Individual Accounts

  • Ms. Cui Guohua Detained in Forced Labour Camps in Liaoning Province Several Times

    On July 20th, 1999, Jiang Zemin's, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime started its unrestrained persecution of Falun Gong. Over the past eight years, I have been arrested and detained six times for my belief. I was sent to the forced labour camp and had 7350 yuan extorted from me. I was traumatised. My family members, relatives, and friends were also subjected to huge psychological pressures and suffered economic losses.
  • Ms. Yao Shilan from Tianjin City Tortured to Disability in Tianjin Women's Prison

    Ms. Yao Shilan is a 58-year-old practitioner, who has endured persecution at the hands of agents from the Wuqing District 610 Office, Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp in Dagang City, and Tianjin City Women's Prison. On April 4th, 2007, police arrested her again. She was placed in a detention centre and in Tianjin Women's Prison, where she was injected with unidentified drugs. Ms. Yao went home on November 23rd, 2007. Currently, she is still extremely weak and unable to take care of herself.
  • How I Was Rescued from Multiple Illnesses by Practising Falun Dafa, and Then Tortured in a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Forced Labour Camp

    One evening in August 2001, police officers came to my home again. They ransacked my home and arrested me. Two policemen guarded me in the police station that night, even though they knew it was illegal. They brought handcuffs and foot shackles. I asked them, "Are you going to put those on a defenceless lady?" The next day they took me to a detention centre for criminal detention. I held a hunger strike to protest their actions. On the fifth day, they thought that I was about to die, so I was taken to the town hospital for treatment. They read the "decision" to me the following morning: A sentence for two years of forced labour for "disrupting the social order." How could I have disrupted the social order by staying at home?
  • My Experiences in Tianhe Detention Centre in Guangzhou and Songjiang Women's Prison in Shanghai

    In Songjiang Women's Prison in Shanghai, I was first forced to do various kinds of work, making trousers, miniature British national flags, knitting sweaters, sewing Korean clothes, doll clothes, coverlets, covers for quilts, small cotton mats, etc. The guards' bonus is directly connected with our production profit, so prisoners become their tools for making a profit. Each prisoner has a production quota and must fulfill it in the stipulated time. If the quota isn't met, the prisoner would be punished by having to copy the rules of the prison all night, put in isolation or forced to do aerobic exercises under the burning sun, prohibited from buying some of the relatively better food items, restricted in buying commodities, not be allowed to take a bath, etc.
  • The Persecution of a Graduate Student from Fudan University, Shanghai

    I was arrested by police from Fushun Police Station and was detained for five days and nights, during which time I was not allowed to sleep. They severely beat me and tied my hands behind my back with thin ropes for long periods (the scars have remained). A policewoman made up an interrogation record, and tried to force me to answer questions about whether I practised Falun Gong and/or browsed Falun Gong-related websites. A doctor refused to treat me when he saw the bruises and injuries all over my body. Later I learned that the hospital's director was told by the police that it didn't matter if I died. The police handcuffed and shackled me and ordered inmates to beat me and to stop me from doing the sitting meditation. They force- fed me for thirteen days at the custodial station and then I was transferred to another cell and tortured there.
  • I Have Been Persecuted for Eight Years and Am Now Disabled

    My name is Wang Xiuqing. I live in the Chaoyang District of Beijing. Because I practise Falun Gong, I have been persecuted for eight years and have become disabled. The persecution of Falun Gong by the the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its former secretary Jiang Zemin has not only disrupted my normal life but also brought tremendous pressure and harm to my family. The 610 Office agents have continually harassed my family and me. We have lived under constant fear, which has traumatised us physically and psychologically. During these eight years, I have been detained three times and held in a forced labour camp for a year and a half.
  • Recently Released Practitioner Recounts Mental and Physical Torture in Yunnan Province No. 2 Women's Prison

    I am a Falun Gong practitioner. In 2005, 610 Office agents forcefully took me to prison and I was released three months ago. In prison, collaborators or former practitioners who have turned against Falun Gong under brainwashing and torture, detained practitioners in their cells and made them sit on a very low, hard stool. We were not allowed to move and were restricted to three toilet visits per day. So from the time we got up at 6:40 a.m., until 11:00 p.m., we sat for nearly 16 hours every day. After a while I developed bedsores on my buttocks. They hurt me so much it was as if I was being stabbed with needles. Once a collaborator slapped me and cursed me because I leaned over a little bit. I was not allowed to move my eyes around at all; I could only stare at what was in front of me.
  • Dongcheng District Police Hospital Officials in Beijing Torture a Practitioner in Her 70's

    I am an elderly Falun Gong practitioner in my 70s . When I distributed leaflets exposing the persecution in Beijing in October 2000, patrol officers arrested me. I was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour and held in the Dongcheng District No.1 Detention Centre, where I developed high blood pressure, as high as 220. I also developed arrhythmia and high blood sugar of 13.8, and I was close to death. They brutally handcuffed me to a bed, with my hands and feet fixed to the four corners of the bed. The police took me to the Dongcheng Police Hospital. I did not get treatment there, but was tortured instead.
  • Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp Officials Accuse Practitioners of Being "Unpatriotic" and Use It as Excuse for Torture

    In 2001, China successfully landed the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games. Chinese officials promised better human rights as a condition for the bid, and then turned around to use it as a tool for justifying its persecution and suppression. I was imprisoned in Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp. Guard Yue Qingjin shouted at me, "You are against the bid for the Olympics. You don't love your country and resist transformation. Even if we kill you, we'll claim that you committed suicide." Several guards put me on a cotton quilt and tied my four limbs down with strips of fabric. They yanked the strips in four different directions, which caused terrible pain. They shocked me with electric batons, shouted at me and ordered me to give up my belief. When they saw that I was about to faint, they stopped and force-fed me with some water.
  • Incidents of Torture in Qidong County Detention Centre and Changsha City Women's Prison

    On March 27th, 2004, Qidong County Police officials arrested me as I distributed informational materials that explained the truth about Falun Gong and exposed the persecution. They incarcerated me in Shaoyang County Detention Centre. After I started a hunger strike to protest the detention, the police force-fed me and injured my throat in the process. Six days later they transferred me to Qidong County Detention Centre. While there, they hung me by one arm on a window frame for half a day, with my feet not even touching the floor. In addition, they tortured me with the "tiger bench" for six consecutive days. I was later sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison for my belief in Falun Gong and served my term at Changsha City Women's Prison.
  • The Persecution I Experienced and Witnessed in the Tianjin Women's Prison

    Detained in the Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin City, Ms. Wang Wenqing went on a hunger strike in protest. When her weight dropped from 60 kg to 20 kg, she was released for medical treatment. I witnessed the guards alternately torture, intimidate, and cajole her. The Fourth Prison is a notorious "model prison" in China. The persecution of practitioners there is among the most severe and brutal. To persecute Ms. Wang, for example, prison captain Li Hong boasted, "I will never let your weight drop below 20 kilos. I will fill you up with water, so that you weigh above 50 kilos." Ms. Wang was force-fed with watery flour soup. They often inserted a hard, thick 2-metre-long feeding tube into her stomach. Her stomach often bled as a result. The large amount of water poured into her stomach gave Ms. Wang excruciating stomachache.
  • Elderly Woman from Dengzhou City, Henan Province Persecuted for Refusing to Give Up Falun Gong

    I am a 75-year-old woman. Since the persecution of Falun Gong started in July 1999, I have been imprisoned twice because I refused to renounce or give up the practice. Just because I refuse to give up my belief in Falun Gong and I want to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance to become a better person, the Chinese Communist regime plans to sentence me to seven years in prison. Let me ask a question: Which country in the world has this type of law?! Does any article in the Chinese Constitution justify such treatment? I am now forced to leave my home and go into hiding. Nevertheless, my family, relatives and friends continue to suffer from severe harassment by the police.
  • Ms. Zhang Xiaoping from Hunan Province Arrested and Detained Six Times

    I am a nursery teacher. Because I would not give up my personal belief and wanted to become a good person according to the standard of "Truthfulness, Kindness, Forbearance," I have been arrested and detained six times since the persecution of Falun Dafa began. On February 29th, 2000, I travelled to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and was arrested and taken to the county detention centre. The police hung a big poster around my neck and tied my hands behind my back. They forced me into the back of a truck and drove around different streets in the county, exhibiting me as an object of scorn. At the detention centre, they would not allow me to go to sleep. They interrogated me day and night. One policeman called Bai Bangwu beat me. I insisted on doing the exercises, so they put handcuffs and shackles on me. They were not removed for a week.
  • Appeal for the Release of My Husband Yang Jianpo

    My husband, Yang Jianpo, has been detained several times and severely tortured because he refuses to give up Falun Gong. In detention police tied my husband to an "iron chair", and used a hand-cranked-telephone which generates electrical current to shock him. They connected wires to all of his fingers, and when they shocked him, the pain was beyond description. He felt his heart was broken into pieces and his body ready to explode. They took turns torturing him. He was deprived of sleep and tortured day and night for three consecutive days. From 1999 until today, the authorities have confiscated from my family a total of 80,000 yuan (5,000 British pounds), consisting of cash, belongings and vehicles.
  • I Was Imprisoned Four Times and Incarcerated for Seven Years

    On October 25th, 2001, I went to Tiananmen Square again and unfurled a banner that read, "Falun Dafa Is a Righteous Practice" on one side and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance Is the Universal Law" on the other side. I was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour. I was beaten and was forced to perform labour during the day and I was forbidden to sit down while I worked. The work they made me do was packaging chopsticks, which I had never done before. I was ordered to put 8,500 pairs of chopsticks into paper holders each day, package them together, and get them into cartons. On the third night I was still not allowed to sleep.