Individual Accounts
Germany: A Falun Gong Practitioner Gives an Account of the Horrors of Masanjia Labour Camp in China
2008-09-09“As far back as two years ago, I signed my name here, demanding the CCP to stop persecuting Falun Gong, but the situation has not changed in the least.” Watching the Berlin Students in front of the Bolandeng Fortress and seeing scenes of the Chinese Falun Gong practitioners suffering cruel torture and live organ harvesting, a passer by expressed her suspicion and discouragement. A Chinese person suddenly said to her, “No, the situation is changing; it is just difficult to see immediately from abroad, please follow me.”
Account of Persecution Suffered by Qiqihar City Falun Gong Practitioner Over Nine-Year Period
2008-08-25I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province. Because I have remained faithful to my belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance since 1999, I have been sentenced twice to forced labour and locked up at the Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp in Qiqihar City. In addition, I was incarcerated for almost four years in the Harbin City Women's Prison, where I was made to do hard labour and subjected to various ruthless tortures. Among other things, I was hung up in the air and swung from side to side, and I was stripped naked and beaten.
Nine Years of Persecution for Zhao Ting and Her Family in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province
2008-08-22In September 2002, police once again arrested my husband and sent him to Gongjiawan brainwashing centre. During that time the director of the facility brutally persecuted my husband. They handcuffed him for about one week. They forced my husband to tell them about my whereabouts. I was hoemless to avoid persecution. They released him after persecuting him for over 15 months. During that time, my 11-year old son lived alone and barely had enough food to eat. He spent every night in fear.
My Family's Suffering under the Persecution
2008-08-11In August 2001, I was sent to Deyang Prison, and forced to sleep on an iron bed without a mattress. It was difficult to sleep on such a bed, so I got up to practise the Falun Gong exercises. I did them only for more than ten minutes, and was discovered by a patrolling inmate surnamed Long. He, along with five other inmates, dragged me down from the bed and beat me. Later, I was forced to stand in a military posture. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I heard a guard shout at me viciously. Before I could react to him, he slapped me on both sides of my face continuously until he felt pain on his hand. Prisoner Wang gave him a table tennis paddle, and the guard chopped at my face with the paddle.
Account of Persecution in the Liaoning Province Women's Prison
2008-08-10Ms. Li Ling was arrested twice for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling the Jinzhou City Political and Legal Committee Party Secretary the facts about Falun Gong and that Falun Gong teaches people to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance. She was sentenced to four years in prison. One day after work, she cried out, "Falun Gong is good!" They confined her to an isolated cell, and the prison guards ordered prisoner Zhang Chun'e to guard her. Zhang was in her 20's, and she was very cruel. She often tied Ms. Li to the bed, taped her mouth shut, slapped her face with a shoe or sat on her stomach. Ms. Li eventually died due to the torture.
Ms. Niu Yuhui Recounts the Persecution She Was Subjected to in Nanshan Detention Centre in Shulan City, Jilin Province
2008-07-22On April 17th, 2008, police officers arrested me at home. I shouted, "Falun Gong is good!" to let people hear the truth. Afraid of drawing attention to the unjust arrest, those evildoers took off a coat and used it to cover my mouth to stop my shouting. I almost lost consciousness. They took me to Beicheng Police Station where they subjected me to a body search. They searched my backpack and stole over 2,000 yuan in cash. They got a key from my bag and took it to search my home. They made a big mess while ransacking the house. That evening they took me to a detention centre. I staged a protest hunger strikeOn the sixth day they force-fed me. I suffered badly during each brutal force-feeding procedure.
Ms. Lin Hong Recounts Her Experiences of Unjust Arrest, Torture, and Harassment
2008-07-17My name is Lin Hong, and I am 50 years old. I am from Lianjiang City, Guangdong Province. I previously worked at the Lianjiang Water Supply Company. I started practising Falun Gong in Haikou City on Hainan Island in May 1997. I have been practising for eleven years now. During the past nine years, I have been constantly harassed by the police. My home was searched, and I was arrested and sent to a forced labour camp. On September 29th, 2007, I was forced to leave home and live in destitution in order to avoid persecution. It's been nine months now. In June 2008, the officials of Lianjiang City went to my home looking for me, and they harassed my husband.
Ms. Qing Yan from Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, Recounts the Persecution She Has Suffered
2008-07-14At the end of December 2000, I went to Beijing to peacefully appeal for Falun Gong. I was arrested before reaching Tiananmen Square. As soon as I entered the door of a local police station, the police forcibly and thoroughly searched me. My escort took me to a small room, and another person immediately began beating me. He didn't stop until he became exhausted from hitting me. Later on, they forced me to stand up straight for a long time. The following day, Dai Wenyong, the Secretary of the local CCP, forced me to stand up in the middle of the courtyard. He asked me whether I would stop practising Falun Gong. I said that I would never stop. Then he slapped me in the face. He told me to take off my shoes and stand barefoot on the cold floor. He also ordered me to take off my sweaters so that I would freeze in the cold weather. I was forced to stand there for over three weeks.
Police from Chifeng City Harassed Me Time and Time Again Over the Last Nine Years, Forcing Me to Move Ten Times
2008-07-13In the autumn of 2003, four police officers led by the head of police - Zhao - broke into our home again, with no justification, and they took me and another two practitioners to Chifeng brainwashing centre. From 2003 to 2008, as a result of persecution, I had to move at least 10 times. To this day, I still cannot have a permanent residence. I have also suffered a lot financially. I can only support myself by doing hard labour, which provides very low pay. My family members also suffered as well. They lost contact with me. When my son got married, he could not find his father; my father-in-law passed away amidst missing his son and daughter-in-law, and his daughter-in-law (me) had no clue that her father-in-law passed away already, so she couldn't hold any ceremony for him.
Tsinghua University Student's Account of Being Persecuted in China
2008-07-12On July 20th, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media suddenly started to defame Falun Gong, and the CCP forbade people to practise. Even though I heard slander everywhere, I knew in my heart that Falun Gong is good and wanted to continue my practice. I could not be scared away by the persecution. Later, some government leaders came to my home and tried to persuade my mother to write a statement renouncing Falun Gong. Many people came, and they talked until very late at night. Those leaders were acquaintances and friends of my parents, but in the persecution, they chose to execute the CCP's orders.
Tsinghua University Ph.D. Student Describes Forced Labour Experience at the Zhuhai Detention Centre
2008-06-30I spent two years at the Zhuhai Detention Centre. During my detention, I produced all kinds of plastic flowers. Some had an electronic device for playing music. In addition, I made colourful lamp strings, and pearl strings, for desk lamps and other uses. All products were exported. As a matter of fact, the prison benefits more from producing items for export, therefore the quotas were continually increased. After I came to the United States, I saw many of these plastic flowers and colourful lamp strings with the label "Made in China" in supermarkets.
The Persecution and Torture I Experienced at the Hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
2008-06-26In 2001 I was arrested by police because I practise Falun Gong. In the detention centre, the guards forced us to perform hard labour daily. We had to meet a high quota. We hand crafted flowers for funerals. We were forbidden to do the Falun Gong exercises. I did the exercises anyway, so the guards beat me. The guards treated me brutally. They handcuffed me to an iron bed, and chained my feet to it. When the guards gave me an intravenous injection, they claimed that they were trying to find the blood vessel. They hit my wrists heavily. My hands hurt a lot from these beatings. The guards used the thickest feeding tube they could find to force-feed me. They took pleasure in making me feel pain.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Jinbo from Yanji City is Cruelly Tortured
2008-06-20During nine years of persecution of Falun Gong in China, Zhang Jinbo has been cruelly tortured, and unable to marry or to live a normal life. Due to an extended forced labour term, her mental and physical health drastically declined. Her body incurred great harm from torture, and many diseases surfaced. Her residency registration was withheld, and would only be restored if she gave up her belief. It was forbidden for her to go abroad to work. She had to live a poverty-ridden existence in exile.
Mr. Sun Xi Tortured and Disabled at Tiebei Prison in Changchun City, Jilin Province
2008-06-02I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Yanji City, Jilin Province. The police arrested me in October 2000 and took me to Tiebei Prison in Changchun. I was tortured there beginning in the spring of 2002. On January 10th, 2003, a group of six male criminal inmates was ordered to torture me. First, they drew a circle on the floor and made me stand in the middle. If I moved, they would beat me. Then, although it was wintertime, they made me stand outside in the cold for an entire day and night. On the second night, they beat me again without let up for an hour and a half. They broke one of my ribs in the process, but they still did not stop. An inmate hit me brutally all over with a bricklayer's hammer wrapped in rubber. They hit me so much that I almost died. Because of this torture, the muscles in my feet have atrophied, and it is extremely difficult for me to walk. I still have not recovered; I am almost paralysed.
Accounts of Persecution at the Zhongba Forced Labour Camp, Guizhou Province
2008-05-22In the detention centre, if your family paid out money, then you might be given a used toothbrush. If not, then you had to share a toothbrush with 10-20 prisoners, or you wouldn't even have one. Next, everyone must recite the prison regulations. Those with an education and able to read had to memorize them within a week. Those with no education had to recite them in two weeks. If not, the prison guards would deprive you of sleep and force you to recite them all night long. If you refused to recite, the cell head would beat you brutally and sent you to the guards. The guards would put you into a torture position called "riding a motorcycle" (putting you in shackles and then handcuffing you under the shackles). This bends your back at a right angle, and your are unable to straighten up to walk or to sleep. This would last for three to four days, or sometimes even a week or two.