Inside the Labour Camps

  • Guangxi Forced Labour Camp Accounts for Over 1,000 Cases of Illegal Detention

    In the Guangxi region, the police have detained a large number of practitioners. They are incarcerated mainly in the No. 1 Men's Forced Labour Camp and the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Nanning City. Based on my three-year experience in the men's forced labour camp, I estimate that about one thousand Falun Dafa practitioners were detained there. During this time, I saw and experienced how Dafa practitioners opposed the illegal detention by various means.
  • Atrocities Committed in Dalian Forced Labour Camp

    The Women's Labour Division of Dalian Labour Camp in Liaoning Province is a place where guards torture steadfast practitioners at will and use all sorts of brutal measures to try to destroy their beliefs. They selected violent inmates to physically abuse practitioners. The torture includes sleep deprivation, electro-shocks, forcing batons and pepper into the practitioners' vagina's, force-feeding with human excrement, forcing the body into awkward positions for prolonged periods of time, and solitary confinement.
  • Facts about the Persecution of Mr. Yang Lidong at the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp

    On February 8, 2002, local police from Tuanjie Police Station arrested practitioner Mr. Yang Lidong, who is from Songyuan City, Jilin Province, after they ransacked his house. Yang was brutally beaten and tortured and sentenced to two years of "reform through forced labour" because he would not give up his belief. He was sent to the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp in Jilin Province on February 11, 2002.
  • Atrocities in Baoding Forced Labour Camp: Beating Practitioners with Wooden Bats and Electric Batons, Severely Shocking a Male Practitioner's Genitals

    On the afternoon of July 29, 2003, the Baoding Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province carried out a so-called "test" for Falun Gong practitioners. Many guards grabbed wooden bats and electric batons to carry out this "examination." The exam questions were created to slander Dafa. When Dafa practitioners answered questions, if they did not answer with the stipulated "standard" answers, the guards used the electric batons to threaten them to revise their answers. If one did not revise their answer, the guards would use electric batons to shock him or wooden bats to beat their abdomen and chest.
  • A 60-year-old Female Falun Dafa Practitioner is Subjected to Brutal Forced Labour for One Year and a Half

    I'm a senior citizen in my 60s, a female working person, which is the most common type of person in Chinese society. I believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance," and follow our Teacher to cultivate my character to be a good person, always striving to be an even a better person. This is all beneficial to society, causing no harm. Any natural leader should acknowledge our Teacher and these Dafa practitioners. However, Jiang's group slanders and persecutes us without any humanity.
  • Guards at the Tangshan City Kaiping Forced Labour Camp Severely Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners

    Section Chief Jianzhong Zhang in Kaiping Labour Camp, followed by two other officers, broke into a room where Ms. Shugui Dong was sitting in lotus practising the Falun Dafa meditation exercise. They asked Shugui Dong to take her legs down. Dong did not move. A guard came forward, stepped on Dong's head and dragged her to the ground by her hair. Other practitioners tried to stop him but he slapped Ms. Lili Ma so hard on her face several times that her ears were ringing. The guards continued to beat up other practitioners.
  • The Atrocities Behind The Term "Civilized Management" at Tuanhe Labour Camp in Beijing

    Tuanhe Labour Camp tried every trick to boast that what they were doing exemplified "civilized management." They invited Dafa practitioners' family members to visit the camp, organized holiday celebration parties between labour camp deputies and those who were transformed and their family members. Many Dafa practitioners' families have been deceived by such propaganda, resulting in their hostility towards Falun Gong.
  • Eyewitness' Account of the Death of Zhang Yali and Two Other Falun Dafa Practitioners

    "I would like to tell you about the death of three practitioners, Ms. Zhang Yali, Ms. Zhang Baoju, and Ms. Guan Ge in a labour camp. Zhang Baoju said, "We cannot just watch our fellow practitioners be tortured and forced to renounce their belief''. They all wrote their wills, which stated, "This is not suicide. We do this under the circumstance where the evildoers rampantly persecute practitioners. we all know that Teacher states clearly in "Zhuan Falun" [the main text of Falun Dafa] about the issue of killing...we are willing to give up our young lives." The three of them hanged themselves on June 4, 2003."
  • Persecution of Ms Yue Lihua at Shandong Province Female Forced Labour Camp

    Ms. Yue Lihua: from Jinan City, about forty years of age, rented seven rooms to Dafa practitioners who were destitute, was sold out by someone, and was unlawfully sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp (till September, 2004). The police, seeing that she may inspire the others who were brainwashed to wake up, transferred her to the Second Brigade. This Brigade was specially regulated to deal with religious adherents, such as Christians, who did not attend the state-run churches (regulated by the Communist Chinese government) but had religious meetings at home and were labelled as believing in evil religions.
  • Murder, Disfigurement, Torture and Enslavement: Longshan Forced Labor Camp Commits New Crimes in Order to Qualify as a "Provincial-Level" Camp (Photos)

    A civic-level forced labour camp insanely and inhumanely tortures Falun Gong practitioners in order to accumulate "achievements" so as to meet the upgrade criteria. This clearly demonstrates that under Jiang's policy to annihilate Falun Gong, brutally persecuting Falun Gong practitioners not only becomes a criterion for promotion for personnel in public security, procuratorial organs, people's court and judicatory organs, but also a criterion for the promotion in status for forced labour institutions.
  • The Inhumane "War Against Steadfast Practitioners" in the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Centre

    One evening in December 2000, police came to my house and asked me to go with them for a quick talk. Nine months later, I finally returned home, after police had extorted over 10,000 Yuan (1) from me. They detained me simply because I cultivate Falun Gong and believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance."
  • The Brutal Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Heizuizi Women's Prison in Jilin Province

    From what we know, five steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners were persecuted to death at Heizuizi Women's Prison. They were Yu Lixin (36 years old) and Deng Shiying (40 years old), Wang Xiuyun (about 50 years old), Jiang Shuxian, and Han Cuiyuan. There are presently at least 200 Falun Dafa practitioners illegally detained in the prison.
  • Practitioner Ms. Tang Meijun Tortured to Death at the Maojiashan Women's Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing City

    On December 30, 2003, Ms. Tang died from torture at the Maojiashan Female Forced Labour Camp, Chongqing City. When Ms. Tang's family member asked the camp police, "Why is her body like that?" The amoral officers, falteringly, said: "Suicide." To ask for justice, the family members hired an attorney, but the police from the camp threatened, "The higher authorities have been cracking down Falun Gong for several years. Do you really have the guts to come to the camp to defend Falun Gong?" Under such despotic conditions, the attorney didn't dare to talk further.
  • Dafa Practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong's Face Severely Disfigured by Seven Hours of Electric Baton Torture in the Longshan Labour Camp (Warning: Graphic Photos)

    The guards at the Longshan Labour Camp in Shenyang City shocked 36-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong's face and other parts of her body for nearly seven hours with electric batons, which severely disfigured her face. Even inmates who had lived with her day and night for a long time could not recognize her. A photo shows her face after the blisters had dried up, with the scars still present. The scars on some parts of her face are thick, which shows the severity of the electric shock.
  • The Crimes of the Police at the Heizuizi Female Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province

    Zhang Guimei directly and indirectly persecuted many Falun Gong practitioners. She compiled the "Practical Textbook" sold at a fixed price of 20 yuan, which every Falun Gong practitioner detained at the camp was forced to purchase and study. She was unlawfully making money and at the same time trying to brainwash the practitioners. The contents of the book mainly vilified and slandered Falun Gong and violated the Constitution of China. The book also contained the clauses of the illicit laws used to persecute Falun Gong.