Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
"Pouring Into an Ice Pipe" -- A Torture at Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-02-22Wanjia Forced Labour Camp staff brutally persecute imprisoned Falun Dafa practitioners. In the winter, they open the window and strip off practitioners' clothing, and force them to sit on iron chairs with both hands handcuffed behind the back. The practitioners are forced to step on the ice-cold cement ground barefoot while water was poured on them. After the water freezes, their feet are frozen in the ice. The perpetrators call this punishment "Pouring Into an Ice Pipe." Sometimes, practitioners were handcuffed behind the back to the top of a two-metre-high bunk bed. Their feet were off the ground and the weight of the whole body fell on the wrists. At the very least, they went numb in both hands and fell unconscious; some were crippled in both arms from this torture. An elderly practitioner was hung up like this for three days straight, and eventually died.
Shanghai Normal University Authorities Persecute Mr. Guo Shenghuan and His Family
2007-02-22Mr. Guo Shenghuan, a teacher in the College of Digital Information, Shanghai Normal University, was arrested at work on the morning of January 25th, 2007. After the arrest, Assistant Dean Gu Guoxiang told the people who knew about the incident, "If anybody asks, you just say that Guo Shenghuan never came to work." Mr. Guo is being unlawfully detained in the Xuhui District Detention Centre. That same day, Mr. Guo Shenhuan's wife, also a practitioner, Zhang Yuxia was arrested while working in the Shanghai Hongqiao International School and was dismissed from the school. At that time, she was still nursing her baby.
First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 7)
2007-02-21One day at 1 a.m., the guards locked all the metal gates in the hallway. Two guards and five or six drug addict inmates brutally beat practitioner Ms. Lang Dongyue. These inhuman people also assaulted Ms. Lang sexually and used high-heel shoes to step on her over and over again with as much force as possible.One morning, despite it being very cold outside, Jiao ordered all practitioners to go outside and knit there. When we returned after four hours, everything in the Class Three room was scattered around. There was a great mess. We also saw five criminals surrounding practitioner Tao and brutally beating her. The heating pipe was broken, too. Ms. Tao's chest and stomach were injured and she had pain when breathing. Her private parts were also injured.
First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 6)
2007-02-20There are about 130 people in each team in the camp, 90 per cent of whom are practitioners. There must be at least 1,000 practitioners in the camp, but they are never given the task of cooking. Only drug addicts, prostitutes, pimps, pornography vendors, and thieves can work in the kitchen. [Chinese buns are supposed to be fluffy and slightly sweet], but practitioners are constantly served with sticky buns, sour buns, salty buns, or rock-hard buns. Boiled vegetables taste like swill and constantly contain worms, bugs, flies, weed stems, and a residue of dirt on the bottom. Later the menu improved slightly and streaky pork or boiled pork skin was added to the menu twice a week but in meagre rations. In fact, many practitioners often don't get any pork at all. Occasionally fried eggs were added to the menu but meagrely rationed as well.
Laizhou City, Shandong Province, 610 Office Agents Stage a Mock Court Trial as a Trap, Arrest 23 Practitioners
2007-02-20One male and two female plainclothes police officers reported Qi Haijun, a disabled practitioner on January 23rd, 2007. He was then sent to Laizhou City Detention Centre although they found nothing on him to use as evidence against him. About 2:00 p.m. on January 27th, Mr. Qi suddenly felt dizzy, had a rapid heart beat and lost consciousness. He then went into convulsions and fell into a coma. When his family members learned of his condition, they petitioned the detention centre to allow them to bring him home. They did bring him home after paying 4,000 yuan in cash as a "warrant of probation."
First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 5)
2007-02-19When you, as a practitioner, are tortured to force you give up your belief, this is a test: Will you have anger inside your heart when you see that other detainees are showing off and dumping their leftover food into the rubbish bins on purpose or depriving you of your meals in front of your eyes while you don't have enough food to eat? Will you still be indifferent and care little about your physiological desires when you see in front of your eyes that other detainees are chewing and enjoying the charcoaled chicken and sausages on purpose brought from the shop inside the labour camp while you're not allowed to buy anything from there? Will your heart still be peaceful when you are forced to stay up all night long under the surveillance of the collaborators and the guards while others are sleeping soundly?
First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 4)
2007-02-18After the persecution started, I went to appeal on July 21st, 1999. My employer, the Foreign Trade Ministry of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), tried to force me to give up cultivating Falun Dafa, so that I could be "on the same page" as the CCP. My family also tried to convince me. My oldest brother was the most active of my three older brothers. My father, a history teacher, cooperated with him. Once, they suddenly locked me up in a room and tried many ways to force me to give in. My father used many historical stories about how people had been wrong. My oldest brother is a provincial civil minister. He is in charge of persecuting Falun Gong in that province. He knows clearly the CCP's plan to eradicate Falun Gong. They thought they could save me from disaster and stop me from ruining my reputation and losing profit or ruining my family.
Mr. Gong Chengge and Other Practitioners in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province Still Being Detained
2007-02-18During the new wave of persecution led by Zhao Jincheng, director of the Mudanjiang Police Department, in Helongjiang Province on December 12th, 2006, many Falun Gong practitioners were arrested. Although most of them were released after large amounts of money were extorted from them, Mr. Gong Chengge, Mr. Zhu Xiucheng, and Ms. Hao Rong are still being detained. After money was extorted from Mr. Gong Chengge's family, his family went to the police department to ask for his release, but got no response.
Mr. Cao Dong Given Five Year Prison Sentence for Talking to European Parliament Vice President
2007-02-17On February 8th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cao Dong was sentenced to five years in prison by the Gansu Provincial Court. His so-called "crimes" were "illegally connecting with a foreign anti-China force," and "illegally accepting interviews." Mr. Cao Dong is appealing these false charges. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) confessed, "According to a CCP Central 610 Office statement, 'It [the persecution] could be easily exposed on the media if we sentenced Mr. Cao Dong in Beijing,' and 'it is better to transfer Cao Dong to Gansu Province (where his hometown is located) and have the State Safety Bureau sentence him,' ...If we allowed Cao Dong to be released, it will be a threat to the Capital City's social stability..."
First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 3)
2007-02-16Mail is private, and laws forbidding others from opening, withholding, or destroying personal mail are common worldwide. But inside the Chinese labour camps, guards can violate this law at will. They have become the first readers of all Falun Dafa practitioners' mail. If they think a particular letter will not "help" a practitioner's brainwashing they will withhold the letter and never tell the practitioner about it. Sometimes they black out certain sentences in a letter before giving it to the recipient. The only contents they allow practitioners to read are those they think can help the practitioners to accept the brainwashing, such as family members not able to bear the pressure under the persecution, asking practitioners to give up, children missing their parents, a husband wants a divorce, their elderly parents are sick, etc.
Practitioners Persecuted in Suihua Forced Labour Camp, Heilongjiang Province
2007-02-16Practitioner Mr. Li Yequan went on a hunger strike for over ten months in 2006. He was not released until he was reduced to less than 100 pounds. The guards tortured him numerous times during his hunger strike. On one occasion, guard Gao Zhonghai shocked him with electric batons; guard Diao Xuesong beat him with fists; guard Zeng Dingjun burned his fingers with a lighter. Criminal inmate Ma Dacheng poured 47 buckets of water on Mr. Peng Jianpu as a method of torture.
First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 2)
2007-02-15They watched me around the clock and made sure I did not fall asleep or take a nap. They took turns brainwashing me, and they also made me watch videos that slandered Teacher and Dafa. One shift was before midnight and the other shift was after midnight. They loudly claimed that I was "psychologically controlled". In order to confuse me and create self-doubt, they kept saying it over and over, and the guards said it repeatedly at all meetings. On the other hand, they watched my every move, facial expression and mood. They seized on the slightest subconscious move I made to prove their point, that I was manipulated and possessed. After this experience I understood why and how some people had a mental collapse.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zeng Aihua from Hong Kong Sentenced to Three Years in Prison in Shanghai
2007-02-15Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zeng Aihua was detained for nearly nine months in Shanghai. She was tried at the Pudong District Court in Shanghai on February 12th, 2007 and sentenced for three years in prison. It is said that the Shanghai 610 Office made an internal decision regarding her sentence before the trial. Up to the trial Zeng Aihua was held at the Pudong District Detention Centre in Shanghai. She was not allowed to wear her glasses while being forced to do intensive manual labour that requires good eyesight. During multiple interrogation sessions, the guards demanded her to reveal information on other Dafa practitioners. They planned to use her testimony as evidence to persecute other practitioners
First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp (Part 1)
2007-02-14The labour camp carries out systematic and continuous mental torment of practitioners. The camp staff observes the practitioners' emotions, and studies the practitioners' thoughts and actions with the evil motives and the eyes of professional trainers. They probe the practitioners' hopes and wants at the labour camp, and every practitioner's willpower and endurance, their personality, strength and weakness, hobbies and pet peeves, and things that make them happy or sad. They also have detailed information on every practitioner's academic profile, career profile, work places and achievements. They know everything about the practitioners' parents, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, children and relatives, and so on.
Recent Persecution Against Falun Gong Practitioners at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2007-02-14On December 5th, 2006, Ms. Cui Defeng was reported by Inspector Xue Dan because "Falun Dafa is Good" was embroidered on the inside of her coat. Group leader Ren Huaiping and Wang Shuzheng cuffed her wrists to a bed, tied her legs with cloth strips, slapped her face and denied her food and toilet use. Wang Shuzheng kicked Ms. Cui Defeng in the face, and she wasn't released until the evening. Her arms, legs and face were swollen from the beatings.