Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 9)
2007-03-02I was persecuted for not renouncing Falun Gong from that day in July 1999 when the Chinese Communist regime banned Falun Gong. Because, seven years ago, the former head of the Chinese Communist regime, Jiang Zemin, gave the order "to destroy them physically, starve them financially and destroy them mentally and spiritually," I lost my basic right to earn a living and live a normal life. I was harmed physically and mentally. Because of the rule "guilt by association," my family and relatives suffered and still suffer from this persecution.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Yu Wei from Weifang City, Shangdong Province, Repeatedly Persecuted over the Past Seven Years
2007-03-01On January 4th, 2007, 610 Office officials and police broke into Dafa practitioner Yu Wei's house under the pretence that Wei was a temporary resident. Mr. Wei's Dafa books, CDs, audio tapes, and other materials were confiscated. He was arrested on his way home from work and taken to a detention centre. Since the Communist regime started to persecute Falun Gong in 1999, authorities have twice ransacked Wei's house. Authorities confiscated his Dafa materials, a recorder and two laptop computers worth over five thousand yuan, and extorted 8,400 yuan.
610 Office in Chengdu, Sichuan Province Continues Zhao Benyong's Detainment after Completing His Five-Year Jail Term
2007-02-28Mr. Zhao Benyong is a young teacher who taught at the Longquan Aerospace Technical College in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. Because he is a Falun Gong practitioner he was discharged from the school and sentenced to five years in prison. On January 31st, 2007, Mr. Zhao was to be released after he completed his prison term. But on the morning of February 1st, Chengdu Longquanyi 610 Office agents took him away and continued his detainment. His whereabouts are unknown.
Six Practitioners in Shuangcheng, Heilongjiang Province Were Arrested - Over 400 of Their Relatives Are Appealing for Them
2007-02-28On the morning of January 23rd, 2007, Mr. Dong Liantai, 43, and Mr. Tian Hua, 40, went to visit their relatives who were detained in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City. They arrived there too early as the labour camp hadn't opened yet, so they sat on the edge of the farm field next to the labour camp. The labour camp guards in the watchtower saw them and arrested them. When the two practitioners questioned why they were arrested, the guards said they didn't need to provide a reason. The two practitioners were sent to Xinnong Town Police Station. On the same day, the police also arrested four practitioners at the bus stop in Xinnong Town. Currently, the six practitioners are still detained at Harbin Detention Centre. 441 of their relatives are appealing for them.
610 Office in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province Persecutes Ms. Mo Xiaomei
2007-02-28Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Mo Xiaomei from Zengcheng City, Guangdong Province, was arrested by police and 610 Office staff at her own shop on the afternoon on December 24th, 2006. She has been detained and tortured in the Zengcheng City Detention Centre. The detention centre's staff have refused to let her to see her family. They have threatened her, saying that they would give forged documents to the Procuratorate so that she would be sentenced. They have refused to show Ms. Mo's family her "detention card," the bare minimum requirement for holding her, even though they have asked for it several times. Without the documentation for her arrest, Mo Xiaomei's family cannot hire a lawyer.
Crimes Committed by Vicious Guard Ma Jishan at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2007-02-27Ma Jishan and Liu Yong led some of the guards who had arrived at the No. 2 Masanjia Women’s Forced Labour Camp on February 23rd, 2006, to brainwash the practitioners held in Divisions 1 and 2. They used torture methods, including the Big Hang-Up, the Death Bed, solitary confinement, force-feeding with concentrated salt water, and unknown drugs. They would pry the practitioners' mouths open with a mechanical device, savagely beat the practitioners, shock them with electric batons, deprive them of sleep, and strip the women practitioners naked and throw them outside in the freezing cold. Many practitioners were injured and disabled as a result of torture.
Practitioner Ms. Yan Suqin from Huangchuan County, Henan Province Sentenced
2007-02-27Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yan Suqin was subjected to persecution many times because she persisted in her belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. On January 24th, 2007, the Huangchuan County Court suddenly announced that she was sentenced to four years in prison without giving her a trial or notifying her family members.
Sent to a Brainwashing Centre the Day He Was Released from Prison, Zhao Benyong Held a Hunger Strike in Protest
2007-02-27Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhao Benyong was imprisoned for five years and persecuted. On the day of his release from prison, 610 Office personnel took him to a brainwashing centre in Chengdu City. Zhao Benyong's family members went to the relevant authorities to ask for his release, but to no avail. In the process, his mother and younger brother were detained at Bazhong Police Department of Sichuan Province.
First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 8)
2007-02-26One day, guard Jiao said to me disappointedly, "Zhang Yijie, all that we are allowed or forbidden to do, we've made you suffer them." I then responded. "But, do you know the outcome of your actions?" She looked at me diffidently and with eyes widely open. I said calmly: "Let me tell you, all the things you did to me could only make me stronger and my mind firmer." Jiao had nothing to say to me anymore. Jiao knew that her evil deeds had done everything but kill me. But she also knew in her heart that even if she had taken my life, she still couldn't destroy my belief.
Practitioner Ms. Zheng Miaojun, 76, Sentenced to Three and a Half Years in Puning City, Guangdong Province
2007-02-26It has recently been reported that Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Zheng Miaojun and Ms. Huang Tingluan, who had been detained in Puning Detention Centre of Guangdong Province, were taken to a prison by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel for further persecution. Ms. Zheng, 76 years old, was sentenced to a three-and-a-half-year term of imprisonment and Ms. Huang, 63 years old, was sentenced to three years.
Mr. Chen Tianjie Detained at the Hangzhou City Fourth Prison, Zhejiang Province
2007-02-26In July 2002, Mr. Chen was arrested when he was preparing leaflets exposing the persecution. Agents from the police, the security department, the 610 Office, and the Neighbourhood Administration ransacked his house for hours. All the Dafa books, Falun Dafa leaflets and a fax machine were taken away. Later, without any public trial or notifying his relatives, Mr. Chen Tianjie was sentenced to 11 years in prison based on the number of confiscated leaflets. His parents and his wife only received the sentencing statement, and no legal procedures were followed. At that time, his child was only 100 days old. Mr. Chen is still writing his appeal statement.
Eyewitness to the Vicious Incidents at Shandong Province No. 2 Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-02-25Wangcun Forced Labour Camp officials punish the steadfast Falun Gong practitioners by forcing them to sit on benches all day long while at the same time collaborators attempt to "reform" them. If the practitioners refuse to be reformed, they would be forbidden to sleep. Because I could not tolerate sleep deprivation I gave in and allowed them to "reform" me. This camp has a basement where the prison guards locked up those practitioners who were not "reformed." I opened a cell door and saw a practitioner hanging on a wall. Her head was wrapped up except for her eyes. I was terrified.
The Persecution of Mr. Li Shangshi, Former Manager of the Liaoning Panjin Forest Products Company, Reveals the Injustice of the Legal Process under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
2007-02-2359-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Shangshi was a college-educated manager at the Panjin Forest Products Company in Liaoning Province. Mr. Li was arrested on two occasions for practising Falun Gong. The first time, he was sentenced to prison for three years. At the court the lawyer assigned by the court to defend Mr Li said, "The government has made the practice of Falun Gong illegal, so you must be guilty." On April 20th, 2004, Mr. Li was again sentenced, this time to fourteen years in prison.
Wang Bo and Her Parents Sentenced to Four and Five Years in Prison
2007-02-2325-year-old practitioner Ms. Wang Bo was falsely charged with "using a cult organisation to disrupt the administration of law" and was sentenced to five years in prison by the Chinese Communist government in early February 2007. Her father Wang Xinzhong and mother Liu Shuqin were equally charged, and each was sentenced to four years in prison.
Practitioners Ms. Chen Peizhu and Ms. Huang Cailan from Guangxi Autonomous Region Sentenced in October 2006
2007-02-23On June 4th, 2006, police officers arrested Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Chen Peizhu and Ms. Huang Cailan at their homes. An court hearing was held secretly in October. Family members were not informed of the hearing until an insider told them about it less than one day before. The Prosecutor's Office at the Longlin County Procuratorate brought fabricated charges against them in the absence of a defence lawyer or witnesses. Ms. Chen Peizhu wanted to share her experiences of practising Falun Gong with the court, but the Chief Justice rejected her request.