Inside the Labour Camps

  • Family of Practitioner Mr. Wang Bingwen Demand His Release from Qingdao City Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Bingwen has been persecuted in Qingdao City Forced Labour Camp for a long time. After discussion, Mr. Wang's family members decided to go to the forced labour camp to firmly request his release. On February 3, 2005, eleven of his family members went there. Not only did they request to see their relative, but they also demanded his release. Although the police tried to arrest the family, they managed to escape.
  • A Re-enactment of the Torture Methods Used at the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing - Part 2

    This is a torture reenactment: Hung Up and Beaten. Prisoners wrap the Falun Gong practitioner in a bed sheet, so their injuries won't be visible, and hang him from a door or a window. Then the whole group surrounds him, beating him savagely with wooden clubs. When the practitioner loses consciousness, prisoners splash cold water on him.
  • Handicrafts for Children Made with Slave Labour at the Mansajia Forced Labour Camp

    Products labelled as "Made In China" can be seen in every corner of the world. However, how many people know that many of the gifts they buy for their children and grandchildren, such as these necklaces and bracelet, are actually made with slave labour?
  • Re-enactment of Torture Methods Used at Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing - Part 1 (Photos)

    The guards at Xishanping selected the strongest and most merciless prisoners from the 8,000 in their charge (of which more than 90% are convicted drug addicts) to perform violent acts for them, and utilized them to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Currently, a few dozen practitioners are still being held at Xishanping. One of these addicts said, "It is a living hell there."
  • Mr. Shi Zuosheng Tortured to the Brink of Death and His Wife Sentenced to Six Years in Prison

    "My name is Ms Zhang Shufen. I was unjustly sentenced to 6 years in Harbin Women's Prison in 2002. Here I have experienced suffering and persecution. The prison police are extremely violent. They frequently hang us up by our wrists and place us in solitary confinement for hours and hours on end. Recently, news surfaced that my husband, Shi Zuosheng, is now terribly thin because of the persecution. He cannot work and his life is in great danger. His family members strongly request that he be released."
  • After 9 Days in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, Gaurds Killed Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Hong

    In July 2004 Ms. Zhang Hong was incarcerated in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. The guards used vicious torture to try to force her to renounce her belief in Truthfulness- Compassion - Tolerance, to no avail. She went on a hunger strike to protest her unjust treatment and was brutally force-fed. Before her death Ms. Zhang Hong cried out, "I don't want to die!" She was tortured to death only nine days after entering Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. After her death her family saw that her body had lost almost forty pounds, and her own waste was found in her pants.
  • Practitioner Ms. Lu Caixia Suffers Brutal Persecution in Tangshan Forced Labour Camp

    Without notifying her family, the "610 Office" secretly sent Ms. Lu Caixia to a labour camp. No one would reveal to her family her whereabouts. An insider finally told them where she may have been sent. After the family members arrived at the Camp, the local police shifted responsibility to prevent them from seeing her. Her family was very worried about her health. Her blood pressure was very high at the time, as she was on a hunger strike. Two months have passed since then.
  • Wanjia Forced Labour Camp--A Den of Evil

    "I am a Falun Dafa practitioner from Heilongjiang Province. After being brought to court four times, I was sent to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in January 2002. Wanjia Forced Labour Camp is a hell on earth. More than half of the practitioners detained there suffer brutal torture, such as force-feeding, being hung up, and shocks with an electric baton. Since July 2002, the guards at Wanjia have abused practitioners daily with beatings and torture."
  • Dafa Practitioner Li Zhiyong from Changchun City Suffers Brutal Persecution in Jilin Prison

    Li Zhiyong was sent to Jilin Prison because he practised Falun Dafa. There, he was forced to do slave labour, making fake brand-name clothing. As a result of the abuse he suffered, he developed extreme oedema, leading to difficulties in breathing and walking.
  • The Depraved Acts Committed Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp

    The crimes committed by the authorities in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp are too many to record. For instance, the officers shackled the practitioners on iron beds, completely immobilized in the spread-eagle position with all four limbs extended. Wearing gloves and holding towels, the officers then forcefully squeezed the male practitioners' testicles. The pain, the humiliation, and the trampling of their humanity were too horrific to describe with any human language. In the officers' own words, "You're here just for us to play with. We can torture you as we wish."
  • The New Name, "Ideology Education School of Liaoning Province," is a Mask to Cover Up the Evil of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    The name of "The Ideology Education School of Liaoning Province" is a mask that is used by the evildoers to cover the surface of the notorious "Masanjia Forced Labour Camp," and to cover up its real identity and nature. Under the disguise of this mask, the evildoers inside Masanjia are committing dreadful deeds - the most evil in history - to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Wanjia Forced Labour Camp: The Cruel Torture of Women Practitioners Continues

    "Like thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners, I have endured the last five years of hardship in tremendous adversity, having been abducted several times, illegally detained, and forced to pay extortion totalling more than 6000 yuan. The most severe of these arrests was in April 2002, when I was abducted on the way to my relative's home. The local police department sent me to the "transformation" centre in Wanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp in July 2002. Being in the transformation centre of Wanjia Forced Labour Camp is like going to hell."
  • The Sadistic Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Dalian Forced Labour Camp (Photos)

    It is a common phenomenon in forced labour camps in China for detainees to be shocked with electric batons and abused sadistically. Here is a terrifying case of sadistic torture. It is about what happened to a Falun Gong practitioner named Qu Hui during his detention in Dalian Forced Labour Camp. He was disabled because of torture, and his penis festered after electric shocking. His cervical vertebra was fractured, leaving him a paraplegic now for four years.
  • 66 Year Old Mr. Zhang Mengye, the Chinese President's Former Classmate, Suffered Severe Abuse at Forced Labour Camp in Guangzhou City

    Mr. Zhang Mengye, is a former assistant professor at the Guangdong Provincial Electric Power Institute. He was a fellow classmate of the current President of China, Hu Jintao, in Tsinghua University, "Class of 1959." Zhang Mengye was detained for 2 years and 37 days and was "re-educated" in a forced labour camp which caused him tremendous mental and physical trauma. When h ewas released in February 2002, he was thin as a skeleton, weighing less than 77 pounds (35kg).
  • Atrocities Committed in the No. 2 Women's Ward of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    A sign on the courtyard wall of the No. 2 Women's Ward of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp reads: "Liaoning Province Mental Education Centre." Since the day the Women's Ward was established, its staff have violated human rights, forbidden people to believe in the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," deprived people of their right to think for themselves, destroyed people's free will, and physically and mentally tortured them.