6-10 Office
Police From the Fengtai District 610 Office in Beijing Arrest Liu Yonghui, His Wife and His Mother
2007-05-16On April 24th, 2007, policemen arrested Mr. Liu Yonghui and his wife, Ms. Zhai Huiling, while he was working. At around 2:00 p.m. on April 24th, a group of police officers took Mr. Liu to his home. His mother, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Tiezhen, refused to open the door, so the officers broke in and ransacked his home. Afterwards, they took him away. His mother, and his mother-in-law, who lives in another city and had come to visit them, and his and his wife's baby, who is less than two years old were left at home. Two days later on April 26th, the police returned to arrest Ms. Yang Tiezhen.
Ms. Yang Wenjie Tortured for Five Years In Custody of the 610 Office and Brainwashing Centre in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province
2007-05-15Ms. Yang Wenjie is 45 years old. At the beginning of the persecution, her employer fired her because she refused to renounce Falun Gong. She went to Beijing to appeal for justice and was held in a detention centre for eight months. After that, officials from the 610 Office sentenced her again to three years in a forced labour camp. Ms. Yang was tortured for five years because she refused to renounce her belief. When she was finally released in March 2007, she saw her son for the first time in five years. He had grown up and looked like an adult. Everyone who witnessed this cried.
The Deaths of Ms. Guo Xiumei and Mr. Jia Junxi, Practitioners from Zhoukou City, Henan Province, Are Connected to the 610 Office
2007-05-10Around 9:00 p.m. on September, 22nd, 2002, Ms Guo Xiumei was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution in the city. She was found dead the next morning in the residential area of the Xiguan District in Huaiyang County. According to an eyewitness, the dead person was a forty-some-year-old female. Her face was purple and black, the left eye socket was empty, the neck was bruised, and the chest had fist-size bruising and injuries. She was lying face down looking west. There were signs of a struggle. One eye was wide open and her face was frozen in an expression of extreme terror. Her children and relatives could only recognise her clothing, not her face.
Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province Colludes with the 610 Office to Arrest Practitioner's Visiting Family Members
2007-05-08Ms. Zhu Guilin, 43, has been detained in Baimalong Forced Labour Camp since 2004 and has suffered brutal torture. She has now served her so-called "forced labour term" but the labour camp still refuses to release her. Prisoners often beat Zhu Guilin. In July 2005, because she didn't stand up to do the morning calisthenics, the prisoners dragged her out and beat and verbally abused her, right in front of the guards. Another time she was beaten until she lost consciousness. On April 9th, when her family visited her, they saw that she was covered with wounds everywhere, on her face, her head, elbows, knees, legs, and so on. There were three burns on her hands. Several places on her body had festered.
Facts About Hebei Province's Shenzhou City 610 Office Agents' Persecution of Practitioners
2007-04-30According to incomplete statistics as of late 2006, the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in Shenzhou can be summarised as follows: 23 practitioners were tortured to death; 21 practitioners were sentenced in prison; 130 practitioners were sentenced to forced labour; 599 practitioners were detained on 1,239 occasions in total; 1,401 practitioners were called/interrogated by police 5822 times in total; 30 practitioners were on the wanted list; 481 practitioners' houses were ransacked a total of 647 times; 1,197,429 yuan in fines.
Details of the Persecution of Ms. Huang Jinling by the 610 Office and the National Security Division in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province
2007-04-29On February 9th, seven policemen, went to Huang Jinling's home, arrested her, and searched her home without any legal permission. On March 21st, when Huang Jinling's sister visited her, Huang Jinling told her how she was tortured from March 5th to March 8th. She was tied to a metal chair for four days in the National Security Division. Her hands and feet were swollen from being tied for so long. The skin on her buttocks peeled off. It was at the end of her one-month detention. Why did they need to interrogate her with force? Apparently the arrest of Huang Jinling was revenge.
Exposing the Crimes of Zhangjiakou City (Hebei Province) 610 Office Agents
2007-04-29On April 5th, 2006, some Falun Gong practitioners put up exposing the persecution on their way to the Zhangjiakou City Wangjiazhai Public Cemetery and the Xiaoxinzhuang Funeral Home. Practitioners displayed banners to mourn for fellow practitioners who had been killed in the persecution. The local 610 Office agents were greatly alarmed by these banners and conducted widespread searches and arrests of seven local practitioners. These practitioners were secretly sent to a prison to be tortured.
Practitioner Mr. Zhang Weijie's Whereabouts Unknown after Arrest, His Family Intends to Sue the Leaders of the 610 Office
2007-04-26On March 20th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Weijie from Wuhan City, Hubei Province was taken away by the 610 Office. His whereabout have been unknown until now. The Jiang'an District 610 Office refused to tell Mr. Zhang's family where he is detained. In a two-week period, Mr. Zhang's family members went to a the brainwashing centre in Wuhan City and asked for Mr. Zhang's whereabouts, but they still did not find Zhang Weijie. Li Yingjie, Director of the 610 Office in Jiang'an District, initially said: "Zhang is in a brainwashing class." But later on, he denied what he said.
Criminal Acts Committed by Zengcheng District Police Officers and 610 Office in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
2007-04-26In December 2000, Ms. Tang Jinai went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was then arrested and held in the Zengcheng District Detention Centre. She was two months pregnant with her first child at the time. Since the law states a pregnant woman cannot be sentenced to forced labour, police officials Luo Weijun and others from the Zhenlong Town Police Station took her to a hospital against her will and made her have an abortion. Afterwards, they watched her closely. On the eve of the 2001 Chinese New Year, they arrested her and took her to the Zengcheng Drug Rehabilitation Centre. Two months later, the persecutors sentenced her to one and a half years of forced labour.
Ms. Zhao Limei Taken to Brainwashing Centre in Hebei Province
2007-04-21Li County 610 Office agents abducted Ms. Zhao Limei from her workplace on April 6th, 2007. They put Ms. Zhao in handcuffs and then took her to the Xiaobailou Brainwashing Centre in Baoding City. Cui Wukui, Assistant Principal of TV University and two teachers attempted to brainwash Ms. Zhao. Ms. Zhao demanded to be released. She didn’t eat anything all day. A physical examination revealed that Ms. Zhao had high blood pressure and a rapid heart rate. In the evening the people from the university took her back home. At her doorway the villains tried to take Ms. Zhao’s keys, and she was injured in the struggle. Ms. Zhao Limei was forced into a divorce, and her mother, who’s in her seventies, suffered a lot due to the persecution.
Exposing the Hebei Province 610 Office's Strong-Arm Tactics As Seen Through the Suffering of Mr. Cao Jiwei and Family
2007-04-06On February 21st, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Cao Jiwei and Li Zhenfang, who were already destitute and homeless because of the persecution, were arrested by police and taken to Loucun Township Police Station. Police beat them, searched their belongings, confiscated Dafa materials along with personal belongings and 5,800 yuan. Wang Jinshi, the vice director of the police station, dragged Mr. Cao by his hair and slapped his face hard, kicked his chest, tied a rope around his neck and stepped hard on his hands.
Canadian Resident: Exposing the Torture Committed Against My Family by the Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province Police Department and 610 Office
2007-03-05In the morning of February 9th, 2007, seven police came to my home and found my wife, Huang Jinling, was at home by herself. They arrested my wife, ransacked my home, confiscated our computer, color printer and other things worth 10,000 yuan. They did not give a receipt, even though my daughter and two sisters of my daughter-in-law repeatedly asked for one. The CCP keeps promoting the idea of a "harmonious society." What kind of "harmonious society" is this when police throw an innocent old lady into prison a few days before the Chinese New Year?
610 Office in Chengdu, Sichuan Province Continues Zhao Benyong's Detainment after Completing His Five-Year Jail Term
2007-02-28Mr. Zhao Benyong is a young teacher who taught at the Longquan Aerospace Technical College in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. Because he is a Falun Gong practitioner he was discharged from the school and sentenced to five years in prison. On January 31st, 2007, Mr. Zhao was to be released after he completed his prison term. But on the morning of February 1st, Chengdu Longquanyi 610 Office agents took him away and continued his detainment. His whereabouts are unknown.
610 Office in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province Persecutes Ms. Mo Xiaomei
2007-02-28Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Mo Xiaomei from Zengcheng City, Guangdong Province, was arrested by police and 610 Office staff at her own shop on the afternoon on December 24th, 2006. She has been detained and tortured in the Zengcheng City Detention Centre. The detention centre's staff have refused to let her to see her family. They have threatened her, saying that they would give forged documents to the Procuratorate so that she would be sentenced. They have refused to show Ms. Mo's family her "detention card," the bare minimum requirement for holding her, even though they have asked for it several times. Without the documentation for her arrest, Mo Xiaomei's family cannot hire a lawyer.
Laizhou City, Shandong Province, 610 Office Agents Stage a Mock Court Trial as a Trap, Arrest 23 Practitioners
2007-02-20One male and two female plainclothes police officers reported Qi Haijun, a disabled practitioner on January 23rd, 2007. He was then sent to Laizhou City Detention Centre although they found nothing on him to use as evidence against him. About 2:00 p.m. on January 27th, Mr. Qi suddenly felt dizzy, had a rapid heart beat and lost consciousness. He then went into convulsions and fell into a coma. When his family members learned of his condition, they petitioned the detention centre to allow them to bring him home. They did bring him home after paying 4,000 yuan in cash as a "warrant of probation."