Inside the Labour Camps

  • Shanxi Women's Labour Camp Cruelly Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners

    For practitioners who are steadfast in their belief, there is a "strict team," which is led by guards and composed of drug-addicted criminals. The "strict team" tortures practitioners both mentally and physically. They use various methods, including sleep deprivation and squatting for long periods of time. The meals they serve consist of one third of a 100-gram steamed bun and lots of water. After the meal, practitioners are forbidden to use the toilet.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioners Cruelly Tortured at Taihang Prison in Baoding City

    Headed by prison director Zhao Jingzhou, Taihang Prison has been doing its utmost to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. It has played a huge role in persecuting Falun Dafa in Baoding City, and in the entire Hebei Province. Taihang Prison has two divisions, one for men, the other for women. Many Dafa practitioners from various places are detained there and forced to do hard labour for long periods of time. The prison mainly produces canvas and sacks.
  • Falun Gong Practitioners Jailed in Hunan Province, Forced to Do Slave Labour

    According to Falun Gong practitioners released from Changsha Prison in Hunan Province, they were forced to perform slave labour for 13-14 hours every day. Being forced to work until 11:00 p.m., or until sunrise the next day, was not uncommon. When Falun Gong practitioners requested the right to observe an 8-hour work day and have Sunday off, they were thrown into solitary confinement for up to 90 days. Many practitioners have been subjected to this treatment.
  • An Account of the Persecution My Wife and I Suffered and How She Was Tortured To Death

    My name is Zhang Qizhen. I am fifty-five years old and a Dafa practitioner. My wife, An Xiukun, also a practitioner, was forty-nine years old. My wife went to Beijing four times to appeal. Each time she was arrested, detained, and tortured. In June 2000, the police brutally force-fed her in a detention centre. She was rendered comatose. When intravenous infusion failed to revive her, she was sent to the hospital on June 7. She died on June 11. I also suffered brutal treatment for three years in a labour camp.
  • The Persecution Suffered by Practitioner Han Chenchu Before His Death in Hebei Province Labour Camp

    On May 14, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioner Han Chenchu's family members suddenly received a notice from the Tangshan Kaiping Labour Camp, saying that Han was critically ill. Family members hurried to the labour camp, but they were not permitted to see him. The next day, they lied to the family and said that Han Chenchu had died from a heart attack. His family were grief-stricken, fellow villagers shed tears of sadness and people wondered how such an honest and good person could die such a tragic death at the hands of his own government.
  • Slave Labour in Chinese Forced Labour Camps: The Inside Story

    "I am a Dafa practitioner forced to work in a prison in China. Throughout these years I have faced a brutal reality and have witnessed countless inhumane incidents and circumstances inside the prison. After seeing the investigative report published on about the Chinese forced labour camps producing products using slave labour, I decided to make public some of the facts inside the prison where I work."
  • Elderly Practitioner Suffers a Fractured Spine from Beatings Received at the Tuanhe Labour Camp

    Dafa practitioner Mr. Qian Shiguang is in his 60's and from Lanzhou city, Guansu province. Recent reports revealed that Mr. Qian Shiguang was beaten at the Tuanhe labour camp in October 2003, and suffered a fracture to his spine. He was then sent to the Tuanhe Hospital (a hospital affiliated with the labour camp). There it was found that his injury could not be repaired leaving him unable to care for himself.
  • Brutal Torture Methods Used on Falun Dafa Practitioners at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp (Illustrations)

    The iron cage at the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp is about 1.5 meters tall, 70 centimeters in width and about 1 meter in length. A person is unable to stand up straight. He must bend his back and lower his head. The police guards handcuff the practitioner's hands to the top of the iron cage; therefore the practitioner can neither stand straight up nor squat down. One can only do a half squat. It does not take long for the muscles to be stressed and sore in this excruciatingly position. The practitioner is handcuffed and held in this position 24 hours a day.
  • The Atrocities Committed Behind the Walls of the Nanmusi Female Forced Labour Camp

    At the end of January 2002, we were sent to the Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province. The local policemen who escorted us had stolen from our bank accounts two month's worth of food costs as well as the full cost for sending us to the labour camp. They transferred any remaining money to the labour camp itself. After deducting a physical exam fee, a labour camp uniform fee, a so-called "rental of living necessities" fee (for bed sheets for example), and other expensive costs, the labour camp deposited what was left of our money into an account.
  • Behind the Pleasant Facade: Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured and Used as Slave Labour at Labour Camp in Henan Province

    From the outside, the No. 3 Forced Labour Camp in Henan Province is a pleasant looking place. Officials will tell you how well the prisoners are treated and how the staff "educate inmates, use persuasion to help the inmates change, and how the inmates are remedied." However, insiders and the people that have been held there have an entirely different view. From a folk rhyme that is circulating in the area, we can get a sense of what the place is really like. "The Labour Camp is a demon's training barracks. I'd rather spend three years in jail than one day in the No. 3 Forced Labour Camp."
  • The Atrocities Committed at the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing

    On November 23, 2001, the Chinese Ministry of Justice held a meeting in Haikou City, Hainan Province. The main topic of the meeting was how to force the Falun Gong practitioners held in either the prisons or the forced labour camps to renounce their belief in Falun Dafa. The Deputy Head of the Education Division of the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp shouted at a meeting to all the entire detainees "We will take strong measures to resolutely strike those Falun Gong practitioners who refuse to renounce their beliefs and are unwilling to reform themselves."
  • Practitioners Tortured in Jiutai Labour Camp

    Guards at the Jiutai Labour Camp in Jilin Province have been cruelly persecuting Falun Gong practitioners since they began detaining them. To the outside, they claimed that their policy was "Education, Reform, and Salvation," however they were actually following the policies of Jiang. Namely, "It doesn't matter if you kill a Falun Gong practitioner," and "those who are killed can be counted as suicide." Since March 2004, guards at the labour camp have also been fabricating documents and cheating practitioners because authorities there agreed to pay them 400 Yuan for "reforming" a practitioner.
  • Practitioner Chen Weiyuan's Account of the Atrocities She Witnessed in the Heizuizi Labour Camp

    My name is Chen Weiyuan. I am 53 years old. I live in Jilin City. I have been arrested many times for helping the public learn the truth. I was put in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp three times and suffered a lot from the many tortures imposed on Falun Gong practitioners. I also witnessed other practitioners being tortured. I experienced some memory loss because of the overwhelming trauma to my head and brain. Only after I left the labour camp and recovered for a long time, did my memory begin to recover.
  • The Persecution of Female Falun Gong Practitioners Reflects the Moral Depravity of Jiang and His Accomplices

    During the past five years, Jiang Zemin and his political group's genocidal persecution of Falun Gong has been especially shocking as it has been applied to female practitioners. The torture and degradation inflicted upon female practitioners is a crime of state terrorism. It symbolises the Jiang group's complete moral deterioration. This has brought profound harm to the Chinese people.
  • The Brutal Torture of Dafa Practitioners in the Guangdong Province Chatou Labour Camp

    Dafa practitioners at the labour camp are forced to transcribe letters prepared by the guards, renouncing their practice and denouncing Falun Dafa. The guards brutally torture those who do not comply, using sleep deprivation, forcing practitioners to stand for long periods of time, and hanging them up by ropes and shackles. The also tie up practitioners into positions that cause severe pain. They have exhausted their means of torturing determined Dafa practitioners. Even Ms. Pang Lihui, a practitioner who is over 70 years old, has also suffered these tortures. Guards took her to the notorious so-called "Guangzhou City Law Education School." They covered her mouth with strong, wide tape, wrapping it around her head about eight times. Ms. Pang could not breathe.