For Years I Have Supported My Wife in Her Practice of Falun Gong
2004-04-11I located the Labour Education Committee in Kunming City, and asked them where my wife was being detained. They informed me that if I was not happy with her sentence, I could appeal for reconsideration. I told them that if this was a place with justice, my wife would not have been arrested, where else could I go to appeal? No one there could answer me.
Message from German Lawyer at a Rally in Karlsruhe City Centre
2004-03-25On Saturday March the 6th, more than 50 Falun Gong practitioners from Karlsruhe and the surrounding cities held a rally in the Market Square in Karlsruhe city. They let people know about progress in the criminal indictment filed in the German Federal Procuratorate in Karlsruhe against the former Chinese President Jiang and his accomplices. Practitioners also collected signatures to support this lawsuit. Many NGOs gave speeches to express their support. The following is a speech made by a human rights lawyer Wolfgang Kaleck.
Swedish Liberal Party: "We Are Eager to Understand More About Falun Gong!"
2004-03-19In the latter half of February 2004, a western Dafa practitioner received a phone call from the Swedish Liberal Party, inviting practitioners to join their meeting and introduce Falun Gong to them. A party representative said that they were very eager to understand more about Falun Gong and why it is being persecuted in China.
Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era": Genocide against Falun Gong in the Context of the Supposedly “Reformed” Chinese Legal System
2004-03-06"The crimes of the Chinese Government against the practitioners of Falun Gong are not in dispute. There is no doubt that the vicious and gratuitous violence perpetrated on those who simply speak in favour of the movement or hold up Falun Gong banners, the incarceration, torture and mass murder of Falun Gong adherents, together with the government and media campaign of hatred and vitriol against them, combine to meet the legal definition of “Genocide”. What is difficult for many international observers to reconcile is how this can occur in a country which is described by many influential opinion makers as having made huge and rapid strides in implementing the rule of law."
Delegates at Human Rights Convention in Lyons Express Support for Falun Gong
2004-02-29The conference delegates expressed concerns on the issue of human rights in China, particularly in relation to Falun Gong. Many of them knew what happened during the Chinese New Year in Paris after hearing about it on the TV or radio. Due to lies and pressure created by Jiang’s regime, French policemen had treated Falun Gong practitioners in a manner which violated human rights and opposed the founding principles of the French nation.
Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era" by German Lawyer Wolfgang Kaleck
2004-02-28The International Conference on “Genocide in the New Era”, organised by “Friends of Falun Gong Europe” and “International Advocates for Justice”, took place in Sweden’s capital, Stockholm from January 26th to January 28th 2004. This is one of the conference speeches by Wolfgang Kaleck, a German lawyer who has worked on legal actions against the chief persecutors of Falun Gong practitioners.
Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era" by Harry Wu
2004-02-27The International Conference on “Genocide in the New Era”, organised by “Friends of Falun Gong Europe” and “International Advocates for Justice”, took place in Sweden’s capital, Stockholm from January 26th to January 28th 2004. This is one of the conference speeches by Chinese dissident Harry W who is the author of two best-selling books and is one of the world’s foremost Chinese dissidents. His experience is grounded in 19 years as a political prisoner in China. In the 1990’s, Harry returned to China several times to document human rights abuses and in 1995 he was detained, causing international outcry.
Sweden: First Attaché of the French Embassy Apologises to Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-02-11The First Attaché expressed deep regret and said, “I cannot say why the French Government did this. Here, I express my deep regret to you. I will send your letter to the French President immediately, and I think all Falun Gong practitioners who were arrested in Paris should go to France and ask the French Government for a reason.”
Lawyers' Open Letter to the Government of France
2004-01-31"...we would like to call on the government of France to immediately initiate an investigation of this incident, and to ensure that essential human rights to freedom of association and freedom of belief are fully respected. France has been known as a democratic country with a long-standing history of liberty and freedom. What occurred yesterday brings doubt to the free world that France intends to respect that history."
All Sections of European Society Support Falun Gong Practitioners' Legal Rights in Paris
2004-01-28Some advocates stated in their letters that they were surprised to hear that the Chinese Embassy in Paris attempted to put pressure on France, the first country to advocate human rights, in order to stop Falun Gong practitioners taking part in the Chinese New Year celebration activities. The Falun Gong Association in France is a legally registered group and it has won the recognition of the French government for peacefully observing and obeying the law in the past four years.
German People are Glad to Hear that Xiong Wei has been Released
2004-01-20One German practitioner described the responses he received after he telling people that Xiong Wei had been released. “After hearing the news of Xiong Wei’s release, I went to several stores where I put the “Free Xiong Wei” postcards and told them the good news. I express my appreciation to them by giving the workers Dafa postcards with pictures of Lilies on them.
Germany: Many Politicians and People in the Legal Community are Concerned about the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-12-29In October of 2003, German Dafa practitioners wrote letters to 3,246 German judges, 2,400 criminal lawyers, 192 professors of criminal law, and some members of Parliament in order to tell them about Jiang Zemin and the government officials who, together with policemen, have persecuted Falun Gong in China and are to be charged with crimes of Genocide and Torture.
Ireland: Irish Student Organisations Appeal for Falun Gong Practitioners Suffering Persecution in China
2003-12-02The rally was followed by a march to the Irish Prime Minister’s Office, where representatives of eight Students’ Unions and Societies from USI and major Dublin universities handed in a co-signed letter. They then went on to the Chinese Embassy to hand in a letter appealing for justice but the Embassy officials refused to accept it.
Letter from Dublin Students to the Irish Prime Minister: "Ireland should do all in its power to help bring this absurd persecution to an early end."
2003-12-01"The campaign directed at eradicating Falun Gong is a systematic state terrorism and a policy that has drained China's fragile economy. The assurances given in the EU China dialogue over the past few years have changed nothing on the ground; everyday new death cases are being received. The Chinese consulates and officials even continue to spread slanderous material concerning Falun Gong in the hope that this will incite hatred or at least doubt in the minds of overseas politicians. Indeed politicians in Ireland have received such material. Their aim is clear: To justify their campaign against the practice so that they can continue their brutal suppression and genocide while escaping condemnation from the international community."
UK: Human Rights Lawyer Joins Practitioners to File a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-11-02A UK human rights lawyer has agreed to work on a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, which has been initiated by UK Falun Gong practitioners. The lawyer has started the due process and begun to prepare information. Some other High Court human rights lawyers also showed strong interest and support for the case. They expressed shock at the horrific persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and wished practitioners success.