Inside the Labour Camps

  • A Former Female Prison Guard's Story (Part 2)

    While being knocked down, the young man struggled to take off his jacket to reveal the yellow T-shirt he wore inside. On the back of the T-shirt were the three large words "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." I rushed toward the perpetrators, saying, "Do not hit him. He is a good man." Then a plainclothes policeman yelled at me, "We are on duty plainclothes officers. Stay away!" I said, "I'm also an officer. An officer is supposed to stop criminals and protect the innocent. It is wrong to hit innocent people like this."
  • Three Forms of Torture Used on Falun Gong Practitioners (Photo)

    Method of torture in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp and Dalian Forced Labour Camp: A specially designed "bed," called the "death bed" by some practitioners in Shenyang. The "bed" consists of a metal board, with a hole at the position of the hips. The victim's hands and feet are stretched apart and tied to the sides of the bed. The victim's pants are cut open or taken off, and all waste products fall through the hole. During force-feedings, the thugs not only rotated the feeding tubes intentionally to torture the victims but also used very dirty tubes.
  • Torture Methods Used by Chinese Police in Jiamusi City, Helongjiang Province (Photos)

    Striking a Metal Bucket Placed over the HeadIn May 2002, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Hou Zhiqiang was abducted and taken to a detention centre by police officers disguised as fellow practitioners. During his detention, Hou was interrogated many times, and even tortured. A metal bucket was place over his head, and several police officers struck the bucket with wooden clubs, which caused deafening noises and vibrations. After receiving this torture several times, Mr. Hou often suffered from spasms over his entire body during sleep.
  • A Letter from Dalian City Forced Labour Camp Reveals Persecution Facts

    From October 27 to November 10, 2003, the head of Division No. 8 went to an annual meeting held in Changsha City, to discuss the systematic persecution of steadfast Falun Gong practitioners. The persecutors exchanged abuse, mistreatment, torment, and torture methods at the meeting and discussed how to best force practitioners to give up their beliefs. After he returned to the labour camp he implemented and directed policies to systematically brainwash more than twenty steadfast practitioners by group and by session. Practitioners were often subjected to violence, corporal punishment, and forced to endure various torture instruments.
  • Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province Pulled Out Falun Dafa Practitioner's Toenails with Pliers

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Pan Wei from Nong'an County, Jilin Province, was abducted by the local police station in 2002 and then sent to Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp for one and a half years. He was beaten badly in order to force him to renounce Falun Dafa and vicious thugs ripped out his toenails with pliers.
  • Changle Forced Labour Camp Extorts Money from Falun Dafa Practitioners

    Changle Forced Labour Camp charges Falun Dafa practitioners 30 yuan per day per person, plus their lodgings at 60 yuan per day per person. Falun Dafa practitioners must also pay ten yuan each day for their extremely poor food. In total, the cost for each practitioner is 250 yuan per day. Up to 13 Falun Dafa practitioners are being force-brainwashed at any given time, bringing in approximately 3,000 yuan per day for the labour camp from this brainwashing centre.
  • Wuhan City Finance Department Offers Huge Cash Rewards to Incite the Hewan Labour Camp to Brutally Persecute Dafa Practitioners

    Hewan Labour Camp in Wuhan City, Henan Province is designated for male Falun Gong practitioners. Gao Junan, the person in charge of this section, once told some inmates that for every Falun Gong practitioner that they successfully "transformed", the labour camp would give 100,000 yuan to the section as a reward. The funding was from the city's Finance Department. This explains why the police resorted to all kinds of vicious means to torture practitioners in an attempt to force them to renounce their belief.
  • The Torture Experienced by Yao Yanhui of Shijiazhuang City in the Detention Center and Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yao Yanhui is 31 years old this year. He lives in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. In Huludao City Forced Labour Camp and Wujiapuzi Forced Labour Camp of Fushun City, he suffered all kinds of torture and became paralysed in bed for about six months as a result. He went on a hunger strike for over two months and was on the verge of death before he was released. At the beginning of 2004, he was abducted and tortured again by the Xinhua Police Precinct of Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province.
  • Nanjing University Graduate Jailed and Tortured to a Vegetative State

    Mr. Chen Guanghui, 38 years old, a graduate from Nanjing University and an employee of the China Construction Bank, Lianyungang Branch, was sentenced in September 2002 to eight years in prison for practising Falun Gong and was incarcerated in the Suzhou Prison. On July 29, 2004, Mr. Chen sustained a serious head injury in prison. Since then he has been comatose and his life is hanging by a thread.
  • Jiang Zemin Visits Huludao City; Authorities from Huludao Forced Labour Camp Intensify the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners on Hunger Strike

    Since late July, as the number of practitioners who went on hunger strike in Huludao City Forced Labour Camp increased, the authorities took up the policy of "Three Changes and Four Stops." (Change Strategy, Change Attitude, Change Circumstance, Stop Visits, Stop Sleeping, Stop Outdoor Activities, Stop Outside Communication) Liu Guohua said that there were orders from the upper level officials, "Those who meet with an accident or die due to their hunger strike and self injury should be responsible for all the consequences and should be considered for criminal sentence." He also said, "What's the big deal with somebody dying? The Procuratorate wouldn't care."
  • Demonstration of Torture Methods Used on Falun Gong Practitioners in Shenyang City's Longshan Forced Labour Camp (Photos)

    In March 2001, guards at the Longshan Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City started the systematic persecution of Falun Gong practitioners so as to "forcibly reform" them, a euphemism for brainwashing. The head administrator once ferociously told Falun Gong practitioners who were steadfast in cultivation, "This is an institution of coercion! You must be reformed, whether you agree or not!" Female prison guard Wang Jinghui said, "You don't want to be reformed? Then your stay here won't be comfortable!" Team leader Tang Yubao usually kicked and punched practitioners or shocked them with electric batons. He also verbally abused them.
  • Chuanxi Women's Prison Has Subjected Nearly One Hundred Practitioners to Brutal Torture

    After ex-leader of China, Jiang Zemin and his associates' persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999, the Chuanxi Women's Prison in Sichuan Province has been detaining Falun Dafa practitioners on and off, amounting to nearly one hundred practitioners in total. During the continuous persecution, the division director Wang Xinya has made repeated remarks at many meetings, "We take the death of a Falun Gong practitioner like the death of a dog. Just take the body out and cremate it."
  • Huge Profits Made by Chaoyang District Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City

    The Chaoyang District Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City recently moved to an adjacent location. After the move, the old site was leased to a few underground factories that have no business license and pay no taxes. The labour camp forced detainees to work in these factories, folding paper in the print shop or working on miscellaneous jobs in the leather processing shop. The labour camp police have made huge profits from this arrangement.
  • Torture Methods Used on Practitioners in Xinhua Labour Camp, Sichuan Province (Illustrations)

    These methods of torture were used in the year 2000 on practitioners detained in Xinhua Labour Camp, Sichuan province. The police instigated drug addicts to tie up practitioners' hands, and hung them up by the feet to a basketball support. Then these thugs cursed and beat the practitioners with their hands and feet. Sometimes over a dozen would together beat one practitioner. The man who beat the practitioners the most fiercely would be given a reward by the guards - he might be named a detainee leader and given authority to order other detainees
  • Torture Used in Daqing Labour Camp: Rope Tying and Stomping (Photos)

    Torture method: Stomping: Guard Wang Yingzhou called himself "devilkin from Hell" and tormented Dafa practitioner Zuo Guoqing (eventually tortured to death) by stomping on his toe.