Individual Accounts

  • Give My Dad Back to Me - Diary of Mr. Meng Fanquan's Son

    Diary: April 20th, 2006: Dad was arrested again. This was the fifth time Dad has been arrested. That evening, I was home alone. Seven or eight policemen rushed into my home. They took away my computer, which I use for school work, and my MP3 player. My home was searched and turned upside down. I am so scared. I'm worried about my dad, because I heard there was an uncle that practises Falun Gong in the detention centre. One day he had diarrhoea, but the police refused to let him go to the toilet and told him to force it back. He was tortured very badly. I was shocked by this. I can't imagine what kind of torture Dad will have to go through this time.
  • Persecution Experiences of Mr. Liu Guoquan from Shuangcheng, Heilongjiang Province

    Police came to my home and carried me into a vehicle. A police officer stepped on my head until we arrived at the county government building. They wrote something and attempted to force me to sign it. I refused. The policemen handcuffed me behind the back, and one person on each side beat me. I was knocked down to the ground. They stepped on my head. That same night they sent me to the Shuangchen Detention Station. It was very cold, but they stripped me naked. They poured cold water on me for a long time. I was shivering from the cold. After suffering 15 days of such torture I was sent to Harbin City Wanjia Concentrated Training Team for another five days. Then I was sent to Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp.
  • Ms. Yu Mei from Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province Recounts the Abuse She Suffered during the Past Eight Years of Persecution

    One day in June 2001, three practitioners and I went out to explain the facts about Falun Gong to people. Someone reported us, and officers from the Donghai Police Station arrested us. They interrogated us and beat us until my body was bruised everywhere. I was in terrible pain. They pinned us to the floor and dragged us into a small and filthy toilet by our feet. They locked us in there for one day. We were then detained in the Dongpoling Drug Rehabilitation Centre the following day and went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The director of the rehab centre screamed, "Let her die! We'll say it was suicide! At most, it'll only cost me 30 yuan to cremate your body--that's nothing."
  • My Experience of Being Tortured for Five Years in the Shenyang Women's Prison in Liaoning Province

    On August 22nd, 2002, because of distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Dafa, I was sentenced to 5 years in prison by the Chaoyang County Court. On December 22nd, I was sent to Dabei Prison in Shenyang. During those five years, I witnessed the darkness of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), experienced its brutality and violence. The guards tried to force me to study books that slander Dafa. A female guard used soles of her shoes to rub my eyelids until my eyelids tore. Also, after more brutal persecution, I started to experience severe pain in my abdomen and gradually I was able to eat less and less. Later, I was sent to Medical University of Shenyang and Specialised Hospital, where they said I had "tubercular peritonitis."
  • An Elderly Practitioner in Shandong Province Is Persecuted and Denied His Pension for Five Years

    I was detained for 70 days, until July 5th, 2001, by the 610 Office. On top of the physical torture, there was also mental torture, which was even more damaging to practitioners. We were forced to watch videos and read books and pamphlets defaming Dafa. They tried to brainwash us with the lies. During my detention, the authorities extorted my family out of 10,000 yuan. Moreover, I was denied my pension of 3,000 yuan. Later I was detained again. Although they did not succeed in sending me to a forced labour camp, they have stopped me receiving my pension fro the last five years. I worked for the Chinese Communist Party for more than 40 years but now it has been cut off becuase I believe in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, the principles of Falun Dafa.
  • My Son Is Being Cruelly Tortured and His Life is in Danger --Who is Responsible?

    My son Liu Yongwang is 35 years old. In 2001, police officers and officials from the 610 Office arrested him. Subsequently, they detained him at the Baoding Forced Labour Camp, Tangshan Forced Labour Camp and Hebei Jidong Prison, and he has endured various kinds of inhumane tortures. Currently, he is paralysed in his lower body and is extremely weak. He has passed out several times when they force-fed him. His life is in danger and he could die at any moment. Seeing my dying son, my heart is pained with worry and anxiety! Therefore, I am writing this letter calling upon all levels of the government to investigate the misery of us ordinary citizens and to ensure that justice is served!
  • Persecution of Zhang Lifang from Sichuan Province: Five Years of Unjust Incarceration

    I am Zhang Lifang, fifty years old. Because I distributed leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, I was detained at Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp. I suffered and witnessed personally the persecution of practitioners. The guards punched and kicked the practitioners, shocked them with electric batons, and forced them to remain standing in the same position for long stretches of time. They also subjected the practitioners to sleep deprivation and assaulted them.
  • My Experience of Being Stalked Long-Term by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Police

    After I was released from prison, police tightly watched me, stalked me, monitored my telephone conversations, installed video cameras in my neighbourhood, and even requested my neighbours to report on me, even including my mother's neighbours. I saw notices on the wall of the police department saying: "Detaining a practitioner gets a large bonus, sentencing a practitioner to a forced labour camp gets a large bonus, sentencing a practitioner to a prison gets a large bonus." I heard that while I was sentenced in prison, the director of the police department received thousands of yuan as a bonus.
  • The Persecution of an Elderly Woman from Huili, Sichuan Province

    My name is Cui Deli, and I am a 65-year-old woman from Sichuan Province. I have benefited physically and mentally from practising Falun Dafa. Since July 20th, 1999, I have experienced various forms of persecution merely because I chose to uphold my belief in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, and be a good person. In 2001, the Public Security Bureau stole more than 140,000 yuan, which was loaned money, from my daughter and son-in-law's safe, and told them that they had to investigate before they could return the money. My son-in-law was taken away and detained for a week. But they still didn't return the money.
  • A Young Chinese Practitioner's Essay: Mother's Love

    My mother is a Falun Gong practitioner. When I was one-and-a-half years old, mother was forcefully taken to a detention centre or prison time and time again, and I had to live with my father and grandmother. Mother conducted a hunger strike, refusing food and water for ten days. The labour camp guards inserted a tube through mother's nostrils to force feed her; the guards filled highly-concentrated salt water into my mother's stomach, and the salt water burst from mother's nasal cavity and oral cavity. Mother's stomach was so swollen that she tossed on the bed due to the pain, without closing her eyes all night long. Fearing responsibility for my mother's death, the labour camp agreed to release her. When my near-death mother saw me, she opened her cracked mouth and smiled.
  • Endless Nightmare: My Experience at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp

    I was abducted by local authorities in 2001 because I had been distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. I was later imprisoned in the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp for a year and a half. Whenever I recall those days at the labour camp, it's as if reliving a nightmare for me. More than twenty of us were locked in one room of thirteen or fourteen square metres. It was the same room in which we made disposable chopsticks during the day, for one-time use at restaurants. The guards set heavy workloads for everyone, so those who were elderly or slower than others would have to work until three o'clock in the morning. The guards also ordered drug addict inmates to torture Dafa practitioners. Some inmates tore at practitioner's mouths until they bled, others stuck wooden sticks into practitioners' private parts.
  • State Security Agents Demanded That I Be an Informant

    In July 2003, members of the 610 Office talked to me. The main point was to demand that I become an informant and spy by taking pictures and monitoring the activities of Falun Gong in Germany. I kept silent during the talk, thinking that I would not do those things. I booked an airline ticket and left China as soon as I could. On July 27th, 2003, I arrived safely at Berlin, Germany. When I called home to China several days later, the line did not sound right. It was confirmed later that my home phone in China was being monitored.
  • Personnel at Hehuakeng Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan, Hebei Province Tortured Me with Various Methods Attempting to Force me to Give up My Belief

    I was sent to No. 6 Battalion, which is known as the "strictly monitored" class. I was forced to sit on a board every day. The small bench is 20 centimetres high, 30 centimetres long and less than 10 centimetres wide. I was forced to sit with my back straight, with both legs at the same distance apart as my shoulders, and with my hands on top of my legs with palms up. If at anytime I did not sit as they instructed, they hit me with a board. I only had 10 minutes for breakfast, lunch and supper each day and a five-minute toilet break in the morning and afternoon. For over one month, I was forced to sit. My buttocks became very sore by the end of the month.
  • I Became Disabled in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province

    On January 25th, 2005, I explained the facts about the true nature of Falun Gong to a person called Liu Lijie. He reported me, I was arrested and sentenced to two years of forced labour. In the evil den that is Heigemu Forced Labour Camp, the food and living conditions were horrible. We were only given soup for all meals, with nothing but a few vegetable leaves or chunks of turnip in the soup. One day, I even found a dead mouse in the soup. Besides the horrid living conditions, we were forced to do 10 hours of labour every day. To do the labour, we were forced to sit in a dark, cold workroom for a long time and no one was allowed to move or talk. If one couldn't finish the task, one had to work overtime. And the guards would constantly beat and verbally abuse us every day. I was under intense mental and physical stress for a long time.
  • Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Lingzhi Details Torture by Policeman Feng Jitang in Letter to Procurator

    "I am a Falun Gong practitioner. Because I posted flyers that informed people about the persecution, I was arrested on February 9th. I was taken to Daobei Police Station. In about 20 minutes, Feng Jitang appeared. Before he said anything, he kicked me in my back. He handcuffed me to a bedpost, cursed me and took one of his leather shoes and hit my head and ears like a madman. He also said, "I am going to beat you to death today!" He beat me so hard that he broke two clubs. He got another one and continued beating me. I cried out from the severe pain. I am suing Feng Jitang for the excruciatingly painful torture he used on me.