Death Cases

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Lu Guifang Dies as a Result of Torture in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    In 2002, Dafa practitioner Lu went to Dalian City and was invited to a fellow practitioner's home. She was followed. Police arrested her, her husband and her son. Her husband was sentenced to three years of forced labour; her son to one year of forced labour; her sister-in-law was sentenced to three years of forced labour, and the women practitioners were sent to the Masanjia Labour Camp. It was the cold of winter during her detention at Yaojia Detention Centre in Dalian City. She paid the detention centre 300 Yuan for a quilt and bedcover, but never received them. The extreme cold prevented the 63-year-old woman from sleeping at night. She was also forced to work and sit on the bed in the day. They also physically and mentally tortured her.
  • Mr. Ma Guilin, Retired Cadre of Shandong Province, Dies After Extensive Persecution

    On September 30, 2002, Zhou Defa, head of the "610 Office," led dozens of police and arrived at Ma's home in 5 police cars. They attempted to take him away for brainwashing. Their attempts lasted from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Because of the force police used, Ma's arms were paralysed at the scene, and he could not move them at all. The violence of the police aroused indignation among the onlookers. Afterwards, Ma became mentally disabled and had to be bedridden. He passed away in March 2003.
  • Hebei Province: A Pregnant Falun Dafa Practitioner Abducted and Persecuted, Another Dies After Torture

    One morning at around 1:00 am in August, many policemen went to Ms. Deng's home to arrest her. Her mother-in-law was frightened and fell down, but they did not let her go, and continued to search her home. When there was no one home, they entered from the roof of her neighbour's house. The neighbours were very unhappy about the disturbance. Two months after Ms. Deng gave birth, the police found her and abducted her and the child to the local brainwashing session on New Year's Day. It had just snowed, and was very cold when they arrived at the brainwashing session. As the child had a fever, they finally sent Ms. Deng and her child to the hospital, where the doctor diagnosed that the child had pneumonia.
  • In Memory of a Panjing Dafa Practitioner--Mr. Liu Dejun

    I heard that Mr. Liu had been shot by the police at his home. They abducted him and sentenced him to three years of forced labour on May 25. A month later, on June 25, I heard that Mr. Liu staged a hunger strike in order to resist the persecution and his life was in danger. I was informed on July 16 that Mr. Liu had left this world on July 11. It had only been 41 days since Mr. Liu was abducted. In these 41 dark days and nights, how much had he suffered in that bloody persecution? Thus far, we still do not know.
  • Shandong Province: 23 Year Old Shandong University Student Killed by Police

    A 23-year-old university student was tortured to death like this. The police department tightly blocked the news. Later on, a relative of Zhang Zhenzhong saw a piece of news in a newspaper in Beijing, "A tourist drowned after falling into a river in Tongyin county, Henan province." When he saw the picture, he recognised the person and realized it was Zhang Zhenzhong. In this way, the police covered up the truth and tried to avoid taking responsibility. Zhang Zhenzhong's father could not believe it was true. When he went to the Tangyin Detention Centre to ask for his son, the police did not dare to admit what had happened. In order to get justice for his son, Zhang's father brought the case to the court in Tangyin County. However, the judge said, "We know that Falun Gong is innocent, yet who can make a ruling on this case since it was a result of Jiang Zemin's orders?"
  • Appalling New Details Regarding the Death of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhao Chunying

    The Jixi Procuratorate carried out the first of two autopsies on the remains of Ms. Zhao Chunying. They found a large knife wound on her head. They also found four broken ribs and many black and purple bruises that they concluded were the results of a violent beating. According to their findings the beating also caused considerable internal bleeding with blood flowing out of her mouth. On November 15, 2003, the Heilongjiang Judicature Appraisal Committee carried out the second autopsy. They found not only broken ribs, but also a fractured skull. Even more appalling, they found that her heart, spleen, pancreas and other internal organs were missing and could not be accounted for. At present, Zhao Chunying's family members are suing the murderers.
  • Entire Family Abducted and Persecuted for Practising Dafa - Fifty Four Year Old Ms. Guo Sulan Passed Away

    Her husband was unjustly sentenced to two years of forced labour, and she was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Because her physical health was poor, due to torture, the labour camp did not accept her. She was released only after she was taken back to Tongnan County and after being almost persecuted to death by malicious police officers. After one year of suffering through this painful situation, she passed away at about one o'clock on the afternoon of November 3, 2003. What is more tragic is that Guo Sulan's husband is still jailed in the labour camp and could not go home to see her for the last time. Her daughter was forced by the authorities to leave during the funeral preparation.
  • More Facts About the Death of Shanxi Province Practitioner Li Qingzhou

    After he was released from the labour camp, he suffered a lot of brutal persecution by the local police. In July 2002, he was violently removed from his child's home and taken to Tieyiju Detention Centre. He was then sentenced to a two-year term in a forced labour camp. When he was sent to the labour camp, he was found to have high blood pressure during a health checkup. As a result, the camp refused to accept him. He asked to be released on bail so that he could obtain medical treatment, but his application for release was declined by detention centre authorities.
  • Three Months After Being Given 10 Year Prison Sentence Yanji City Detention Centre Tortures Ms. Song Yonghua to Death

    During the detention, her health deteriorated. She suffered from acute heart diseases and other illness symptoms. She became incapacitated and was unable to take care of herself. During the spring of 2003, she was transferred to a Detention Centre. While there she was sentenced, between June and July of 2003, to ten years in jail. She died on October 30, 2003 at the Helong Detention Centre. Her relatives tried to have her released for medical treatment, but did not succeed.
  • Another Falun Gong Practitioner Dies; Death Toll in Heilongjiang Province Reaches 132

    According to statistics, Heilongjiang Province has the highest death toll of Falun Gong practitioners among all provinces in China. So far, 132 of the 824 Falun Gong practitioners whose torture death have been verified come from Heilongjiang Province. The youngest is the 17-year-old Chen Ying, a student from the Shuren High School in Jiamusi City, and the oldest is Zhou Jingsen, a 68-year-old professor from the Economy Management Institute, Harbin City.
  • After Only One Day in Daqing City Labour Camp, Practitioner He Huajiang Tortured to Death

    The police were afraid of He Huajiang's shouting, so they choked him, beat and kicked him to push him into the vehicle. When his son heard his shouting, he ran out the door. The policemen even pushed his son into the car. The father and son were taken like this and then later separated at the police station. At the same time, He Huajiang's home was ransacked. He Huajiang was sent to the Longfeng detention centre that night. He was kept at an undisclosed location, and it was said that he would be put into a labour camp for a few years. He Huajiang's son was not allowed to go home until 11 o'clock that night. During that time, policemen threatened him and tried to force him to tell who some of his father's fellow practitioners were.
  • Holding Fast to His Belief in the Goodness of Falun Dafa, Mr. Zhang Shengshan Savagely Tortured to Death

    Zhang Shengshan from Mo County, Inner Mongolia was tortured barbarically by the police and inmates at the Mo County Detention Centre because of his strong belief in the goodness of Falun Dafa. Shengshan died from torture on February 14, 2003. He was only 21-years-old. Zhang Shengshan himself was not a Falun Gong practitioner, but from his sisters who practise Falun Gong, Shengshan knew that Falun Gong guides people towards goodness.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Tongling Tortured to Death in the Harbin City Drug Rehabilitation Centre

    Her family asked, "How could someone die after just a few days in your place?" The police made excuses saying, "We did not want to detain her. It was Zhang Guojun from the "610 Office" of the Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau who told us 'You have to keep Liu Tongling.'" When the police tried to keep the family from seeing her body and preparing it for a funeral, the family asked for written documentation stating who it was that forbid them to see the body and the police had to relent. Upon seeing her body, the family found her face was distorted, with bruises around her eyes. Her nose was broken from the brutal force-feeding and her mouth was decaying. There were dark bruises all over her body, deep marks on her swollen wrists, and obvious marks from electric shocks near her heart.
  • 131 Falun Dafa Practitioners Have Died As a Direct Result of Persecution in Heilongjiang Province

    At of the end of October 2003, based on investigations done through means available to the general public, there have been at least 816 confirmed deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in China. This is the direct result of the brutal persecution initiated by Jiang Zemin's regime. In Heilongjiang Province alone, 131 residents who practise the Falun Gong principles of Truth-Compassion-Tolerance were tortured to death.
  • Eleven Dafa Practitioners Have Lost Their Lives Due to Torture in Hebei Province

    Based on available information, the "610 Office" and the Public Security Bureau of Zhangjiakou City have tortured to death at least eleven Falun Gong practitioners in that city. Most of them were women in their 50's...Hebei Province Dafa practitioner, Ms. Sun Yanqing, died of forced feeding three years ago in the Xuanhua District Hospital. She was in her 40's and worked at the Mechanical Maintenance Facility of the Xuanhua District Steel Works in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. Ms. Sun was abducted when she went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution of Falun Dafa. Her condition became critical after she was tortured by being force-fed during a week-long hunger strike. Ms. Sun died a few days later after she was sent back to Xuanhua and hospitalized.