6-10 Office
Shanghai 610 Office Agents Persecute Mr. Lu Jinquan's Family
2008-01-28In 2001, Mr. Lu Jinquan, his wife, Ms. Geng Jianhua, and his younger sister, Ms. Lu Jinfen, were all taken into custody at the same time and sentenced to two years of forced labour. Ms. Geng Jianhua was handcuffed and hung up by police for 17 hours, disabling one of her hands. She still cannot move it easily to this day. When he returned home after his release from the labour camp, Mr. Lu continued to be unceasingly harassed by the authorities. He was not allowed to return to his original position as a group level military officer in the army and was assigned to guard a car park.
Arrested by 610 Office, Zhu Guilin is Persecuted Again in Changde City Brainwashing Centre
2008-01-22On October 18th, 2007, when Falun Dafa practitioner Zhu Guilin was going downstairs in her home, 610 Office agents, who had been waiting downstairs, grabbed her and dragged her down. Zhu Guilin's clothes were torn and her upper body was exposed. Zhu Guilin shouted that officials were arresting an innocent person. A number of bystanders witnessed the arrest, and many of them denounced the officials' conduct. In spite of sharp criticism from the bystanders and the protest of her family, these people forcibly took Zhu Guilin to the Changde City Brainwashing Centre. Zhu Guilin started a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was brutally force-fed.
610 Office Agents Arrest Highly Regarded Computer Teacher in his Classroom in Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province
2008-01-03On March 15th, 2007, 610 Office officials went to the Career Training College of Wanyuan City. They asked the school to cooperate with them to arrest one of their computer teachers, Mr. Xiong Zhengming, a Falun Gong practitioner. Esteemed by both his colleagues and the parents of his students, Mr. Xiong even used his own money to help the less fortunate students in his class. He was arrested while he was teaching a class. Both students and teachers adamantly protested Mr. Xiong's arrest but to no avail. The police then broke into his room and took away some of his belongings, including his computer. He was sentenced to a year and a half of forced labour and taken to the No. 2 Detention Centre of Wanyuan City. On December 3rd, he was transferred. Mr. Xiong's whereabouts are now unknown.
Members of Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province's "610 Office" Arbitrarily and Repeatedly Extend Practitioners' Terms
2008-01-03Ms. Yang Wenjie had been unlawfully sentenced to three years of forced labour for refusing to give up her beliefs. Her term in the forced labour camp ended in February 2005, but officials at the 610 Office took her directly to the brainwashing centre, where she was held for nine months. She was then sentenced to three more years of forced labour. One year later, officials from the labour camp notified her family that they could take her home, but members of the 610 Office took her to the brainwashing centre once again. At the centre, she was abused so brutally for six months that she almost died. Fearful that they would be held responsible for her death, officials from the brainwashing centre allowed her to be taken home in February 2007.
Fax Notice—Weifang City Tries to Eradicate Falun Gong Materials
2007-12-30Editor's note: The following is an internal fax urgent notice from the Chinese Communist Party Committee of Weifang City:"The posting and distribution of Falun Gong's anti-revolutionary promotional materials has attracted much attention from leaders of the central government. Therefore, the central 610 office has initiated a secret inspection across the entire country and has taken severe action in those specific regions that didn't eradicate all of Falun Gong's anti-revolutionary promotional materials in a timely or thorough manner. Our city has many Falun Gong practitioners, and the anti-revolutionary promotional materials have been distributed widely and in large quantities. As a result, we demand all of the work units to pay attention to this clean-up work as a political task. On receiving this notice, all working units must immediately call for a meeting to mobilise the clean up work on Falun Gong's anti-revolutionary promotional materials."
Police from Mencun Town Police Station in Pingdu City, Shandong Province, Harassed and Arrested Many Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-12-27In the autumn of 2005, Ms. Feng Yuping was arrested at a market and taken to the Pingdu City 610 Office for brainwashing. Without any criminal evidence, she was admitted to the Zibo City Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province for one and a half years. Ms. Feng Yuping's mind has become dazed due to the torture. Also in 2005, police from Mencun Town Police Station and the staff from the Pingdu City 610 Office arrested Ms. Guo Huisheng. She was tortured at the Pingdu City 610 Office for two months. Her family had several thousand yuan extorted from them in exchange for her release.
Ms. Song Xiuyu Persecuted by the 610 Office and Public Security Bureau in Muling City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-12-03Ms. Song Xiuyu is a 67-year-old retired doctor and Falun Gong practitioner. For the last eight years Ms. Song has been subjected to psychological and physical torture because she would not give up practising Falun Gong. Over the past few years, the local authorities have extorted several thousand yuan from Ms. Song each time she was released from detention. On October 10th, 2007, three policemen forced their way into Ms. Song's home and ransacked it. They arrested Ms. Song, who is now, once again, in Muling City Detention Centre.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested by Ningxia 610 Office Agents
2007-11-29As the 17th Chinese Communist Party National Congress began, Ningxia 610 Office agents reopened a brainwashing facility that had been closed for more than three years. To enable the authorities to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners, they resorted to the most despicable and sinister means. They resorted to fraud, coercion, threats and other outrageous means to arrest practitioners. Practitioners Mr. Ma Zhiwu and Mr. Zheng Yongxin were sentenced to six years in Guyuan Prison. They began hunger strikes to protest their imprisonment and persecution. Because of the tremendous pain and grief caused by nearly 8 years of persecution, Mr. Zheng's family was broken up.
Nanjing City 610 Office, Under Cheng Xiaodong, Persecutes Mr. Zhang Xuefeng and His Wife, Ms. Liu Kaimei
2007-11-26Cheng Xiaodong (male) is head of the 610 Office in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. Since July 20th, 1999, he has used all kinds of ruthless tactics to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. As a result, many practitioners have been detained, taken to the brainwashing centre, or taken to the mental hospital for persecution. Some of these practitioners have also been taken to the forced labour camp. Two of those who have been been imprisoned are Mr. Zhang Xuefeng and Ms. Liu Kaimei. This couple has been sentenced to long prison terms by the Xiaguan District Court in Nanjing City.
Mr. Liu Xianyan and Others from Guangshui City, Hubei Province Suffer Mental Collapse Due to Persecution by the Guangshui City 610 Office
2007-11-18In 2002, when Mr. Liu Xianyan,was exposing the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies to students at the Guangchang Middle School, he was arrested by personnel from the 610 Office and imprisoned first for four months, followed quickly by another four months detention. As a result of this harassment, Mr. Liu suffered a mental collapse. His wife, unable to cope with his mental condition, later divorced him. With the kind help and care of other practitioners, Mr. Liu's mental condition gradually improved. In 2005 he was again arrested. Under the intense pressure in the brainwashing centre, Mr. Liu wrote the "Three Statements" to renounce Falun Gong, against his will. The constant threats and harassment caused Mr. Liu to have another mental breakdown, which the 610 Office used to try to convince people that Mr. Liu had become insane from practising Falun Gong.
Officers from the 610 Office in Mengyang Town, Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province Brutally Beat Mr. Zhuang Chenglin
2007-11-07Officers from the 610 Office and the Regional Administration Office brutally beat four Falun Dafa practitioners simply because they read a leaflet exposing the persecution. On January 24th, 2000, police broke into the home of Mr. Zhuang Chenglin and arrested him. Because Mr. Zhuang refused to answer any questions he was badly beaten. The head of the town government, first slapped Mr. Zhuang. Then others proceeded to punch and kick Mr. Zhuang. The police had Mr. Zhuang take off his trousers and lay down with his arms stretched out. Another group of officers then whipped Mr. Zhuang with bamboo and wooden sticks on the buttocks and all over his body. Five or six police officers took turns hitting Mr. Zhuang with sticks. His body was covered with cuts and bruises afterwards.
610 Officials from Jimo, Shandong Province Designate Personnel from the Education Council to Persecute Teachers Who Practise Falun Dafa
2007-11-03Since the beginning of the new term, according to orders from the 610 Office, personnel from the Education Council in Jimo, Shandong Province, again "examined" Dafa practitioners in the education systems in each town and office. The teachers were ordered to write a statement declaring that they had given up Falun Gong and were told that they could teach only after they gave up Falun Gong. If they refused, they would only be allowed to do administrative work. During the 17th Party Congress, in order to prevent all forms of appeals to higher authorities, every sub-system in every local government has had to strictly control and prevent people from seeking legal channels to appeal. According to the 610 Office in Jimo City, between 2 and 3 p.m., every office in each town is ordered report on Falun Gong practitioners in their area and send special people to watch over them.
Ms. Sun Chongzhen and Mr. Chen Guiyun Arrested Again by 610 Office Agents in Junan County, Shandong Province
2007-10-25Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Sun Chongzhen and Mr. Chen Guiyun were arrested by agents of the 610 Office and local police on October 8th, 2007. Mr. Chen was taken to a detention centre and his wife was forced to leave home to avoid being arrested. In 2003 Ms. Sun Chongzhen was detained at a detention centre. During this period, she was tortured by being hung from the ceiling by her wrists and being put in solitary confinement. During this period, her mother-in-law and her brother passed away, and she was not allowed to see them for a last visit.
Crimes Committed by Agents of the Wuwei City 610 Office in Gansu Province and Others
2007-10-22Under orders from the city administration and from the 610 Office, beginning on July 20th, 1999, the police began to harass the Falun Gong practitioners in their district by reporting on, registering, threatening, and monitoring them. All of the practitioners had to hand in their Falun Gong books, and any Falun Gong exercise tapes, and they had to submit guarantee statements [to abandon the Falun Gong practice and not travel to Beijing for appeals]. If they refused, they would be searched and fined and have their belongings confiscated. Practitioners were also required to report to officials every morning and evening. Within several days they would be told to show up for written reports.
610 Office Agents Send Ms. Zhen Haiyan to Forced Labour Camp and Hide Evidence of Her Husband's Torture Death
2007-10-01On May 31st, 2007, Jiexi Police Station officers arrested Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Yang Yuxin and his wife, Ms. Zhen Haiyan. The couple had been married for only one month. Police officer Zhang Shibin pointed a handgun at Mr. Yang Yuxin's head while four or five agents carried him to a vehicle. On August 27th, 2007, Mr. Yang Yuxin was tortured to death in police custody. After Mr. Yang had been tortured to death, on September 10th, officers arrested Ms. Zhen for the second time. While they were carrying out the arrest, they said, "You appealed, didn't you? We are arresting you because you appealed." Police fear that Ms. Zhen will sue them and their crimes will be exposed. They are hiding the evidence.