. After he was tired of beating me, he burned the back of my hand with a cigarette."
  • Falun Gong Practitioners 59 Year Old Mr Wang Jicheng and 60 Year Old Mr Xu Congxin from Chongqing City Died As a Result of Persecution

    Two elderly Falun Gong practitioners were both imprisoned at Chongqing City Xishanping Forced Labour Camp because they stood up for what they believed in - Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance. They were mercilessly persecuted: 59 year old Mr. Wang Jicheng, was released on bail for medical treatment, yet after returning home in October 2003, Mr. Wang's health was constantly in a critical condition. He finally passed away on November 30, 2004. 60 year old Mr Xu Congxin passed away on July 19, 2003 as a result of torture he suffered.
  • More Facts about the Persecution Suffered by Mrs. Du Guihua in Jiamusixigemu Forced Labour Camp

    44-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mrs. Du Guihua was unjustly arrested in October 2002 and sentenced to three years in the Jiamusixigemu Forced Labour Camp, where she suffered all sorts of torture and brutal persecution, and developed numerous tumours in her body. She was released in 2005 after her family's persistent requests.
  • Harbin No. 3 Prison Forces Falun Gong Practitioners to Make Slave Labour Products

    This product is made by Falun Gong practitioners illegally detained at Harbin's No. 3 Prison in Heilongjiang Province. It is made of bamboo sticks. This is only one product made at the prison, with a relatively simple framework.
  • Slave Labour for Falun Gong Practitioners at Baimiao Forced Labour Camp

    Baimiao Forced Labour Camp took advantage of the laws that favour corrupt behaviour and allowed bad things to be done to good people. Between April and July 2004, Squad 3 processed and packed at least one hundred tons of fake pesticides and sold them. No one will ever know how many farmers were cheated. In order to produce the fake pesticides, the guards in Squad 3 forced the prisoners to work throughout the night. Everyday, we were assigned huge workloads and had to work over 18 hours. Beatings to force us to complete the work quickly took place daily.
  • Mr. Song Tingfang, an Official from Inner Mongolia, Died in 2002 as a Result of Persecution

    Mr. Song Tingfang, who used to work in a Livestock Department, Inner Mongolia, was sent to a forced labour camp by the local Political and Judiciary Committee, the 610 Office, and his own work unit because of his determination to practise Falun Gong. As a result of the persecution, he became very weak physically and eventually died in April of 2002.