Individual Accounts

  • My Persecution Experiences at the Hands of Domestic Security Team Officers from the Yueyangluo District Police Department

    On November 2nd, 2007, a security person from the First Middle School in Yueyang City reported me as I distributed leaflets exposing the persecution around the school. Officers from the Yueyanglou Police Station arrested me and then took me to the police department. They interrogated me for six hours, then sent me to the Yueyang City First Detention Centre. Once there, they searched me, and confiscated my personal belongings, which had a value of 1,600 yuan. While I was being interrogated seven police officers ransacked my home. They confiscated my Falun Gong books and CDs exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, and other items. They told me that this was the "evidence" against me. While I was in the First Detention Centre, the guards instigated inmates to beat me because I didn't cooperate with their "education and reform" policy. They bound me spread-eagle to a wooden board for three nights and two days.
  • Cruel Incidents of Persecution I was Subjected to at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province

    In September 2001, Yi County police arrested and imprisoned me at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for two years and four months. I experienced all kinds of excruciating persecution there. In attempts to force me to abandon my Falun Gong practice, they subjected me to many types of abuse. For example, my hands were cuffed behind my back to the radiator water pipe. I could only sit on a very small chair, with my legs protruding. My arms became black and blue, and my legs could hardly support me, and experienced penetrating pain. Later, they removed the small chair and made me sit on the concrete floor. I experienced many other kinds of torture as well.
  • My Experiences in Prison and Being Tortured

    On July, 7th, 2007, I went to another practitioner's house. I was arrested by a policeman who was there to arrest the other practitioner. We were taken to the Hanbei Police Station. I did not tell the policeman my name. The policeman hit my face when he lost his temper. When night fell, I was not allowed to sleep again and once more I was forced to stand. I still did not cooperate with them, so they beat me some more. Later a group of policemen surrounded me and started to beat me. I later suffered a heart attack and was in a very serious state. The police from the Xinshi District Department then agreed to release me. Originally I had 7,750 yuan in my handbag. When they grabbed my bag to count the cash there was suddenly only 5,550 yuan, 2,000 yuan less.
  • Brainwashing and Abuse at the Qiqihar Forced Labour Camp

    From September 2001 to March 2003, I was detained in the forced labour camp in Qiqihar, Helongjiang Province. I encountered brutal brainwashing and was forced to do hard labour in a poisonous environment. In order to earn money in a low, base manner, the guards in the labour camp forced us into a one-story building nearby to pour pesticide into containers. The toxicity of some of the pesticides is very bad. After a whole day's work, some criminals had bloody noses, swollen eyes and faces, and chapped skin. People should have gas masks to pour pesticides, but we only had regular respirators. After a day's work, the toxic pesticide chemicals were all over our clothes, inside and out. We don't have hot water, let alone bathing facilities. Before meals, over 100 people had to wash their hands using water from the same basin and it was impossible to wash off all of the pesticide.
  • Zhang Lianying's Statement at the Hearings on China's Human Rights in the European Parliament

    Ms. Zhang Lianying has been detained in forced labour camps many times for practising Falun Dafa. She recounts: "I was strangled nine times. Twice the policemen strangled my neck until I fainted and the other seven times they used ropes to strangle me until I fainted. Neither time was I sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Once I was so severely beaten that both sides of my brain bled profusely. Once I was injected with an unknown drug so that I fell into a coma and my eyesight was blurred."
  • Practitioner in Gansu Province Recounts the Persecution She and Her Family Have Suffered for the Past Eight Years

    On October 1st, 2001, I went to a rural village to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution. Someone turned me in to the authorities and I was arrested by police. When they had detained me at the rehabilitation centre for over four months, I started a hunger strike in February 2002. On the fifth day of my hunger strike, Cheng Yeshang, the Chair of the centre, came with a drug addict to force feed me. He told that person to put salt in the powdered soy milk. He then pulled my hair with one hand and used his other hand to force open my mouth with two chopsticks. Then he told that person to pour the food into my mouth. My gums were bleeding, yet he didn't stop. Later, I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was on an IV. The doctor looked at my eyes and said to Cheng, "She won't die." The next morning I was taken to the Lanzhou Forced Labour Camp.
  • Liu Guifu Recounts Her Suffering at Daxing Women's Forced Labour Camp in Beijing

    The photo is of me, Liu Guifu, taken after my release from my second stay in a forced labour camp. My family and friends could no longer recognise me. My weight had dropped from about 10.7 stone to less than 7.9 stone due to the abuse I suffered at the labour camp. My hair turned grey, and much of it fell out. My face is full of wrinkles. I look 20 years older than I am.
  • Ms. Pan Jingxian Disabled by Torture at Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province

    "On November 24th, 2006 the police sent me to the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province for one year. I was surrounded by collaborators [former practitioners who assist in brainwashing and torturing practitioners.] I was forbidden to have any contact with other people. They slandered Dafa and forced me to read books of different religions. They attempted to coerce me to write a so-called "repentance statement", and to have me give up my beliefs. Because I did not cooperate, I was beaten several times. Once, a guard accused me of doing the sitting meditation on the bed. She slapped my face and used an electric baton to shock me. Even though my health was poor, the guards still compelled me to work at the labour camp. I felt pain in my feet, and my torso and legs were numb."
  • My Experiences at Gaomi Detention Centre and Wangcun Forced Labour Camp

    "I was unjustly detained at Gaomi Detention Centre for 28 days. Four police officers, one of whom was called Yu Jihai, then took me to Wangcun Forced Labour Camp. I refused to cooperate during the physical exam, and refused to give a urine sample. I took off my handcuffs to throw them in the toilet. Yu Jihai caught me and took the cuffs. He ordered others to get a tube and take a urine sample by force. I firmly opposed them and their attempt failed. At the time, my face was so swollen from bruises that I could not even see. The forced labour camp authorities did not want to accept me. Yu Jihai and the other police officers had to bribe them to take me."
  • Practitioner Ms. Kong Xiangying from Mengyin County, Shandong Province Recounts Years of Brutal Persecution and Torture

    In 2001 the Jinan City Women's Forced Labour Camp imprisoned over 800 practitioners. The oldest was 62 and the youngest 16. The inmates and practitioners were forced to work more than twelve hours a day. Most of the work was to produce products for export, including gluing flowers, embroidering, sewing quilts, tying ribbons, making medicine boxes and putting the name of Nanjing Pharmaceutical Factory in Jiangsu Province on the boxes. The glue contained a lot of chemicals. Inmates often fainted in the damp and muggy basement. We were also forced to pack pencils and make woven bags. We were held to strict deadlines and given quotas. We often had to work overtime and often until 1:00 a.m. to meet the deadlines.
  • Exposing the Tragic Experience of Being Expelled from University for Practising Falun Gong

    On May 18th, 2007, I put up eight posters exposing the persecution at public places around the university. Two days later the secretary of the Communist (CCP) Youth League asked me to come and see several leaders of the university and the head of security. I became very scared and hesitated to say anything, especially because I had never come across this kind of situation. After half an hour, the deputy head of the Security Department, Chen, presented a piece of paper and a pile of documents. I was dumbfounded when I saw them. I tried to remain calm and not let them notice my fear. Chen said, "You put these up, right? You'd better tell us all the details and do not try to hide anything. We can severely punish you because of this issue." Later the CCP expelled me from University.
  • The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Persecuted My Parents and Me

    Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong in 1999, they have instilled lies into people's minds about Falun Gong and didn't even overlook the primary school students. The students treated me as an enemy, threatened me, bullied me, and punched and kicked me. Many times I didn't dare to go to school due to the beatings. I reported this to my teacher but he couldn't effectively prevent them from doing bad things to me. My parents have been detained in brainwashing centres and severely tortured. I was traumatised and lagged behind in my studies as a result.
  • I Was Disabled by Torture at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    In September, 2001, I was taken into custody by police officers and sent to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for two years. During that period, I was never allowed to sleep on a bed. While in the labour camp, I requested to practise the exercises. As a result, Wang Naimin, the director of the No. 1 Division, strapped me to a chair for about 10 days. Later, I was tied to some hooks that kept my arms outstretched for two months. At the end of 2002, the so-called "helping and education team" came to the labour camp and schemed to "transform" steadfast practitioners. In reality, they were there to cruelly torture practitioners. This time, my hands were hung up with my feet dangling below me. I was hung up for five days, then locked onto the heating pump in the hallway for about a month.
  • Ms. Zhang Binbin Has Been Persecuted for Many Years and Has Been Deprived of Her Right to Work

    I was taken by police to the Daqing City Detention Centre, because I refused to give up Falun Gong. I was kept on an "iron chair" for two days. Using the enticement of reducing their jail terms, the police instigated criminal inmates to beat me. Seven to eight held me down at a time. Prison doctor Qi Hong, who was very vicious in torturing Falun Gong practitioners, force-fed me through my nose. When the tubes were taken out, there was blood everywhere in my mouth and nose. A male prisoner kicked my lower back until it was difficult for me to breathe. A dozen prisoners kicked my upper body before they sat on my lower back. They pinched me all over, leaving black and blue bruises everywhere. There were bumps on the top of my head, and my feet were beaten purple.
  • My Ordeal at the Suihua Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province

    Xu Yushan was arrested when police found Falun Gong books in his possession. He was severely tortured in a forced labour camp. He recounts, "After they confirmed my stance toward Falun Gong the guards said, It seems you are not afraid of death. We will not let you die, but will make you live in a state worse than death. We just want to play with you. When we are tired of playing we will make you completely disabled. Then we let you go home and die at home several days later.'"