Belgium: Renowned Lawyer Georges-Henri Beauthier talks about the Progress of the Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-10-14The law requires the federal prosecutor to make a decision regarding four set stipulations. He did not mention that China violates international human rights conventions, nor did he mention that China does not sentence criminals fairly. Both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have pointed out that these illegal acts exist in China.
Sweden: More People stand up to Defend the Human Rights of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-10-08Since practitioners exposed the Gothenburgs Chinese consulates attempts to stop a local radio station from broadcasting Falun Gong Time by using Sino-Swedish relations as a threat, people from various parts of Sweden have expressed great concern about the issue. Various media organisations continued to report on the news for days. Parliamentary members, professors of law and human rights organisations have commented on the issue one after another by condemning this act by the Chinese consulate that disregarded Swedish law and violated a democratic countrys freedom of speech.
Message from a Swedish Member of Amnesty International: You have done very well. I wish you success!
2003-10-05In China, "people are being killed because they appeal to the government and because they are part of a peaceful group. In the distant land of Sweden, the Chinese Consul is using the ship from Guangzhou that is sailing to Gothenburg as an excuse to not let us speak and is also telling the local radio station to follow in the footsteps of the Chinese consulate and change what they broadcast. This was a threat and the consulate should be punished."
Director of the International Centre of Culture in Albania: I want to express my solidarity with the Falun Dafa movement.
2003-10-01She likes Zhang Cuiyings works not only because of the quality but also because of the spirit of the paintings. Theyre nothing to do with politics - different meanings come from her heart. She is also sympathetic to Cuiying, who was a victim of brutal persecution at the hands of Jiang Zemins regime because she practises Falun Dafa.
Finland: A Righteous Human Rights Lawyer
2003-10-01Today I am entrusted by the Falun Dafa Association of Finland to hand in a lawsuit against Luo Gan for crimes of genocide and torture and for the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China...I think this business is to preserve justice for mankind. A criminal who has committed such crimes as genocide, will have to face the consequence of being arrested while visiting a foreign country.
Finnish People Support Falun Gong during Luo Gan's Visit
2003-09-29In the afternoon, practitioners went to the airport and held a peaceful demonstration as Luo Gan arrived in Rovaniemi. A journalist and a photographer from one of the largest newspapers came to Lapland to interview us. The next day there was a large article on the first page in one of Laplands largest newspapers.
UK Human Rights Groups and Public Support Practitioners' Family Rescue Campaign
2003-09-15In recent weeks, UK Falun Gong practitioners have received many completed petition forms from British people and human rights groups, in support for their campaign to free family members and friends who have been incarcerated in China, usually without any trial, for exercising their rights of freedom of belief and speech.
UK Lawyers Support the Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin
2003-09-14A lot of solicitors are very interested in the lawsuit against Jiang. Many answered the letters, providing suggestions and useful information. Some expressed a wish to meet Falun Gong practitioners so that they could talk further. Practitioners also received supportive letters from MPs, suggesting people that they should contact.
Russia: A Gift for Local Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-09-10On one occasion, a local T.V station interviewed a practitioner about our activity and also agreed to make a documentary on Falun Dafa. After a few days, the T.V station sent the finished documentary on tape to a practitioner, together with a gift. The gift was an ornate white jade plate with the words I love Falun Dafa written on it.
Ireland: Speech by Psychiatrist Declan Lyons on the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-08-17"What is happening today in China, however, is the blatant misuse of psychiatry to act as a direct agent of social control and to be a tool of that states suppression of Falun Gong. Since the start of the persecution 4 years ago, a steady stream of practitioners have been labelled as mentally ill and been detained involuntarily in state forensic psychiatric hospitals...We know of between 1500-2000 such admissions of Falun Gong practitioners where families have refuted the presence of any mental illness."
Greece: A Kind-hearted and Sincere Man
2003-08-02Early this year, Mr. Fannos personally wrote a letter to the former vice secretary general, Hu Jin-Tao, asking him to follow public opinion and stop the persecution of Falun Gong; the letter was returned. Mr. Fannos once again wrote a letter to the Chinese ambassador accredited to Greece, Mr. Tang Keqi and requested he pass on the information. The letter was returned again on May 22. As a result of Mr. Fannos criticism of human rights in China, his computer in his shipping and travel company was attacked by a hacker.
UK: An Old Chinese Man is Happy to Stand on the Side of Justice and Oppose Jiang’s Brutal Crimes
2003-07-31Mr. Wang excitedly waved his fist in the air and said, “Though I don’t practise Falun Gong, I want to join your activities if I ever get the chance!” I looked at him in astonishment. He continued, “I want to defend Falun Gong against injustice! Why does the Chinese government treat Falun Gong this way? You are all peaceful, kind, and you never use violence.” When I looked at Mr. Wang’s majestic figure, I smiled from my heart.
Representatives of Students at Three Irish Universities Speak at Irish Practitioners Press Conference
2003-07-25"Two years ago, the Students of Trinity College Dublin spoke out in huge numbers against the terrible regime of persecution and torture against Falun Gong practitioners in China...Trinity College Students Union would like to pledge our support to the Falun Gong/Falun Dafa movement, and we will do our best to reclaim the level of awareness we saw two years ago."
France: Telling the Facts to Celebrities on the Reporters Association Charity Night
2003-07-21Those who learned the truth about the persecution were shocked. Some of them said, Why are they so cruel? Others said, We support you. You are doing very well, and should continue with that. More of them suggested that we keep in touch with them to have further discussions.
Cultural Revolution-Style Attack Amidst the SARS Crisis -- Another Round of Slander Against Falun Gong from Xinhua Net
2003-06-19We all know how SARS spread in China and to foreign countries, leading to hundreds of deaths. This happened because Jiang's regime covered up the epidemic during the Sixteenth Congress last year and during the Two Conferences this year. The title of the Xinhua Net's article reads, "Impervious to the Sense of Justice." I think this is reminding all of us of the true nature of the Jiang group's cover-up of the epidemic and their usual callousness toward human life.