Friends of Falun Gong Europe Writes to German Government on the Occasion of Jiang's Visit to Germany
2002-04-12We believe that all civilised Western nations should unite in condemnation of Jiang Zemins policy of persecution [against Falun Gong] and should show him in no uncertain terms that he must end this policy immediately.
European Friends of Falun Gong Speak at UK Parliamentary Seminar on Falun Gong
2002-03-01Whether you believe in Falun Gong or not is not the issue at stake. The issue is that an oppressive regime cannot be allowed to continue its policy of state terrorism against its own citizens. We must do all in our power to stop the killing, stop the torture and stop the persecution.
Human Rights Watch Report on Falun Gong Exposes China's Brutal 2.5-Year Terror Campaign
2002-02-08..Human Rights Watch was quoted as saying, "The charge that Falungong threatens the stability of China does not hold up.... Its claim that belief in Falungong is a public health menace is equally bogus. The danger to health comes from the treatment its practitioners receive at the hands of the police and prison officials."
Human Rights Watch: Asia Suffered Following September 11 Attacks
2002-01-23The group says in its campaign to eradicate Falungong, Chinese officials imprisoned thousands of practitioners and used torture and psychological pressure to force recantations.
Friends of Falun Gong Europe Appeal for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong and the Release of Student Zhao Ming
2002-01-18 -
Friends of Falun Gong Europe Writes to the World Trade Organisation
2002-01-16 -
Speech from Friends of Falun Gong Europe on World Human Rights Day Calls for Release of Zhao Ming
2001-12-13This persecution goes against all the principles of Truth, Compassion and Forbearance, which are followed by all Falun Gong practitioners, and which should be at the heart of all human existence and thought.The persecution must stop immediately.
Friends of Falun Gong Europe Make a Heartfelt Plea to Chinese Premier to End the Persecution
2001-11-21We, the Friends of Falun Gong Europe, make a heartfelt appeal to you to make a humanitarian judgment on this issue. We are going to stand shoulder to shoulder with Falun Gong practitioners in and outside China to the very end, and we believe it is our obligation to continue this humanitarian effort to help to bring about an end to the persecution. Any human being with a human heart should and must stop this persecution now.
Collecting Signatures during the Fortieth Anniversary of the Founding of the French Branch of Amnesty International [AI] in Belgium
2001-11-19We collected so many signatures that day. The AI head said that she would co-operate with local practitioners and tried to achieve more for Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in Mainland China.
Russia: Support for Falun Gong Practitioners from Moscow News Workers
2001-11-19 -
Italy: Regarding the Chinese Foreign Ministrys statement on Anthrax threat.
2001-11-08 -
Amnesty International [AI] Invites Falun Gong to take Part in Stamp out Torture Theatre Event
2001-10-23 -
International Education Developments Statement Calls Upon the International Community to Urgently Address the Situation of State Terrorism in China
2001-10-21 -
Speech from Friends of Falun Gong (Europe) at London Press Conference on 14 October
2001-10-18Following the terrible acts of terrorism which took place in America on September 11th, it is our view that the actions of the Chinese government towards Falun Gong practitioners over the last 2 years are also considered to be state terrorism.
Letters from the Friends of Falun Gong [Europe]