Death Cases

  • Three Practitioners Died of Persecution in Shandong, Hunan, and Hebei Provinces

    67-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Lin Xianfeng, lived in Shandong Province. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in 2000 and was arrested many times. She was detained and held in a brainwashing centre. Her home was ransacked multiple times, including once only a couple of months before she died. Under long-term high pressure, Ms. Lin Xianfeng died on April 28th, 2006. Her mother-in-law, over 90 years old, passed out when policemen ransacked their home the last two times. She would not allow the police to arrest her kind daughter-in-law.
  • Twenty-three Deaths of Dafa Practitioners Under Persecution in China Confirmed in April 2006 (Photos)

    In April 2006, 23 cases of Dafa practitioners in Mainland China dying from the persecution were confirmed. Among them are 11 female practitioners, 48% of the total; nine of the 23 practitioners, 39% of the total who died, were over 55 years old. The youngest was Ms. Du Juan, a 29-year-old doctor from Chongqing City who died on April 14th, 2006. Sixteen of the 23 deaths occurred between January 2006 and April 2006. Five practitioners died in April 2006. Minghui/Clearwisdom website statistics have confirmed at least 53 deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China between January 2006 and April 2006.
  • Ms. Tan Pingyun Dies in Wangcun Labour Camp - Authorities Refuse Family's Attempt to Have Independent Autopsy Performed

    On May 1st, 2006, shocking news came from the Wangcun Labour Camp. Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Tan Pingyun was tortured to death, but her family was forbidden to take her body home. Ms. Tan Pingyun's family went to the camp the same day she died. There did not seem to be any obvious wounds on her body. The camp administration personnel said that Ms. Tan died of sickness, but her family highly doubted this because they had visited her a few days earlier and she was in good health at that time.
  • 73-Year-Old Ms. Gao Yumei from Shandong Province Dies as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Gao Yumei was a 73-year-old Dafa practitioner. In October 2000, she was detained and forced to undergo brainwashing. Gao Yumei was brutally beaten and could not eat anything afterwards. In order to avoid long-term harassment, having her home ransacked, and arrest, she was forced to become homeless. Later, Gao Yumei's house was demolished by the authorities and the local street committee did not give her any shelter. She often did not have enough to eat or a good place to live. Her body was severely damaged. Pus and blood came out of her body. In the end she could not even walk or take in anything. On February 20th, 2006, she passed away.
  • 63-Year-Old Practitioner Ms. Wang Yuju Persecuted to Death in Shandong Province

    Due to prolonged persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Ms. Wang Yuju, 63 years old, a Falun Dafa practitioner died on March 19th, 2006. Since 1999 she had been subjected to forced labour, torture and brainwashing. Ms. Wang suffered tremendously, both physically and mentally. Her health became worse and worse. In February 2005, her illnesses relapsed, turning into cerebral thrombosis, and treatment was ineffective. Ms. Wang passed away.
  • A Non-Practitioner Eye witnessed Atrocities in the Shuangcheng Detention Centre

    I do not practise Falun Gong. Below I shall recount what I personally witnessed in the Shuangcheng Detention Centre. Friday, March 5th, 2004, was the most awful day and one that I will never forget. I witnessed the most frightful tragedy in the human world. The cruel torture and death of Falun Gong practitioners by the police left an indelible impression in the depths of my mind. Whenever I recall the extremely cruel scenes, I shudder uncontrollably and my heart aches to the breaking point.
  • Falun Gong Practitioners Liang Sulan and Jia Shuqiu in Liaoning Province Died Under the Persecution

    57-year-old Ms. Liang Sulan used to suffer from severe heart disease. After practising Falun Gong, Ms. Liang regained her health very quickly. In July 2001, when she was explaining the true situation about Falun Gong, the police arrested her together with her son and her daughter-in-law. They were severely persecuted. After being detained for several months, Ms. Liang's son could not withstand the tortures and suffered a mental collapse. Because her son was persecuted and because of the other pressures, Liang Sulan could not take it any longer. She suffered a brain hemorrhage and passed away on March 8th, 2006.
  • Wang Jianguo Killed; His Wife in Detention and Parents Threatened (Photo)

    On March 2nd, 2006, Jilin City Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Wang Jianguo and his wife Ms. Zhao Qiumei were arrested by police. Subsequently, Ms. Zhao was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Mr. Wang was tortured during interrogation at the Nanjing Station and was later sent to the Jilin City Detention Centre. When he protested the unjust detention by means of a hunger strike, the police began force-feeding him. On April 10th Mr. Wang Jianguo died as a result of this persecution. He was 30.
  • 65-Year-Old Practitioner Ms. Sun Nianrong From Hebei Province Died from Persecution

    In 2001, 65-year-old Ms. Sun Nianrong was sentenced to a year of "reeducation through forced labour" and taken to the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp, where she suffered tremendously. In March 2003 the police extorted 3,000 yuan of her salary through her company. Later, Ms. Sun was taken to the brainwashing centre to be persecuted again. She suffered extremely both mentally and physically and passed away on April 7th, 2006.
  • Three Practitioners from Sichuan, Anhui and Jilin Died as a Result of Persecution

    Mr. Li Jinzhao was 63 years old. Since 1999, when Jiang Zemin's regime started persecuting Falun Gong, Li Jinzhao was sent to a labour camp and was subjected to brainwashing classes. He also suffered much physical hardship. In July 2005, the police arrested and sent Mr. Li to a detention centre. There they tortured him physically on many occasions. Then, he was sent to brainwashing classes for further persecution. By that time Mr. Li's body was already swollen from his injuries, and his life was in danger. A few days after he was released for treatment, Li Jinzhao passed away on October 3rd, 2005.
  • Investigation Lead: Memory Evoked by the Crime of Live Organ Harvesting Performed on Falun Gong Practitioners

    On the morning of January 1st, 2001, large buses filled with Dafa practitioners were dispatched from the Tiananmen Police Station. Armed police stood next to the windows inside the buses. Close to noon, after a long time of driving, the buses arrived at the gate of a detention centre. All of the practitioners were held in rooms, about 20 per room. Someone knocked on all the doors and said, "Young people, come out." One young woman practitioner inside our room, between 20 years and 30 years of age, looked at the rest of us, stood up and said, "I'm young, I'll leave first." Why did they call for young people to come out first? This thought flashed across my mind.
  • Some Details Surrounding the Death of Yang Xiaojie, Who Died from the Torture Suffered in Hebei Province Fourth Prison

    Mr Yang Xiaojie had practised Falun Dafa for many years. He had benefited both physically and spiritually. Knowing that Falun Dafa does not harm any person or country, he decided to step forth to say a fair word so that more people would know the truth about the persecution. However, he consequently was sentenced to eleven years in prison. In prison, police used all means trying to force him to give up his belief, conscience, and basic principles as a human being. Yang Xiaojie went on a hunger strike to protest the injustice. Prison officials force-fed them with milk mixed with a high concentration of salt. Yang Xiaojie had stomach bleeding and vomited blood. Although he was hospitalised, Yang Xiaojie passed away in January 2006.
  • Mental Torture and Murder in the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong - Part 4 (Photos)

    Jiang Zemin's regime persecutes Falun Gong practitioners not only to physically torture them but also to destroy their ethics. Kong Fansun, a director of "Legal System Education and Training Centre" in Hebei Province, said to practitioners who were "reformed" that, "Practitioners who can torture and scold others are really transformed." "Reformed" people have to show that they value lying, betrayal, cruelty and inhumanity to certify their absolute betrayal of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." That procedure of "reform" actually reforms a person into a ghost. To those people who have dignity, the "reform" is killing their spirits. They suffer much more than physical death.
  • The Seven Year Long Tragedy and Suffering of My Family

    The persecution my husband suffered was just brutal. They began at the knees, whipping upward until they reached the neck and shoulders. Belt buckles were used to beat my husband's back. He was soaked in blood and sweat and his flesh was raw. The pain was unimaginable. Then they asked, "Do you still say you cultivate?" My husband answered "yes." Then, they continued to beat him brutally. My husband's entire back, buttocks, and thighs were one bloody mess. All flesh was exposed, and his entire body was covered with blood. The prisoner kicked my husband's left side very hard and his rib broke. The pain had passed the level he could tolerate. He had no other choice left and against his will, he said in a low voice, "Will not cultivate."
  • Ms. Chen Pingzhen Murdered in Heilongjiang Province; Local Police Refuse to Investigate

    On February 12th, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Pingzhen disappeared after celebrating at a relative's birthday party. The next day, her family members searched everywhere but found no trace of her. On the afternoon of February 14th, Ms. Chen's second son, Liu Zhenchen, a deputy chief at the Hedong Police Station, saw a public notice: "Unknown female body found. Identification needed (photo of the deceased attached)." It had been issued by the Hegang City Public Security Bureau. He recognised his mother in the picture and there was no doubt in his mind that his mother had been murdered.