Death Cases
Several Practitioners from Jilin, Shandong, Heilongjiang Provinces Died as a Result of Persecution
2007-04-15Ms. Chen Yongjing, a Falun Dafa practitioner was arrested in December 2000. At the age of twenty, she was tortured by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. There, Chen Yongjing was physically punished by standing for long periods barefoot on the concrete floor, and she was not allowed to sleep. Staff beat and abused her the whole day. One time Chen Yongjing was beaten so hard that she could not stand up. She was terrified and emaciated. She passed away on February 11th, 2007. She was only twenty six years old.
Middle School Teacher Mr. Chen Qiji Tortured to Death in Shayang Prison in Hubei Province
2007-04-14Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Chen Qiji was a middle school teacher in Jinmen City, Hubei Province. Because he firmly held onto his faith and publicly spoke the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution, he was sentenced to ten years in Shayang Prison. During his detention in Shayang Prison, Mr. Chen Qiji solidly kept his faith. As punishment, he endured numerous kinds of cruel torture until his life was in danger. He was brutally tortured and died in April 2007.
Ms. Shi Xizhi Died from Torture in the Second Women's Prison of Yunnan Province
2007-04-14When I was detained in the Second Women's Prison of Yunnan Province, Chinese Communist Party (CCP)officials started to send Falun Dafa practitioners to the intensive training ward. Every practitioner was monitored by two inmates, and each practitioner's every word and action was watched. For the most resolute practitioners, the torture was even more brutal. Ms. Shi Xizhi died from drug overdoses. She had high blood pressure, so the guards purposely gave her drugs that were harmful to her blood pressure, which resulted in her death on March 17th, 2005.
Thirteen Falun Dafa Practitioners' Deaths from Torture Confirmed in March 2007 (Photos)
2007-04-12In March 2007, it was confirmed that thirteen Falun Dafa practitioners in China died as a direct result of torture. Among these practitioners, nine died during January and February 2007 and the other four died in March. The victims were four females, with five of them over 50 years of age, and included a judge, an engineer, a trade union president, farmers, workers, credit clerks, retired workers, a young mother and ordinary residents. The youngest practitioners were Ms. Xu Hongmei from Qiqihar City in Heilongjiang Province, and Ms. Wang Hongnan from Anshan City in Liaoning Province. They were both 37 years old. Five were from Heilongjiang Province, three from Liaoning, one from Jilin, one from Shandong, one from Guizhou, one from Jiangxi Province and one from Beijing City.
Older Practitioner Ms. Sun Houlian Persecuted to Death at the No. 2 Women's Labour Camp in Shandong Province
2007-04-1157-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Sun Houlian was from Shandong Province. In 2006, in the No. 2 Women's Labour Camp the police forced Sun Houlian to watch while they brutally tortured another practitioner. Over the course of her incarceration, she was severely traumatised mentally and physically. By the summer of 2006, Ms. Sun could hardly walk, and relied on others for being fed and using the toilet. She also lost her vision and couldn't talk. She passed away on March 16th, 2007.
Practitioner Mr. Wang Weidong From Jilin Province Passed Away After Being Disabled From Torture at the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp
2007-04-10Because Mr Wang Weidong went to appeal for Falun Dafa he was ruthlessly persecuted. he was sentenced to two years of forced labour and tortured until his face deformed, his abdomen and face were both severely swollen, and fluid dripped from his hands and feet. Wang Weidong went home in 2002 in a severely disabled state but never recovered. He could not walk, and his entire body was numb and swollen. Wang Weidong passed away on February 17th, 2007.
Supplementary Information about the Tortured-to-Death Li Guang, Presenter of Laizhou City TV Station in Shandong Province
2007-04-06The former Shandong Province Laizhou City TV Station programme presenter, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Guang, was steadfast in his belief in Falun Dafa. On December 3rd, 2004, he was tortured to death by guards in the Weibei Prison. They brutally beat Mr. Li Guang by whipping him a hundred times with sticks. In winter, he was stripped of all his clothes, and they poured numerous kettles of boiling water from the utility room and numerous buckets of icy water from the freezing pond over his head. Mr. Li Guang died after five days of torture.
Practitioner Mr. Wang Qibo Persecuted to Death in Jilin Prison - His Body Cremated Without Consent
2007-04-05Falun Dafa practitioner, Mr. Wang Qibo was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment in 2002, and was then detained in Jilin Prison. There, he was cruelly tortured by all means and was even detained and tortured in an isolated cell for a long period of time. His mind and body were devastated. At around midnight on March 28th, 2007, the prison authorities sent Mr. Wang to the Second Central Hospital of Jilin City. At around 9:50 a.m. on March 29th, 2007, Mr. Wang passed away at the age of 47. In order to cover up their crimes, the prison authorities cremated his body that morning without his family's consent.
After Mr. Chen Guanghui from Jiangsu Province Died as a Result of a Police Beating, the Authorities Infiltrated His Funeral to Prevent the Exposure of Their Crime
2007-04-03The Baixia District Court sentenced practitioner Mr. Chen Guanghui to eight years imprisonment in 2002. He was sent to Suzhou Prison in Jiangsu Province. On July 29th, 2004, brutal police beatings fractured his skull. He was beaten simply because he refused to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa. After the beating, he went into a vegetative state. He was under the supervision of the prison in the No. 100 Hospital until December 12th, 2006, when he died. At the funeral there were more than a hundred police present, several times more than the number of Mr. Chen's family members. They set up surveillance cameras everywhere and spied on every one of his family members from all directions.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Xinzhong from Qingzhou City, Shandong Province Tortured to Death by the 610 Office
2007-04-03In July 2004, practitioner Mr. Zhang Xinzhong, 41, was tortured to death, within only ten days, by the staff of the Qingzhou City 610 Office. He was held to the floor or bed, and beaten, pinched, bitten and tortured in many ways until he lost consciousness. These evildoers did not stop until his heart stopped beating. Mr. Zhang Xinzhong's brother-in-law saw black and purple marks on his neck, hands and arms, and on his face.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhang Hongquan of Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province Persecuted to Death
2007-04-03I was heartbroken when I read the news that Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Hongquan was persecuted to death in Mudanjiang City Prison. Yet another Falun Dafa practitioner has lost his life in the persecution carried out by the Chinese Communist Party. Mr. Zhang was stripped of his clothes and put in freezing water for several hours in winter. He walked unsteadily ever since then. The guards incited the prison inmates to beat him severely. When I saw him, he was unable to move one of his hands due to the beating, and his hands were full of blood blisters. Later, he went on a hunger strike with no food or water for 10 days to protest the persecution. The prison doctor sent him to the prison hospital and force fed him with concentrated salt solution. His suffering from the force feeding was so great that he vomited continuously.
Seven Practitioners from Beijing, Hebei, Shandong and Hunan Provinces Died as a Result of the Persecution
2007-04-02Ms. Bai went to Beijing four times to appeal for justice for Dafa. In October 2000 she was arrested and sentenced to four years in prison. After Ms. Bai's family members sent 15,000 yuan to the authorities, the sentence was changed to suspended for three years, meaning she could serve the term outside of prison. Ms. Bai was released and returned home in August 2001. During her nine months of imprisonment, the authorities had severely tortured her mentally, which led to her hands constantly shaking. The police officers continued to harass her even after she returned home. The authorities extorted money from her husband during her imprisonment. The entire family has been under severe mental harassment. The relentless pressure of the persecution eventually led to Ms. Bai's death on February 2nd, 2007.
Yuhua Public Security Bureau of Shijiazhuang City Is Still Persecuting Practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaofeng
2007-03-31Mr. Wang Xiaofeng has been severely persecuted since 1999 like many other Falun Gong practitioners, because he is steadfast in believing in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance". He was arrested for appealing on behalf of Falun Gong, and he was interrogated and forced to resign from his job. He was also forced to become homeless. His young wife Feng Xiaomin was tortured to death, and he was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution. He had to leave his young son in the care of Feng Xiaomei, his wife's sister.
Witness Recalls Crimes at Baimalong Forced Labour Camp (Hunan Province) that Led to the Deaths of Several Practitioners
2007-03-27Ms. Cao Jianzhen, 50 years old, weighed 62 kilograms (137 pounds) when she was first taken to the forced labour camp and imprisoned there. After suffering numerous tortures, she weighed only 47 kilograms (104 pounds). The guards frequently beat and kicked Ms. Cao, and broke three of her ribs and injured some of her internal organs. As a result of the torture, she vomited pus and blood. When she was unable to eat, the guards dragged her off to be force-fed. In addition, they attempted to brainwash her by forcing her to watch slanderous videotapes against Dafa. Ms. Cao was so injured that she could not sit up or stand. Once she lay down she could not get up. She was taken back to her hometown when the authorities found out she was dying. Ms. Cao Jianzhen died soon after she was taken home.
Cases of Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners from Huaiyang County, Henan Province - Part 2
2007-03-24Ms. Liu Jinfang spoke out for justice and explained the facts about Falun Dafa to people and she was arrested by the police in October 2001. On April 17th, 2003, she was sentenced to 15 years in prison and deprived of her rights for five years. After being arrested, she went through many tortures: Having her feet burned by a cigarette, having bamboo sticks pressed under the tips of her fingernails, being hung up with her hands cuffed behind her back, being fed unknown medicine, being carried in the air and then slammed to the ground, and being beaten with a bamboo board or leather belt. In November the guards wrapped heavy gauge wire alongside the belt and whipped every practitioner 100 times. Practitioners' hair, pieces of their clothes, and blood were flying in the air, and several inmates watching the beatings cried.