Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Recent Account of Persecution at the Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province
2007-11-20Due to the recent 17th Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Congress, the visitation schedule at Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp was disrupted. The guards have been harassing the visiting family members and turned them away without granting visitation. There were practitioners on long term hunger strikes and in critical condition in the labour camp. The labour camp authorities forced their family members to come from far away to help persuade the practitioners to stop their hunger strikes and give up Falun Gong. If the family members failed in their efforts, the labour camp continued to imprison the practitioners. Furthermore, they denied family visits the next day, which was an official visiting day.
Ms. Yu Suye from Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province Sentenced to Forced Labour
2007-11-19Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Suye talked about Falun Gong to people in a market on October 3rd, 2007. Someone ignorant of the facts about Falun Gong reported her to the police, and they arrested Ms. Yu and ransacked her home. Police sentenced Ms. Yu to one and a half years of forced labour on November 3rd. She is presently being held at the Jiangshuiquan Women's Forced Labour Camp in Jinan City. During Ms. Yu's incarceration in the forced labour camp, the guards have detained her in solitary confinement to persecute her. Her family members have been to the forced labour camp and requested to meet with her. However, the guards have denied their request with the excuse that Ms. Yu is too firm in her belief.
Guards from the Second Unit of the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp Continue to Torture Dafa Practitioners
2007-11-19Practitioner Ms. Zhang Guizhi is 62 years old. Around 4:00 a.m., a guard found Ms. Zhang reading Dafa articles in her bedroom. Later that morning Guard Jia Hongyan continuously shocked Ms. Zhang with an electric baton for an extended period of time. Practitioner Ms. Xu Mingying is 50 years old. In August, 2007, a prisoner reported that Ms. Xu had Falun Dafa materials. Guard Yang Liqiu (female) hit Ms. Xu's mouth and shocked her with an electric baton. Ms. Xu's teeth were knocked loose and she now has difficulty eating.
Ms. Chen Yuhua Arrested While Taking Care of Her Ailing Husband at Home
2007-11-19On the morning of October 14th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Yuhua, 57 years old, was arrested by eight police officers. At the time of the arrest, she was taking care of her husband who was ill and receiving intravenous injections. Ms. Chen is currently being detained at the Heze City Detention Centre. She has been arrested eight times previously, and was sentenced to forced labour twice. Because of her recent arrest, Ms. Chen is unable to care for her elderly parents and her ailing husband.
Mr. Liu Xianyan and Others from Guangshui City, Hubei Province Suffer Mental Collapse Due to Persecution by the Guangshui City 610 Office
2007-11-18In 2002, when Mr. Liu Xianyan,was exposing the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies to students at the Guangchang Middle School, he was arrested by personnel from the 610 Office and imprisoned first for four months, followed quickly by another four months detention. As a result of this harassment, Mr. Liu suffered a mental collapse. His wife, unable to cope with his mental condition, later divorced him. With the kind help and care of other practitioners, Mr. Liu's mental condition gradually improved. In 2005 he was again arrested. Under the intense pressure in the brainwashing centre, Mr. Liu wrote the "Three Statements" to renounce Falun Gong, against his will. The constant threats and harassment caused Mr. Liu to have another mental breakdown, which the 610 Office used to try to convince people that Mr. Liu had become insane from practising Falun Gong.
The 610 Office Persecutes and Harasses Practitioner Ms. Lei Jianying
2007-11-17At 3 p.m. on September 23rd, 2007, Ms. Li Jianying was arrested. She was at a shop owned by her family when agents from the municipal 610 Office and police arrested her. The incident was witnessed by many bystanders. Without going through any legal procedures, police officers handcuffed Ms. Li in public and dragged her into their vehicle. When her brother arrived, he challenged the officers as to why they were arresting his sister. He ended up being beaten by police officers and arrested as well.
Exposing the Crimes Committed at Shanxi Women's Forced Labour Camp
2007-11-16Situated near a small shopping centre in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, is a forced labour camp for women. This is a sinister place where over 46 Falun Dafa practitioners are held in confinement. On October 15th, 2006, Ms. Liu Taojiang was beaten so badly by warden Hong Yuanqu that she was sent home immediately by the guards, who wanted to avoid responsibility for her death. A month later, just when Liu was well enough to get out of bed, she was again taken back to Shanxi Forced Labour Camp. Liu went on a hunger strike to protest. Seeing that Liu was dying, the camp officials quickly ordered her family to take her home. Liu slowly recovered two weeks later. Again, the camp officers came and took her away. She has not been seen since.
Mr. Jiang Zonglin Arrested by Chengdu Police
2007-11-16On August 2nd, 2007, Chengdu resident and Falun Dafa practitioner Jiang Zonglin was arrested. His whereabouts is still unknown. Both Fuqin Police Department of Chengdu City and the State Protection Brigade of Jinniu Public Security Sub-bureau are denying any responsibility. They refused to notify Jiang's family members of his current situation. The Fuqin Police and the National Security Brigade of Jinniu Public Security Sub-bureau are, however, most likely involved in this situation.
Practitioner Mr. Jiang Zonglin from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province is Missing
2007-11-15Officials from the Public Security Office and National Security Office, broke into the home of practitioner Mr. Jiang Zonglin, on August 2nd, 2007. Mr. Jiang, an architecture engineer in his late fifties, was handcuffed and taken away, without the officers saying a word. Jiang's wife and daughter were also taken. It's been several months since Jiang went missing. When his family asked his whereabouts an officer said, "We took him his clothes, which means he is still around."
Ms. Qiu Liying Arrested and Detained for Attending Two Public Trials against Fellow Practitioners
2007-11-15Ms. Qiu Liying is a Falun Gong practitioner from Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. On September 26th, 2007, Ms. Qiu sat in the audience in a trial against a fellow Falun Gong practitioner named Li Xiumin (female). The next morning, the local police arrested her and took her to Sifang Police Station. Later the police and officials pried open Ms. Qiu Liying's door and looted her personal belongings including her PC. On the morning of September 28th, 2007, the police transferred Ms. Qiu to a brainwashing centre. Ms. Qiu has been on a hunger strike to protest the unjust detention for eight days at the time of this writing. Her health is in jeopardy.
Mr. Ba Shuqun's Leg Broken by Police, His Wife is Hospitalised Due to Mental and Physical Stress
2007-11-13Recently it was reported that Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ba Shuqun was arrested covertly by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and his status was unknown. On October 25th, Mr. Ba's wife, Ms. Jiang, was asked by police officers to sign an arrest warrant, in order to see her husband who was injured and had been away from her for over a year. Under pressure, she signed the warrant. Upon arriving, she was told that her husband was in Xinkang Prison hospital. When she got to the hospital, personnel demanded a 9,000 yuan "medical fee" from Ms. Jiang, indicating that Mr. Ba was seriously ill. At the time, the doctors refused to disclose Mr. Ba's condition. Ms. Jiang was so stressed about her husband that she needed to be hospitalised herself.
Ms. Wang Haohong, in Hiding for Eight Years, Has Been Arrested Again
2007-11-12Ms. Wang Haohong was arrested several times by police because she practised Falun Gong. During her first detention, she was beaten and verbally abused when she refused to write a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Gong. The former Deputy Chief of the police station shocked Ms. Wang with a hand-cranked electric telephone generator. The shock was so great that she lost control of her bladder and wet herself. The chief of the police station forced Ms. Wang to stand under the burning sun during the hottest time of the day. They also extorted 2,000 yuan from Ms. Wang's husband. Since 2001 Ms. Wang went into hiding to avoid persecution, but was arrested again in September 2007.
Several Practitioners in Kangping County Arrested, Brainwashed, and Beaten
2007-11-11On September 13th, the Kangping County Police Department took practitioners Ms. Qi Jingru, Ms. Li Yuqing, Ms. Zhao Xiumei, and Ms. Liu Li into custody and they were detained in detention centres. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents tried to have Ms. Qi Jingru sentenced to prison. However, the case was turned down by the Procuratorate due to insufficient evidence. Ms Liu Li was beaten, resulting in cuts and bruises all over her body. Ms. Zheng Xiuli and Ms. Chen Yuchun were released after each was extorted of 5,000 yuan.
Practitioners Tortured and Forced to Do Hard Labour at Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province
2007-11-11Practitioners have been forced to work from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., or even 10:00 p.m. if more work needed to be done. Qiang Tongqin is the production captain in this brigade. In his labour record book, he wrote down that every Wednesday is his interview day, that Saturdays and Sundays are rest days, and that labour is done only five to six hours each day with rest breaks taken at noon. But these records do not reflect the true situation at all.
Ms. Wang Xiaoren was Unjustly Tried by Judicial System in Jinan City, Shandong Province
2007-11-10On October 24th, 2007, Ms. Wang Xiaoren, a Falun Dafa practitioner, was tried in the Fourth Courtroom in the Lixia District of Jinan City, Shandong Province. An announcement of the trial itself was not posted on the bulletin board or anywhere else. The guards at the entrance to the courtroom carefully searched everyone who attended the session. The chief justice, Liu Yong, refused to allow Ms. Wang's husband to attend the trial, claiming that he was involved in the case. The chief justice made his judgment very quickly because Ms. Wang did not have a defence counsel. In addition, because he was afraid that Ms. Wang would speak out about the persecution of Falun Gong in court, the chief justice continually interrupted Ms. Wang and distorted her words when she attempted to defend herself.