Letter to the Singapore High Commissioner to UK from Non-governmental Organisation "European Friends of Falun Gong"
2005-05-05We wish to express our extreme concern at the unjustly harsh treatment of Falun Gong practitioners Cheng Lujin and Ng Chye Huay by the Singapore authorities following their recent convictions for ‘Assembling without a permit’ and ‘Possessing and mailing out uncertified VCDs’ in February 2003 in Esplanade Park, Singapore. The pair had since been held in custody pending trial and were convicted on April 27th 2005. Both practitioners appealed against the convictions and were given excessive fines of $20,000 and $24,000 respectively by a court in Singapore.
A Petition from the International Society for Human Rights Calls for Immediate Action to Rescue Jiang Renzheng
2005-05-04On April 9th 2005, Mr. Renzheng was sentenced without trial to three years of forced labour, to be served in a forced labour camp in Benxi City. He was sentenced because he practises Falun Gong and he was charged with “Endangering public security.” Since July 20th 1999, the day when the PRC began the persecution of Falun Gong, more than 100,000 people have been detained. As of April 2005, we are aware of 1,583 verifiable deaths due to torture while held in China’s forced labour camps, police stations and psychiatric clinics. The International Society for Human Right (ISHR) demands the immediate release of Jiang Renzheng.
Speech from the Vice-Chairman of “European Friends of Falun Gong” at a Press Conference to Commemmorate April 25th
2005-04-25Six years ago, on the 25th April 1999, 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners appealed to the Chinese government against the curbing of their basic human rights by gathering in a peaceful protest in Beijing. As a result the Chinese government, under the leadership of then President Jiang Zemin, began its brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. We know that so far at least 1,880 practitioners have died as a result of torture of one form or another at the hands of the authorities since then, while many thousands more still languish in prisons and labour camps throughout the country, unsure of their eventual fate.
United Nations Association Condemns Chinese Government's Human Rights Violations against Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-04-23Representatives of the United Nations Association of the USA, San Diego Chapter delivered speeches on April 8th and 12th, respectively, during the 61st Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva to condemn the Chinese Government's severe human rights violations. The speeches particularly focused on human rights violations against Falun Gong practitioners and pointed out, "The violent persecution against tens of millions of Falun Gong practitioners has gone on for five years...The PRC's outrageous treatment of children of Falun Gong practitioners is a particularly shocking example."
Jiang Renzheng's Situation Arouses Concern from Amnesty International’s Berlin Branch
2005-04-19A branch of Amnesty International located in Berlin recently reported Jiang Renzheng’s situation to the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Amnesty International also revealed to Falun Gong practitioners that the German Embassy in Beijing has already expressed concern about this case to the Chinese Government. Deported back to China by the German Government with wife Guo Rui and their two children on 7th March, Jiang Renzheng was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp a week ago for “having contacts with Falun Gong organisations and damaging social order”.
Official Founding Statement of the Swiss “Friends of Falun Gong” Association
2005-04-02"The Swiss Friends of Falun Gong Association was founded 2030 days after the beginning of the persecution against Falun Gong officially began in China. Swiss Friends of Falun Gong was founded to expose the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners through a number of different activities. FoFG also will expose the truth of the persecution to the general public and will work towards the end of the persecution perpetrated by China. Switzerland’s Friends of Falun Gong intends to give moral support to the Falun Gong practitioners in China. At the same time, this association will participate in the worldwide efforts that call upon the Chinese authorities to end the genocide..."
Press Conference Speech from European Friends of Falun Gong
2005-01-17"During that time more than 1600 practitioners have been tortured to death while in police custody, and the brutal regime of former president Jiang Zemin, has been responsible for the imprisonment of many thousands more practitioners, for doing no more than exercising their constitutional right to freedom of speech and belief. So far the persecution has shown little sign of improving since the new government leader took over nearly two years ago. The continual persecution casts a shameful shadow over mankind which we must do our utmost to expurgate."
“Reporters Without Borders” Condemns the Chinese Regime’s Arrest of Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-01-07The reason the practitioners were arrested by the Chinese authorities is that they posted pictures of how they were tortured in prison on the Internet. Over twenty Falun Gong practitioners have already been put into prison for the same reason. “Reporters Without Borders” believes that Falun Gong practitioners have the right to use the Internet to condemn the violence against them in a country where there is no freedom of information.
France: Practitioners Invited to a Conference by Human Rights Organisations Active in Southeast Asia
2004-12-30Asian human rights organisations exposed the serious human rights violations in authoritarian and communist countries. The ongoing persecution against Falun Gong by Jiang Zemin’s Chinese communist regime raised concern and attracted the attention of every organisation and participant in the conference. The persecution was strongly condemned.
Amnesty International: “Human Rights Issues should be the Core Topic for Discussion between the EU and the Chinese Premier.”
2004-12-15Amnesty International Press Officer Oliver Sutton told Radio Free Asia that Amnesty hopes the European Union can raise the human rights problems to the Chinese leader Wen Jiabao. He continued, “The human rights issue should be the core topic for discussion between the European Union and the Chinese Prime minister. The European Union should urge China not to encroach on human rights activists and should not arrest and detain them. They also ask China to release all detained human rights activists.”
Speech from Non-Governmental Organisation Friends of Falun Gong Europe on World Human Rights Day
2004-12-12"Despite condemnation from many quarters, the Chinese Government, mainly at the instigation of former President Jiang Zemin and also under the present leader Hu Jintao, has conducted a policy of persecution against Falun Gong which has seen over 1000 practitioners die as a result of torture in police custody, and many thousands more still languish in prisons, labour camps and mental hospitals, suffering unspeakably horrific conditions of squalor, torture and deprivation, with little or no prospect of an end to their misery."
Speech on Cham Falun Dafa Day by a Representative of the International Human Rights Association in German
2004-11-27"Falun Gong was introduced to the public in 1992. In 1999, the former Chinese President Jiang Zemin initiated police terrorist activities that included mass arrests, arbitrary execution and the murder of Falun Gong practitioners. The so-called “6-10 Office” ordered the murder, as well as torture and brainwashing. The number of victims of such murder range between 700 and 1,600. This is unbelievable when you consider that in the beginning the Chinese regime supported Falun Gong because of its health benefits to those who practised it. Tens of thousands of innocent Falun Gong practitioners are imprisoned or detained in forced labour camps."
Hamburg’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Regional Chairman Dirk Fisher Declares Support for Falun Gong Practitioners’ Human Rights
2004-11-06"China’s human rights record has been and is still of great concern to us, as it has shown no improvement. Please be assured that the CDU Task Force for the Protection of Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid (on the federal level), within the scope of its mandate, has given great attention to religious freedom and freedom of belief worldwide for many years...During all our activities, be they parliamentary initiatives, media releases and discussions, we have continuously raised the repression of Falun Gong by the Chinese regime."
Letter from Amnesty International’s Danish Branch to the Danish Immigration Office regarding a Falun Gong Practitioner in Denmark Facing Deportation
2004-10-30"According to Amnesty International’s reports, ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners have been subjected to arbitrary detention by the police. From these, many have been subjected to torture or other kinds of mistreatment; furthermore, a lot of people have died while in police custody under uncertain conditions and without being examined by the authorities afterwards."
Statement from "The Committee to Globally Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners" Regarding the Successful Rescue of Falun Gong Practitioners Xiong Wei and Zhou Xuefei
2004-10-15Falun Gong practitioner Ms Xiong Wei, who used to study in Germany, has been successfully rescued from China and arrived in Germany on the 29th of September. Earlier this September, Falun Gong practitioner Zhou Xuefei , the wife of a visiting academic in the US, arrived in USA after three years of inhuman harassment in a labour camp in China, as a result of many efforts made to rescue her.